posted on May, 1 2014 @ 05:47 PM
a reply to:
Welcome KingKao
It's great to have you with us!
First, about your user name. Sorry, but we can't change it for you. If it gets too much for your OCD, then the only way round it is to register again
with a new name. I checked and King Kao does not come up in the list of members in good standing, so it should be available. If it won't work then
try doing it like King_Kao. That one should also still be available.
Now, the general welcome stuff!
You might know this already, but just to confirm, you need 20 posts before you can start any threads. (Except in this Introduction forum, that is.)
Regarding our 20-post rule, perhaps I should just add that besides giving new members a chance to settle in, it also helps in picking up the obvious
spammers before they can wreak too much havoc.
Here's some of the threads that are worth a visit early on:
Terms & Conditions Of Use (Important stuff!)
The ATS Freshmans Forum
Starting a New Thread ?... Look Here First
If you need help with anything, feel free to send a message to any of the staff. Just mouse over the “member” tag under any staff member's
avatar, then click “send message”.
Also, if you see a post that you think is a problem under the T&Cs, then mouse over the poster's "member" tag like before, but this time click
“ALERT!” and perhaps write a few words about why you've alerted it. The alert goes straight to staff (with a link to the post) and we'll look
into it as soon as we can.
Anyway, have a good time and see you around the forums!