posted on May, 7 2014 @ 04:38 PM
Hi All,
I'm not sure which forum to put requests like this into so if it needs to be moved please do so.
I'm looking for a video I believe I seen at least a year ago that I first seen here, on ATS. It was a YouTube video and it involved an interrogation
of an old man. It's about half an hour long and is all acting.
There is a woman and a man interrogating the old man in a small room and I believe he was purported to be an alien in the movie.
I'm sure the video is titled something like "Room 846" or "Door 342". Something along those lines, with Room or Door at the start and then a
It's been in my head the past few days and I can't seem to find it anywhere. If anyone knows of it then please let me know, I remember thinking it
was really good at the time.
Thank you!