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Thanks Obamacare! No "urgent care" for me

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posted on May, 2 2014 @ 11:25 AM
Let me start by saying my definition of "urgent care" does not include waiting for 6 hours to be seen by a doctor who, after almost no testing, says "Well, we just don't know why you have a hole in you kneecap. Call me if you have any other problems. Bye." ...and then charges me $1600 for the experience, without any diagnosis or resolution. That's what happened to me 3 years ago when I was without health insurance for a month and had to go to "County General" hospital in San Francisco, one of the creepiest, scariest places I've ever been.

Bear with me, and fast forward to yesterday...I've had Obamacare/Anthem for 4 months now, paying $400/month for a Bronze plan since my employer could no longer afford to maintain reasonable health coverage. This week, I contracted (embarrassing, please don't make fun) a UTI. 'Tried to cure it with a natural approach but yesterday developed dizziness and a fever that began spiking one degree every half hour. When the thermometer hit close to 104, I grew alarmed and looked up urgent care/ER facilities that would accept my insurance. The only facility in the entire city of San Francisco that would accept my insurance was -- you guessed it -- County General.

So, I was faced with spending a miserable night in a packed waiting room among violent shouting tweakers and people who smell so awful that you have to move across the room or gag, only for a crap shoot result of maybe having my problem resolved. 'Will probably be lambasted for this, but I took some antibiotics from my cabinet, instead. (They were some that I refused to take some months ago because of the side effects, and still had on hand. Bad girl, Grace, but I'm glad that I did!)

The point is: What an AWFUL decision to have to make!! Insult to injury, County General is known to grossly overcharge people and with my Bronze-level $5000 deductible, it would all be out-of-pocket. Money is not always the most important thing, obviously, but what does it say about our healthcare situation that we have to make such choices and factor in these things when we have a raging fever?

posted on May, 2 2014 @ 11:35 AM
Wow. $400 per month?

Nope. No way.

I haven't bought "insurance" and won't. If I have medical issues to deal with it will just be out of pocket. Luckily I've been healthy for a very long time. Anything can happen, but I'll take my chances and keep my money.

posted on May, 2 2014 @ 11:36 AM
First, let me say I'm really sorry about your health problems.

Second, this is just another example that the entire point of Obarrycare is to transfer wealth to corporations while bankrupting the middle class and giving them nothing of value.

Obarrycare is a double-edged sword. On one end it siphons money from the people into the coffers of big government and the insurance-industrial complex. On another, it's just another soft-kill method used to cull people from society.

By pricing heath-care outside the capacity of people to pay (a 5k deductible is OBSCENE!), it only destroys the ability of people to seek treatment for their issues. So to bastardize a quote from Ross Perot, that dripping sound you hear is money trickling out of your pocket. And that steady beeeeeeeeeep that comes next is the millions of people who'll flatline when they suffer serious health concerns can't afford the out-of-pocket costs for their "affordable" health care.

This legislation is anti-human. These criminals in government are out of control.

If not for a population dumbed-down on fluoride and heavy metals and entertainment at a sixth grade level, we would've seen a revolution long ago. As it currently stands, even with everything the globalists have done to keep the population pacified and inert, as much as I hate the thought of it, that revolution won't be long in the coming.
edit on 2-5-2014 by JonButtonIII because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 2 2014 @ 11:41 AM
a reply to: graceunderpressure

I can relate to what you went trough.

My premium was $475 and a $2000 deductible with a $10-$20 co-pay for prescription drugs.

NOW I pay $550 and a $5000 deductible and a $6000 deductible for prescription drugs before the co-pay kicks in!

posted on May, 2 2014 @ 12:13 PM
Again our government screws thing up.
And as usual they are trying to fix the wrong problem.
People don't have insurance because it's to pricy, it's pricy because medical care costs so damn much. Fix the cost of medical care! That's how you give people a real chance to have insurance.

posted on May, 2 2014 @ 12:22 PM

originally posted by: JamesTheScribe
Wow. $400 per month?

Nope. No way.

I haven't bought "insurance" and won't. If I have medical issues to deal with it will just be out of pocket. Luckily I've been healthy for a very long time. Anything can happen, but I'll take my chances and keep my money.

Thanks so much, everyone, for your replies.

James, I had the same mindset originally, until I learned that the IRS will penalize me for not getting this wretched excuse for coverage. I decided to pay the tax now, since that's really what it is, instead of paying it later. Are you concerned about the tax consequences? (Read = government extortion)

posted on May, 2 2014 @ 12:25 PM
Careful about self administered antibiotics. if its not the right kind, dose, or length of time taking it, it could simply make any bacterial infection come back stronger and immune to the antibiotic you use. might be worth talking to a doc and getting a proper prescription. talk to him about price out of pocket and your concerns about the mega deductible you chose, etc.

posted on May, 2 2014 @ 12:26 PM
a reply to: graceunderpressure

it's amazing how this usa society is backward & retarded in everything they do except military. the land of the free they say ?

this health insurance concept of yours sounds like medieval time for europeans, well to me at least

posted on May, 2 2014 @ 12:40 PM

originally posted by: SaturnFX
Careful about self administered antibiotics. if its not the right kind, dose, or length of time taking it, it could simply make any bacterial infection come back stronger and immune to the antibiotic you use. might be worth talking to a doc and getting a proper prescription. talk to him about price out of pocket and your concerns about the mega deductible you chose, etc.

I hear you, Saturn, and thanks. Actually, my doctor prescribed this exact same antibiotic, CIPRO, for UTI (which I really didn't have at the time -- she was being overly cautious before my hip surgery). At the time, alarmed after reading the side effects, I asked her to prescribe another antibiotic, and then tossed this one in the drawer. But, I was so scared and desperate yesterday that the CIPRO possible side effects mattered much less. Again, horrible choices! It's a full course for the exact condition that I have, so if I don't start accusing everyone of stealing my Jello, I think it'll be OK.

I do, however, appreciate your kind concern. I would only go this route under these exact circumstances, and I also urge caution to anyone considering taking antibiotics from the drawer.

EDIT: Unfortunately, my doctor is no longer my doctor thanks to Obamacare!
edit on 5/2.2014 by graceunderpressure because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 2 2014 @ 12:42 PM
Next Obama will "solve" homelessness by mandating that everyone buys a home and they'll get fined if they don't.

posted on May, 2 2014 @ 12:52 PM
a reply to: [post=17873946]graceunderpressure

[I decided to pay the tax now, since that's really what it is, instead of paying it later. Are you concerned about the tax consequences? (Read = government extortion)

Due to the cost and principal of a forced healthcare system, I have not bought the insurance. I read the 1st year was a fine of 10% or $100.00 (maybe more) fine. Guess I need to read what you are talking about on the (government extortion). Although I still refuse to give our government any more money or at least not voluntarily.

posted on May, 2 2014 @ 01:20 PM
What is the freaking problem with your government?

How can anyone believe that they are trying to make healthcare affordable for the average citizen? Are they just comically inept, and unable to follow in the footsteps of such established healthcare programs as: [List of all developed nations with universal health coverage]?

Universal healthcare is a fantastic thing that works beautifully if it's implemented in good faith, without intent to simply extort the population, and chase them away from effective medical help with stupid stupid stupid!! (I was going to continue that sentence, but I got mad. That doesn't usually happen.)

This here is a system that cost too much to implement, costs too much to be involved in, and is ultimately designed to implode. How has that not happened yet?

posted on May, 2 2014 @ 02:17 PM

originally posted by: CrikeyMagnet
What is the freaking problem with your government?

How can anyone believe that they are trying to make healthcare affordable for the average citizen?

That's the problem -- they're not. The US government is now an oligarchy, owned by the rich and by corporations including companies in the insurance and Big Pharma industries. Despite anything a smiling politician may tell the hapless US citizen, it was never their intent to make healthcare affordable for the average Joe.

I recently had a conversation with a friend whose company tests prostheses and other medical devices. She told me that they could produce and market these devices for about 14% of what they actually sell for. When I asked why they sold them for so much, she said, "It's what the market will bear."

Another case in point. I had a hip replacement last year to the tune of $90K. A friend in the UK had the exact same procedure for $10K. Who pocketed the remaining $80K?
edit on 5/2.2014 by graceunderpressure because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 2 2014 @ 03:12 PM

originally posted by: graceunderpressure

EDIT: Unfortunately, my doctor is no longer my doctor thanks to Obamacare!

Ask the doctor you like what insurance he accepts, then get a quote from that insurance company. the ACA stuff is a service, not a requirement, you don't have to choose their specific plans, you can get your own plan

posted on May, 2 2014 @ 04:30 PM

originally posted by: SaturnFX
Ask the doctor you like what insurance he accepts, then get a quote from that insurance company. the ACA stuff is a service, not a requirement, you don't have to choose their specific plans, you can get your own plan

I thoroughly researched the available insurance plans, including my former policy provider, Aetna and others that my doctor would accept, before signing up with this insurance. The closest available plan that I can find outside of Obamacare is upwards of $800 per month for just my coverage, and doesn't begin to cover the same scope of treatment. That option was simply unfeasible.

People who still think we have choices need to wake up and realize that this law is ruining healthcare in America! What was a flawed system has become much worse, including private insurance. This is the harsh reality of all the Obamacare promises and platitudes.

posted on May, 2 2014 @ 04:40 PM

originally posted by: graceunderpressure

originally posted by: SaturnFX
Ask the doctor you like what insurance he accepts, then get a quote from that insurance company. the ACA stuff is a service, not a requirement, you don't have to choose their specific plans, you can get your own plan

I thoroughly researched the available insurance plans, including my former policy provider, Aetna and others that my doctor would accept, before signing up with this insurance. The closest available plan that I can find outside of Obamacare is upwards of $800 per month for just my coverage, and doesn't begin to cover the same scope of treatment. That option was simply unfeasible.

People who still think we have choices need to wake up and realize that this law is ruining healthcare in America! What was a flawed system has become much worse, including private insurance. This is the harsh reality of all the Obamacare promises and platitudes.

800? what are either like...very wealthy in which 800 a month equates to about 3 bucks a month to a norm, or your around 143 years old, smokes, and has a job as a stunt double for ninjas.


Might want to recheck otherwise..something is most certainly not right there. 400/m typically gets you platinum services for median income individual males at 40

posted on May, 2 2014 @ 05:18 PM
a reply to: SaturnFX
"What the..?" is exactly what I said! I am a 50-year-old, non-smoking woman in excellent health. The current illness is the only time I've been sick in five years. I am NOT by any means rich, although I make enough income to exclude me from any subsidies. I think the subsidy cap is around $50K, nowhere near wealthy in this country today by any definition. I just requested a quote on the eHealth insurance site five minutes ago, and here is the quote for "platinum" coverage.

Funny, the site no longer lists any policies with my former carrier, Aetna, as an option for me.

posted on May, 2 2014 @ 05:31 PM

originally posted by: graceunderpressure
a reply to: SaturnFX
"What the..?" is exactly what I said! I am a 50-year-old, non-smoking woman in excellent health. The current illness is the only time I've been sick in five years. I am NOT by any means rich, although I make enough income to exclude me from any subsidies. I think the subsidy cap is around $50K, nowhere near wealthy in this country today by any definition. I just requested a quote on the eHealth insurance site five minutes ago, and here is the quote for "platinum" coverage.

Funny, the site no longer lists any policies with my former carrier, Aetna, as an option for me.

Try Blue Cross/Shield. They are often fairly reasonable.
You sure this is for a individual and not a family of like 5 or something?
What state is this?

Damn insurance companies milking...but the ultimate blame falls to the hospitals to begin with charging the insurance companies a billion dollars per procedure and endless unnecessary tests n stuff.

This countries entire healthcare system in general is a greed driven disaster. Anyone whom goes on about it being in any form, good is simply insane.
Obamacare..not a fan of it, but that's because it only handed the insurance company more power, which in turn the doctors soak. What a mess...might work out in the long run, but for now, it just sucks.

posted on May, 2 2014 @ 05:39 PM

originally posted by: SaturnFX
Try Blue Cross/Shield. They are often fairly reasonable.
You sure this is for a individual and not a family of like 5 or something?
What state is this?

This IS Anthem Blue Cross/Blue Shield in California, and it is for just little ol' me -- no family coverage.

As you might surmise, I'm not a big Obamacare fan, either. Star for your definition "greed driven disaster." Well put. I think the problem likely arose from outrageous hospital and Big pharma costs, with insurance companies also taking a big ol' piece of the pie. But, forcing ordinary people to pay these outrageous premiums and receive so little for it is just not the way to resolve it.

posted on May, 2 2014 @ 07:45 PM
I can't believe what I am reading although I have posted in enough of these type of threads that I should believe and have a thicker skin too.
What is the problem with your health care in the States? I ask this seriously and I mean it.....
We have very heavy taxes but we don't pay a cent for health care nor do we have to pick and choose what hospital to go to when sick.

I really really feel bad for you folks and I wish I had an answer to your problems.
Health = life or death.....nobody should play the judge on which is which.
Good luck to you all and god bless.

Regards, Iwinder

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