posted on May, 1 2014 @ 05:02 PM
In the UK: and many other places: there are people with hereditary titles. I feel that these titles exist to give authority and prestige for zero
achievment and their existence is wrong. But I have noticed that it is difficult to not give certain people a title: the Queen of england and the
commonwealth, the royal family generally and so removing them by not using them is difficult. I therefore have a solution I am thinking of creating a
society of occultists where anyone who is a member gets the title King Wizard, Or Queen Wizard: what do you think? I also thought that if other people
could create other societies and call themselves titles king..etc.
I did think of simply calling everyone king but it seems that people would not use it unless they had a reason. Therefore perhaps king metalworker.
king plumber king accountant could also be used: in practice the title kng would only be used unless the full title was needed.
NOTE The full title is there so legally no one can be used because there is a reason for using it.
So why not get rid of titles by giving everyone a reason to use them.
edit on 1-5-2014 by werewolf99 because: (no reason given)