I was wondering everybody's favourite websites, specifically top 5 you like to visit!!!
Not just for interest sake, but maybe to see some of the best websites available that some of us may not be aware of & probably should
Of course you can place ATS in there but I had already assumed that's in all our top 5's, nevertheless it's your top 5 so feel free to keep it in
No particular order for mine...
Ask A Mathematician Or Physisist
Questions are asked of Mathematicians & Physicists and they do their best to answer them!!!
Also long lists of topics full of already asked questions...
A good site to get a quick educational overview of pretty much anything in Maths or Physics!!!
Above Top Secret
We all know & love the site, absolutely no introduction needed!!!
Space Answers
Another very informative site, which again answers many questions you'd think of and some you probably wouldn't...
From The Solar System to Deep Space & everything Astronomical between!!!
Funny little website with some interesting, informative & often hilarious articles ranging from Science, to Movies, to the Wild... All sorts of
learning & laughter to be had!!!
Chinese News Outlet... I suppose we all have our favoured Media choice
If I had to recommend one it'd definitely be Ask A Mathematician, so much to explore on the site!!!
Have fun surfing!!!
Peace everybody!!!
edit on 8-5-2014 by CharlieSpeirs because: Auto-Correct!!!