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sin and be popular, or be good and alone?

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posted on May, 6 2014 @ 03:58 AM
Had this problem all through highschool about what was right and who to be like. I kept finding myself going from being really good, to really disenchanted and back again which I think in the long run wasn't healthy for me.

I would say like all things the perfect amount of good vs. bad is probably somewhere in between these two. I found that to overcome this situation I had to become more honest with myself and accepting that I'm going to be different to others whether I like it or not, and about what I really wanted and who I really wanted to be rather than trying to fit in with a certain ideal or group of people.

Back to your question, I think you need to decide more of who you want to be rather than deciding based on what other people consider to be ideals or inherently 'right'. I found that once I was able to accept myself for being the way I am and doing things I wanted to do and I became ok with this, the people who ended up being my real best friends came into my life. Hope this helps

edit on 6-5-2014 by Xydusa because: Remembered something

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