posted on Oct, 10 2014 @ 12:42 AM
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S^F thanks for the great video.
I was based at Langley when the Airforce first got their F-15s
There were many demo airshows for the brass and dignitaries.
We had just returned from the pentagon and I had a 2 star (who was a friend) and a Army Major on board who hated just about everything that had an
airforce logo on it.
As an F-15 was departing Langley the Major started a rant about how many tanks the Army could buy for the cost of one F-15... I listened for a bit and
in the true tradition of not giving a crap I finally told him that he was correct on the cost but one F-15 could take-out his 5 battle tanks..
I liked pricking majors who thought they would make Colonel by spouting off about crap they did not know anything about especially if my 2 star was
standing next to me laughing and grinning.. The major did not make Colonel and was forced out at 18 years... No military retirement for him which was
sad, but it happened to many Majors..
I used to love turn and burn.. Boom and zoom did not do much for the ego but it probably was a smarter way to go..