posted on May, 6 2014 @ 05:51 AM
Black magic has traditionally referred to the use of supernatural powers or magic for evil and selfish purposes. One must never touch this kind
of magic, as it always has disastrous consequences, however It can be countered with positive energy
But unfortunately, there are people who touch it through pure wickedness. You must not believe it is an illusion, a superstition; it is real. There
are people who know how to do magic and do it, and with their magic they obtain altogether detestable results.... It is understood of course that when
you have no fear and remain under protection, you are sheltered. But there is a “when”, there is a condition, and then if the condition is not
always fulfilled, very unpleasant things may happen. So long as you are in a state full of strength, full of purity—that is, in a state of
invincibility, if anybody does anything against you, that falls back upon him automatically, as when you throw a tennis-ball against the wall, it
comes back to you; the thing comes back to them exactly in the same way, sometimes with a greater force, and they are punished by their own
But naturally it all depends on the person against whom the magic is done, on his inner force and purity. And in such cases, in order to resist, one
must be, a warrior in the vital, that is, a spiritual fighter in the vital. All who do yoga sincerely must become that, and when they do become that,
they are altogether sheltered. But one of the conditions for becoming it is never to have bad will or a bad thought towards others. For if you have a
bad feeling or bad will or a bad thought, you come down to their level and when you are on the same level with them, well, you may receive blows from
Now, without going to that extreme, there are in the physical atmosphere, the earth-atmosphere, numerous small entities which you do not see, for your
sight is too limited, but which move about in your atmosphere. Some of them are quite nice, others very wicked. Generally these little entities are
produced by the disintegration of vital beings—they populate—and these form quite an unpleasant mass. There are some which do very fine things.
But all of them are not so good. Some of them like to play ugly little tricks, wicked little pranks. And so most often it is they who are behind an
accident. They like little accidents, they like the whole whirl of forces that gather round an accident: a mass of people, you know, it is very
amusing! And then that gives them their food, because, in reality, they feed upon human vitality thrown out of the body by emotions and excitements.
So they say: just a small accident, it is quite nice, many accidents!...
And then if there is a group of such small entities, they may clash with one another, because among themselves they do not have a very peaceful life:
clashing with one another, fighting, destroying, demolishing each other. And that is the origin of microbes. They are forces of disintegration. But
they continue to be alive even in their divided forms and this is the origin of germs and microbes. Therefore most microbes have behind them a bad
will and that is what makes them so dangerous. And unless one knows the quality and kind of bad will and is capable of acting upon it, there is a
ninety-nine per cent chance of not finding the true and complete remedy. The microbe is a very material expression of something living in a subtle
physical world and that is why these very microbes …that are always around you, within you, for years together do not make you ill and then suddenly
they make you fall ill.
There is another reason. The origin of the microbes and their support lie in a disharmony, in the being’s receptivity to the adverse force.
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