posted on May, 5 2014 @ 10:14 AM
a reply to:
I too live in the UK and firstly thanks for inviting the worlds worst to our small island. its not like we're already struggling to keep people away,
but more to your post.
I agree that the UK law is pretty much a joke anyway, and yeah this bloke being let out is also a joke and he should have been locked up and the key
lost down the deepest darkest well known to man, but to call ours the worst or a joke is ridiculous.
just look at the middle east, for stealing peoples hands are cut off, thats HANDS, and women who sleep around can be stoned to death STONED to death.
Russia, China they just lock people away for the fun of it, and in case you wanna say that you meant the western world then lets look to America, they
have the death penalty, they kill criminals who kill, not much sense in that, (Although they believe in the old eye for an eye deal), they recently
had a guy who commit countless rapes on a kid who went and killed herself and he was given I think it was either a suspended sentence or a few weeks
cant remember which (although apparently that's being over turned), they let off celebrities with just a couple days in prison and those are the ones
that I can think of while writing this.
I'm sure if people did their own research you would find America, and many countries in Europe and the world that let criminal scum out of prison,
not I'm not attacking your theory but to label an entire legal system a joke is annoying when you claim that we're the worst. Remember celebrities
in America such as Chris Brown who beat the crap out of Rhianna (i think that's her name) wasn't even arrested, Paris hilton spent a couple days in
prison the first few times.
Again I agree our law might be flawed and closer to a joke than I'd like but I would like to remind you that there are far worse countries with
ridiculous legal systems in the world.
(I'm a proud Brit and will defend this country from ridicule unless its a proven point. I'm agreeing with your theory to an extent but not that
we're the worst)