posted on May, 8 2014 @ 02:24 AM
a reply to:
Surely this is a discussion where no one opposing opinion can be right.
People when borne are told they are guilty of original sin. So they are guilty before they learn to talk, walk use the toilet etc so - they are
sinners, the lowest of the low, accordingf to the pious.
When someone gets over the cowed sinner psyche and develops their own ideas and values, then they can be accused of pride, another sin. So with an
ego one also has sinned - can you win - did anyone think Christ deciding to teach must have had an ego in order to tell people what was right and
wrong.. He couldnt win either on this level of judgement.
Life is all about the reason for the prodigal son, one starts with the father, learns about life and goes it alone and then returns to the father. If
we weren't created to experience exactly that, what were we created for?