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PC wins over substance; all girl black debate team wins by NOT debating the given topic

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posted on May, 6 2014 @ 07:34 PM
a reply to: FortAnthem

Don't get me wrong. I'm no shrinking violet, but when you have a 3 year old who picked up "damn it" after hearing his father use it just once and proceeded to make it his new favorite phrase for a couple months ... you get a bit picky about what you let him hear.

posted on May, 6 2014 @ 07:36 PM
Well, I have to be honest. It probably is the best debate ever. We actually watched it. Even if it is off topic, irrelevant, and completely racist.

posted on May, 6 2014 @ 08:40 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: FortAnthem

Don't get me wrong. I'm no shrinking violet, but when you have a 3 year old who picked up "damn it" after hearing his father use it just once and proceeded to make it his new favorite phrase for a couple months ... you get a bit picky about what you let him hear.

I happen to agree with you; that kind of language is not appropriate in any type of civilized discourse. Your kids should not have been exposed to it and the person posting that vid should have included a profanity warning.

Its unfortunate that debate at the college level has devolved to such a state. I wouldn't believe it if I hadn't seen it for myself. That's why vids like that are necessary; people need to be shocked by the reality of where our society is going and what is considered acceptable in college debate today. Without shocking examples like that, we probably wouldn't come to realize how bad things have gotten today.

posted on May, 6 2014 @ 09:08 PM
a reply to: FortAnthem

I watched the video and the first minute, I didn't know if she has Tourette's Syndrome or she was speaking in tongues. I have no idea what she even said.

In civil discourse you use the big person words, and not with your outside voice.

posted on May, 6 2014 @ 09:15 PM
a reply to: WarminIndy

Now, now, you are showing your privilege. I actually had a college class when I was being prepared to teach inner city school that taught that speaking loudly (outside voice) was a part of poverty culture, so telling kids of inner city backgrounds to speak softly was being culturally insensitive. :rolleyes:

posted on May, 6 2014 @ 09:30 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: WarminIndy

Now, now, you are showing your privilege. I actually had a college class when I was being prepared to teach inner city school that taught that speaking loudly (outside voice) was a part of poverty culture, so telling kids of inner city backgrounds to speak softly was being culturally insensitive. :rolleyes:

Poverty culture?

Wait a sec, I grew up in a white trash family from a bunch of rednecks. LOL.

What is this privilege again and am I permitted to use the outside voice because I came from a poverty culture? I also have the privilege to address police officers as Sir or Ma'am, also calling older people that, respecting the elderly, and speaking softly to small children.

Just today I saw a little boy and his mother who had just visited his grandmother in my building, when I asked "How are you doing today?" He replied "Two" and then after chuckling I said back to him "Yes, sometimes I feel like two also". Then he told me "Good-bye, see you later". What privilege am I showing him, he is black and his mother is as well, but I used the soft voice when talking to him.

It doesn't matter what children come into my building, whether white, black or Hispanic, I always address them politely and gently and sometimes they smile or try to hide behind their mothers, but when I am gentle with them, they know it and they are as gentle when speaking back to me.

posted on May, 6 2014 @ 09:47 PM

originally posted by: Domo1
La la la I can't hear you! It's a double negative with the prefix ir and the suffix less. Just because some ridiculous person from before times decided to mix irrespective and regardless doesn't make it OK!

Irregardless. Pffft. Dictionaries need to keep out the riffraff.

Also, nonstandard word meaning it's not a REAL word, just one commonly used.

How do you feel about truthiness?

posted on May, 6 2014 @ 09:55 PM
a reply to: FortAnthem

Bob was just posting the video for me, so that's my fault. I'm really sorry about that Ketsuko. Also, I hope you both understand he was being sarcastic. He definately has no white guilt either. On many of his vids the sarcasm is hard to detect because he sounds like he's being serious.

Sorry again

posted on May, 6 2014 @ 10:23 PM
a reply to: Domo1

LOL Domo1 that has gotta be one of the funniest videos I've seen in a longgggg time. Thanks so much for posting it. This makes me feel 100 times better about DROPPING OUT OF COLLEGE! Lmao what a joke!

posted on May, 6 2014 @ 10:27 PM
a reply to: BanTv

Nothing to be sorry about. That was a good vid that really shows how bad debate has gotten in the college environment.

The only problem is ATS is a family friendly site so vids or links like that should contain a profanity warning of some sort. People who come here don't expect to be exposed to that kind of language without warning and may get in trouble if they click on a vid like that while at work or while the little ones are near.

The vid contributed to this thread in a constructive manner by exposing a truth people should be aware of. Unfortunately, exposing the truth isn't always work or kid friendly.

posted on May, 6 2014 @ 11:38 PM
Video removed. Why would anyone have complained to youtube? Are they not proud of these young ladies?

posted on May, 6 2014 @ 11:43 PM
Ricardo Saenz had removed it on a copyright claim but he is posing as a nonprofit fundraiser trying to publicize the debate. Is he some kind of scammer? Why wouldn't he welcome all the free publicity?

"Keep it up! Tweet, share, like, email, whatever you can think of to keep getting the word out."
edit on 6-5-2014 by Deny Arrogance because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2014 @ 11:55 PM
a reply to: phinubian

"it's been also proven that many of the slaves were taken forcibly have you done any extensive research on this subject or are you just being a parrot "

No I am talking about the very long, well documented history of the slave trade out of Africa. Going back 4000 years. To Europe and Arab nations. Where MOST of the slaves were sold. Not caught in nets or other such Made for TV BS.

Maybe your US- centric history books only go back as far as 1492.

So funny you actually think a bunch of white guys went into deep dark Africa with nets. With a mission to catch people and bring them back.

You obviously have ZERO respect for real tribes peoples hunting and evasion skills.

posted on May, 7 2014 @ 12:08 AM
So when they going to have a UFC debate team.

It would have the most articulate trash talk ever.

posted on May, 7 2014 @ 12:24 AM
This looks a lot like this

How are these people even in a debate? It sounds like a really bad poetry slam bs session.

The first guy literally starts off by rapping a tupac song.

Mind u the video was deleted by the time I got here so I was forced to find the full 4 hour long version on youtube and skim through it.

When the "winner" started her debate, I was stunned. She sounded like she was borderline retarded. Nothing made any sense, and it was hardly even legible. I can almost guarantee those judges didn't understand 95% of what she said, but it sounded passionate, and "blacker" than the other guy, therefor she won.

PS: Im not a racist. Im white, I grew up in a community with almost no whites, my best friend for 20 years is a Hatian. if he saw this he'd probably laugh his ass off too.

posted on May, 7 2014 @ 12:28 AM

originally posted by: Deny Arrogance
Video removed. Why would anyone have complained to youtube? Are they not proud of these young ladies?

Dammit, I hate YouTube when they do stuff like this.

Here's a link to the original Fox interview
First All-African American Women's Debate Team Wins National

Here's a link to the entire debate (if you really want to punish yourself)
2014 CEDA Final Round

The girls start their debate at about the 1:45:00 mark

Check 'em out before they get pulled as well.

posted on May, 7 2014 @ 01:44 AM
Hey GusD,

I'm a white female grad student in a STEM field at a university in California. I do feel like a minority here because 80-90 percent of my classes are male and specifically Asian males, but that's a different issue. I'm sorry that you have had that experience. You shouldn't be made to feel guilty about existing. About 15 years ago, indoctrination was a hot topic, but it seems to have died down and, unfortunately, the indoctrinators won.

I just wanted to advise you to stick to STEM and steer clear of social sciences. Most of my professors are white males. Sure, they are probably all raging liberals, but politics are almost never discussed. Getting more women involved in my major is always encouraged, and I think some male students might resent it, but it's not done from a position of blaming men, at least I haven't seen much of that.

If you intend on continuing to law school, which I'm inferring from your post, keep in mind that math majors have been shown to do better there than poli sci or sociology majors anyway. And having a tech degree is a lot more marketable in case you don't go to law school.

Maybe I should encourage you to stay in social science to try and change things, and if you feel so inclined, I wish you well. It might help to document your experiences, by recording your classes, for example, and take your case to the administration and to the media.

But if you want to take a more pragmatic approach to preserve your sanity, change your major to STEM.

originally posted by: gusdynamite
This is slightly off-topic, but I think relevant. I am a 35 year old adult university student in Melbourne, Australia and tomorrow morning, I have an appointment to speak with a student counsellor. This will be the first in a few steps which will hopefully put me on a path to change my undergraduate bachelor degree - I'm currently majoring in different social sciences.

This is only my second year, I'm mid-way through the first semester and since late last year I have been having that burning, gut instinct that something isn't right. I began wondering why - for the first time in my life - I was experiencing white guilt (Having been born and raised in New Zealand and naturalized Australian at 23 I simply had never been exposed to the concept of white guilt, or even what much of the rest of the world might traditionally deem as racism).

My Mum asked me what the matter was over my visit at Christmas, as she could see signs which I didn't realise were so externally obvious. The best I could tell her was that I was so stressed out, because feeling like a rich, white, paedophile. Many child abuse incidents have come to light in NZ recently and thus, my relationship with my own Nephew and Nieces was forced to change - if only to protect myself. This never-the-less gutted me and broke my heart.

I explained to Mum that if i was forced to stay in a degree course simply because I was now obligated to pay for it, that I would use every ounce of my strength once graduated to advocate for men's rights. She was curious, but I think she understood where I was going and I explain to her exactly this: Universities are not for learning, they are for indoctrinating. Mum, it is a daily, constant battle to filter out the militant degradation of men by the mostly female faculty - but sometimes even by the males. Heaven forbid one should be male and white, because you're expected by default to despise your own ancestry and heritage.

These people have no idea of my heritage or whether I belong to a particular minority - they make huge assumptions and have replace lectures with powerpoint presented instructions on how to address yours' and others' rich, white male shortcomings.

I wanted to work in a role where I could advocate for everyone. I wanted to put aside any prejudice I had previously entertained and be of assistance to all who came to me for it. I wanted to be taught how to do this - because that is what universities are for, right?

Wrong, not anymore.

If anyone's bothered to make it this far, I hope you don't come away from reading and think that I'm just another rich, white, privileged male with a chip on his shoulder - please consider the case may be the complete opposite. I only wanted to give a personal ( as personal as possible know) account of my own experiences within the education system here and that I believe our youth are not being taught, but brainwashed.

posted on May, 7 2014 @ 01:50 AM
a reply to: Danbones

Google Detroit city hall meetings. That should give you a pretty clear idea.

posted on May, 7 2014 @ 03:14 AM
Oh my gucci I am rofling over here, what did i just watch?? Never knew it was this bad.

This thread made my week, not necessarily the debate but some of the bu77hurt reactions on here, whining about the future of your Academia. In Europe we are laughing at the American school system for a long time now. You guys are known to be a couple of levels below ours..not to mention east-european education system which is not even comparable.

So i wonder, a couple of pages reading here and the focus is on the black debate team which is admittedly bad. But what about the Harvard video? It is much worse & totally not understandable yet noone mentioned it except the member who posted the vid. What's up with that?

It is much more dangerous for a top university debate to be that bad..than a couple of rap style mid-class nobody cares about debates?
Or i am not seeing the whole picture here?
edit on 7-5-2014 by Exitt because: .

posted on May, 7 2014 @ 03:37 AM
a reply to: Exitt

i thought we had reached a general consensus, pages ago, that hyperventilating, and loudly jibbering unintelligible nonsense at a thousand miles an hour, was not proper debate, but chaos and ear/brain rape...

ANY debate, where that's the way it's done, is absolutely awful...

and i'm sorry if anyone is offended, but the black teams shown in the OP were especially bad, because they didn't debate the topic, kept talking about crazy s**t, and using the word ni**er....that's not debate's idiocy...

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