posted on Aug, 3 2014 @ 10:27 AM
a reply to:
Until someone has sat down with a cup of tea, or really spent some time with a person like Putin, you can really truly never know, myself, I served in
the military around the same time Putin was in the KGB, and part of the cat and mouse game was, ducking spetznatz and Soviet Military Liason Mission
vehicles and personnel, to me Putin probably is like any old dog, you cannot teach them new tricks and his thinking and what is at the core of what
makes him tick, is a product of his experiences and training and also witnessed the fall of the Soviet Union, utterly destroyed economy, and
I think he does a good job at putting an image out there, that somehow fools many into either feeling sorry for him, or even worse what has happened
recently many U.S. citizens think he is somehow a great leader and is only doing the right things as what he did in Crimea or even worse some would
choose him as their president.
For the generation that saw nothing of the cold war, or maybe were born say in the late 80's to them Russia is completely different than the people
that actually experienced the cold war years, so I think their opinion might be empathy for Putin, that generation has no knowledge of the Warsaw pact
and the tension that existed outside of a history class, it is a completely different world.
Critics of Russia or American politicians that quickly show much caution when dealing with Russia are more apt to be seen as making a fuss about
nothing to someone that has zero knowledge of the history of what led up to the fall of the Berlin Wall and what was referred to as the Iron Curtain
and the history of the U.S. and the Soviet Union.
I really have no opinion on Putin, I can't get inside of his head and even more important he was one of highest ranking individuals in the Russian
Intelligence services and his whole world view has been formed as a result of being cut from that cloth, he feels slighted by the breakup of the
Soviet Union, that is an axe he definitely might have to grind, and something that would be a plus for him to restore to some extent, as bad as west
does not want that situation.
edit on 3-8-2014 by phinubian because: thumbs down for putin