posted on May, 2 2014 @ 01:19 PM
As for my reasons to vote that way:
What there has been, in my opinion, is an infestation of a mindset that is guiding people to simply not accepting that other people have different
beliefs, different opinions, different points of view, different backgrounds and different upbringings. All variables that end up shaping your
What might be wrong to you, might be right to me, or the opposite.
The concept of "paid shills" is a useful scapegoat to the inability of some people to exchange arguments in a polite and cordial manner. Mostly
because it doesn't matter. What people consider "shills" will only be effective if people give them attention.
Ask yourselves, how many times around ATS you see people treating each-other cordially? Most discussions start with an offensive tone, and it's
almost a instinct reaction to defend yourselves when some a-hole treats you like sh# because you have a different look into things.
That spirals into more pointless and futile discussions, and when reason is out the window the fall-back argument is always "I don't know what more
to say, so you must be a shill".
It's stupid, moronic, and a dangerous scapegoat argument that people use so that they can continue with their lazy minds, parroting bull# they heard
in websites that the only purpose they have, is to play with social and mass fear - and no, I'm not referring to ATS.
This kind of crap and accusations reminds me of the lightly used accusation of "communist" in the US during the Cold War. Remember that? When people
where labeled something the whole community feared so that they could be controlled, locked out and humiliated?
"paid shill" is ATS's version of "commies".
A vague and stupid accusation that creates division and prevents people from exchanging ideas freely. And that's what scary.
Don't get me wrong, but some of you parrot freedom all day long and pretend that you have any strength in the fight against tyranny and oppression.
But we all know that's BS, don't we? Most of us are just people with normal and calm routine that come here for a spice in their life, to find that
nudge of knowledge that doesn't float around, or maybe that secret that was first leaked out. And hey, nothing wrong with that, I do it too. But I'm
not an hypocrite.
I don't b# all day about how horrible the World is, how controlled we all are and how we live in suffering from corrupt leaderships, so that the
first opportunity I get I transform my discussions into a cyber-bullying session, pointing fingers and collecting support from my peers to bring down
someone who's opinion, intellect, skin color, ethnicity, nationality or just freaking point of view, gives a sense of threat to my beliefs.
I also don't buy into most conspiracies around here. I'm the kind of guy who has a list of things I would like to find the truth about and some of
which are part of/involved in conspiracy theories, and I believe the truth was never fully revealed. The voids of certainty in History fascinates me,
to know there are stories out there nobody will ever know.
But there is secrecy all around the World. Some is intentional, but some isn't. If 4 people have contact with aliens and then they die in a car crash
on their way back to a news channel, they were not silenced... sh# just happens.
It's up to places like ATS to have members discussing these things and finding out what is valid, reasonable, provable or possible... Not wasting
time, bandwidth and patience making b#tchy arguments like we are little girls in some kindergarten mud brawl, pulling each-others hair.
Do you think that the fact that I don't agree with something you say makes me any different? It doesn't. I don't feel threatened by your opinion or
point of view. You believe the Government is controlled by reptilians? Awesome! If you have access to some information that makes you point into that
direction, then so be it...
Just be polite and reasonable enough to accept that someone who has been researching most of their adult life historical events, might actually
understand a little bit better how a government works than you do, just because you read Alex Jones morning report. And maybe, when I voice my opinion
that we are just controlled by a-holes with money who bribe politicians and leaders, and that people with money and power can be truly
inhumane, it doesn't become your duty to call me a shill and "expose me", that I support that type tyranny or anything like that.
If I teach you something about Economics, Sociology or History - which are my areas of knowledge, as an example - then you should be humble enough to
learn something from what I said, the same way I do with your posts. Do I want you to stop believing there is a reptilian in power? No, even though I
disagree with it. But maybe from my opinion, you will learn something about areas that will actually help you figure out your own opinion and
What if I'm wrong, and there is a reptilian in power? Maybe, it was because of people like me, who disagree with you but understand the nature of the
systems, that could give a piece of insight that leads you to that final clue. It's not by chance that the most respected members in ATS are also the
people more knowledgeable in their multiple areas.
If we talk about a reptilian in power, then I tell you why I think that's not possible, and you tell me why you think it is. A consensus will be
achieved in the middle - or not, no harm done - and we move forward. If you make the decision of accusing me of being a shill because I don't believe
in that stuff, then you will be ignored or my reply will be a defense and not a response to the subject.
You must first understand the beast before you try to kill it. Whichever your "beast" might be, whichever your "kill" might be. Just don't bite
into the fear.
Obviously this is just an example, an allegory, but it is my point of view in this discussion regarding paid shills.
I applaud the ATS staff for making the decision of allowing it's member to discuss this subject openly, and hopefully, clean out some skeletons in
ATS's closet..