It has been one of the hottest topics among conspiracy theorists (and, thus, skeptics) for a long time, centuries perhaps: whether the Illuminati is
still in existence. There's enough discussion about that - enough that I don't feel the need to get into it too deeply, except to say that my
personal opinion is that it certainly does exist, and that it (in some form, whether under the name "Illuminati" or not) has infiltrated governments
around the globe and is working toward a "new world order". The connections are all around us. The Bavarian Illuminati supposedly "died" in 1784
when a Bavarian royal decree was made forbidding secret societies including the Illuminati and Freemasonry (modern media loves to make a false
association between Freemasonry and the Illuminati, maybe there were members common to both groups, but overall the Illuminati undermined the masons).
As we know Freemasonry survived - of course it had been around since antiquity and was well established in other places than Bavaria - but it's
certainly possible for, in the roughly 14 years the Illuminati was in existence, it's reach to have made it's way across Europe (and then, maybe,
the globe).
In 1798, Abbé Barreul wrote a four part diatribe of the French Revolution, the third part of which is entitled
Code of the Illuminati. It is
one of the very few comprehensive and historically valid accounts of the secret society, and contains information and quotations directly from
"former" Illuminati members' testimonies and literature. It is well known that, shortly after the American Revolution, the Illuminati was one of
the driving forces behind the French Revolution, which is, in my opinion, the most underrated historical event as far as the immediate and
long-lasting effects are concerned. It was
extremely significant and I believe the ultimate consequences of the French Revolution haven't even
come to fruition yet.
The book is written, seemingly, without bias; it is, if anything, anti-Illuminati. The author is clearly opposed to the anti-Christian, blasphemous
nature of the sect, and that comes through at times, but overall the book is a historical account. It gives interesting insight that further
solidifies my thinking that the society, or some offshoot of it, are turning the cogs and gears of governments today.
To excerpt from the chapter titled "Of the Government and Political Instructions for the Epopts" (epopt being defined as "a person instructed in
the mysteries of a secret society", i.e. Illuminati members):
Enlighten nations; that is to say, efface from the minds of the people what we call religious and political prejudices; make yourself master of
the public opinion; and, this empire once established, all the constitutions which govern the world will disappear ... [Sciences] were to be swept
into the common mass of ruin with religion, laws, princes, nations, our towns and stationary habitations. Vandalism and the era of barbarism were to
be revived ... To prepare the attack, therefore, it was necessary to make the sciences serve under the banners of the Sect,and through their means
captivate the public opinion in [their] favour ... every thing dear and sacred to man vandalized and overthrown; sciences would of themselves shrink
back and vanish.
Basically, all establishments and societies broken apart, partly by the vandalism of the dumbed-down common people, under the control of one
government, one religion, and one institution which is in complete control of the sciences - i.e. a New World Order. The author further states the
clear goal of Adam Weishaupt, the father of the Illuminati (better known in their annals under the pseudonym Spartacus) "was to extend the conquests
of [the Illuminati] over public opinion by science, or, in other words, to dispense its anti-religious and antisocial doctrines under the bewitching
name of science."
Regarding the organization of the society, the author states that the Illuminated epopts group together in "synods" of nine members, plus one Dean
chosen by the group. Of those nine epopts, two are selected as secretaries and the other seven preside over one science each. I found this interesting
as you can see how the Illuminati would have had influence in many different areas. The seven sciences were
physics, medicine, math, natural
history, politics, the arts, and occult sciences:
These functions once distributed, the Epopts are to renounce all other business political or domestic, and every care but that of perfecting
themselves in the branch of science which they are to superintend, and of secretly forwarding the brethren of the inferior degrees in the sciences to
which they had devoted themselves ... "You will," abruptly exclaims the legislator, "incessantly form new plans, and try every means, in your
respective provinces, to seize upon the public education, the ecclesiastical government, the chairs of literature, and the pulpit."
One primary and significant goal of an epopt, as explained in the code of the Illuminati, is to infiltrate all forms of literature. To use the current
fashion and write material that would sway public opinion toward the ideas and principles of the secret society. It must be remembered that in the
1700s literature was the main media available. It is certain that today they would treat music and movies with the some tenacity they did books and
newspapers. Clearly this could be an explanation for the blatant Satanic and Illuminati references and images ever-present in the media today.
I realized while typing this thread that "Code of the Illuminati" is available in full
here at It isn't too long - can be monotonous and dry at times - but is quintessential secret society material. I noticed a review of
the book claiming that it was "masonic bashing" but having read (most of) it I would certainly call that claim naive. I've spent a lot of time on
that website and I would recommend it for anyone who doesn't want to go to the library, but isn't satisfied with using Google for "research"
(don't limit yourself to what Google wants to share).
To speak one last time, to the point about how it would be only natural - in accordance with the code of the Illuminati - for them to secretly
infiltrate modern media such as pop music and film in order to desensitize the masses (especially young people) and subliminally familiarize them with
the sect's symbols and beliefs: I have to wonder to myself "why if there isn't a secret society behind the media, would such symbols be popular?"
I just don't see how occult symbolism used 200+ years ago would have come back with a vengeance in the 21st century and be used so blatantly in so
many different places just because they somehow became "trendy". I realize the use of occult symbols has been by no means unfamiliar in music and
movies for the past several decades, but nowadays it's more explicit. Is it only the mystique of secret societies that has drawn modern media to use
their symbols, or is something else going on that was
specifically stated as a primary goal of the Illuminati 245 years ago?
For lack of space, I will end on the second post with a quote from the book regarding the first duties of any newly enlisted Illuminee...