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Something unexplainable on my bed at night

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posted on Apr, 30 2014 @ 05:26 PM
This is my first proper posting and not sure if this is in the right category. Mods please move it if this is the case.

For several years now I have experienced a strange sensation of something walking on my bed at night. Initially I thought it was a cat as it felt like one from under the duvet. We do have a cat but he sleeps on my my mums bed and a quick flick of the light switch has ruled the cat out. The really weird thing is that it started insipidly, from a gentle few steps at the foot of the bed to walking brushing past my legs (weird as the duvet is between me and whatever this anomaly is. It has happened so gradually that it has never scared me, in fact I find it intriguing as I have no idea what it is.

I have ruled out the obvious. I don't suffer with sleep paralysis as it starts when I get in bed and wide awake. I am not on any medications that cause tactile hallucinations and I don't take recreational drugs. I have also videoed my bed area at night which revealed nothing.

I am 99.9% sure it is not a spiritual entity as I have meditated for 15 years and I work with highly evolved light beings. I call them Light Lords. The protection I put around myself is very very strong and involves complex multiple colours, a complex shape I visualise being enclosed in mixed with a 100% cast iron faith that nothing can penetrate my protection. These beings are so bright and evolved their energy just pushes all spiritual entities away.

So along walks this pseudo cat across my duvet. It seems to penetrate the duvet at times when it brushes past my leg and it feels like something solid. It has also started venturing to the top of my bed although I have not felt it on my upper limbs/torso or head.

I would value any explanations or ideas as to what this is.



posted on Apr, 30 2014 @ 05:39 PM
a reply to: earthblaze
are you 100% sure your wide awake? mean i,ve had the dreams and the sleep paralysis and convinced i was wide awake,the mind is a strange thing,not sure you should rule it out.

posted on Apr, 30 2014 @ 05:48 PM
Sounds like a ghost cat. What are these light beings you spoke of????

posted on Apr, 30 2014 @ 05:54 PM
a reply to: earthblaze

I got to tell you this is very familiar to me too. I have the same sensations and it has been going on several years. I first thought it was the ceiling fan causing wind blast on the covers that felt like a cat walking but it happens when the fan is off. This also happens right after I put my head down so it isnt when I'm dozing off and possible dreaming. I even look to see if it is our cat but nope, nothing.
It's weird to here about a cat ghost, I thought that what it was but who knows. It doesn't bother me anymore.

Thanks for posting it.

posted on Apr, 30 2014 @ 06:05 PM
I had nothing to do with this event. Maybe if you let the cat into the room at night, the rats wouldn't play there.

posted on Apr, 30 2014 @ 06:29 PM
Well I am a bit perplexed because you say you are almost certain that it is not a spiritual being, yet you yourself can feel something yet see nothing. What else could it be? Unless by "spiritual being" you are not referring to all types of paranormal phenomena. I do not see what other explanation makes any sense. If there is a rational explanation, although paranormal explanations can be rational as well imo, you should be able to figure it out...Since there is nothing obvious to explain it then I would imagine that it very well could be paranormal.

Does it feel like it would have to be a small animal? Animals apparently can exist as "ghosts" in some instances, and the next night after I had a cat put to sleep I could of swore that I felt it down by the spot where it always laid, but nothing else happened with that so there is probably some other explanation.

I know my grandmother had just laid down to go to bed one night, while sleeping in a house that had much paranormal activity over the years, and she felt something scratching the side of the bed, like an animal would do. She was going to sit up to reach over there and feel what was there, and she said it was like something hit her chest and pinned her down, and she couldn't move. She said she prayed or said something religious and it stopped. She told her brother the next day and he laughed at her, but the exact same thing happened to him a few days later, right after lying down to go to sleep.

But this may not have any bearing on your case. I guess my advice is to rule out any rational explanations, but keep in mind that there are various types of "energies" that can interact in our physical world, and this could be your explanation. If you know it is not just a draft or wind, and that there is nothing physically there, and it is not a spider web or something like that, there is not much you are left with.

I would say that it could be a feeling from within your leg or whatever, or something internal, but if it moves the bed then that it probably not the case.

posted on Apr, 30 2014 @ 06:30 PM
I really fear for you! If you think you can open the door to the spiritual realm and control these demons

In the end you will be tormented beyond belief.
edit on 30-4-2014 by radpetey because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 30 2014 @ 07:09 PM
This has happened to me two times I think. The first, I had just lied down in bed, facing away from the door. Immediately, the door burst inwards and I could 'feel' a presence standing over me. I could then feel something on the bed and touching my legs. It was terrifying, to say the least, but there was nothing 'there.'

The second time, I was lying in the same bed, months or years later, reading or whatever and I suddenly felt the edge of the mattress depress as if someone had just sat down towards the foot of the bed.

Oh, a third one I can recall that's not quite the same but similar, I woke up one night and could feel like someone was on top of me and pushing down on my breast with their hands. I woke up looking off to the side and I heard a mental 'voice' saying not to look, just go back to sleep.

And that reminds me of another incident, I woke up one day feeling as if I had just been strangled by something. I do usually wear a shirt to bed, but that would have been the first time in years I hurt myself by doing so.

Weird stuff.

posted on Apr, 30 2014 @ 07:28 PM

originally posted by: radpetey
I really fear for you! If you think you can open the door to the spiritual realm and control these demons

In the end you will be tormented beyond belief.

That is my thought. It may or may not be benevolent, but the saying "It is easier to invite an immortal than to send one off" doesn't come from nowhere.

To the OP. Sounds like you are able to communicate with things in other dimensions. It should be obvious that something else is poking around in the same realm. If you don't have the ability to differentiate these things (you don't or you wouldn't be asking), you should not be dabbling.

edit on 30-4-2014 by Halfswede because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 30 2014 @ 08:29 PM
Well I think you should trust your instincts, Earthblade.

If you don't feel threatened or fear with these happenings, I certainly wouldn't attach any fear to them. Perhaps it's an animal spirit/guide? If your careful in your practices to cleanse your area, your workings, and yourself and remain in the light/love/positive of all the good things spirituality and religion is made of - I wouldn't worry. Why borrow fear and all that negative energy?

Blessed Be,

posted on Apr, 30 2014 @ 08:36 PM
I would look into Hypnagogia.

Definition from Merriam Webster:
: of, relating to, or occurring in the period of drowsiness immediately preceding sleep

The stories are fascinating, as I imagine the sensation is too. I believe that if you meditate often, you mind is far more subconsciously active and you would likely have more experiences like these.

This phenomenon that you are experiencing has been widely reported, especially with cats and small animals. Some even actually see the cat or animal.

You are certainly not alone, and many descriptions of this experience match yours exactly. The cat and the legs get referenced the most.See an ATS thread created back in 2008 (have been quite a few since!):

ATS Ghost Cat thread circa 2008

There is some interesting articles from a group called "ASSAP: Association for the Scientific Study of Anomalous Phenomena"

See the article that includes Hypnagogia here: Paranormal sleep paralysis / Hypnagogia

There are some great books referenced in the postscript section at the bottom of the page.

posted on Apr, 30 2014 @ 09:24 PM
a reply to: DaringDo

The second time, I was lying in the same bed, months or years later, reading or whatever and I suddenly felt the edge of the mattress depress as if someone had just sat down towards the foot of the bed. - See more at:

This has happened to me a couple times. I've always been two chicken to open my eyes and look though.

posted on Apr, 30 2014 @ 10:15 PM
Interesting, I have often pondered starting a thread about this but in my searches there is precious little information about to share.

The same thing has happened to me. The first time was 1996, a few days after my mother died. I had woken up in the middle of the night and laid awake for quite some time when i felt what felt like a cat walk between my legs and across my bed. The foot imprint felt like that of a cat but we didn't own a cat. It happened several times and my son also had the experience as I learned later. (don't know if it was always the same time).

A few years later we did get a cat and when it walked across the bed I immediately noted that it was much heavier than what I experienced.

To all that say it is a dream or just the 'in between' dream experience, this is not true.

And to the person who said they were meditating and it couldn't be something bad...I was meditating as well. I don't know that it was bad. It just was what it was.

I do recall seeing pics on tarot card and pics in books by rudolph steiner which showed orges(could be another name) with these small feet.

OP, trust what happened and don't let anyone belittle your experience. The only question that remains for us is what was it and why.

posted on Apr, 30 2014 @ 11:36 PM
that has never happened to me and i hope it never does. Tho i have seen a golf ball sized glowing yellow orange orb in front of the t.v ,then it went thru the wall. I would of not seen it if my girlfriend at the time did not wake me. Interesting world. I also seen a glowing basketball sized ball of light roll or float across the street and go behind a house and dissapeared when i was 10 or 12 about. I was riding my bike past 10 o'clock curfew then. strange. Got pulled in the river by some large massive creature on 100 pound tess line and it snapped, sinker came flying out of water like bullet and hit me in the nuckle. It bled alot, all the way home a mile bike ride after trying to catch fish with no luck. Seen a four foot diameter turtle shell. Went fishing at 3 mile bridge and got off bike with pole walked down to river and saw this huge turtle with a head bigger than mine. It raised it's head to look at me and ran off into the water never to be seen again. I never fished there again after that day. I have never seen an alien spaceship, but looking forward to seeing one. I have never seen or heard a ghost, but would never want to, tho i fully believe in them. My sisters have seen and had strange occurances happen to them, but not me thankfully. Strange indeed.

posted on May, 1 2014 @ 01:27 AM
Cats have long been associated with the spirit world some even consider cats to be 'familiars'.
I've always felt that cats, with their high-falutin' attitudes' didn't originate on this planet.

Maybe they have the ability to walk around 'in spirit'. That would explain a lot of the unusual stories surrounding cats!

posted on May, 1 2014 @ 03:16 PM
I have had this same thing happen to me several times. I never pay attention to it. It normally happens right after me and the wife lay down in bed talking. I will feel something walking by my legs, i know its not her legs or feet cause she hates touching feet lol.

From a young age i have always had a this black cat, i called my freind, my mom thought it was an imaginary friend but i have seen it up until recently. Either my imagination has moved on to other things, mostly playing with my 8month old, or what ever it was left me cause i didn't need to have a play mate anymore lol....

posted on May, 1 2014 @ 04:24 PM
a reply to: earthblazeI'm sorry earthblaze,I don't have an explanation to your post.The reason I am replying to your post is because my mom had the same sensation happen to her.For years I had thought she "imagined it"or dreamt it,but after reading some of the replies,I am not so sure.

My mom described it as a cat "kneading" its paws on her bed,and walking on her chest and sucking her breath out of her mouth.She said she could not move or catch her breath.

Definitely strange.I mentioned sleep apenia(sp?),and she swears it was real.

BTW,mom never had a cat.
edit on 1-5-2014 by crazyeddie68 because: content

posted on May, 1 2014 @ 06:08 PM
Thanks for the advice, sharing your own experiences and the links. I did initially think this was my own cat (she died several months before the event started to occur) but soon realised this felt like two feet, not four. There has also been more than one. I have felt up to three on different areas of the bed. Sometimes the pressure is soft and other times it is more forceful and quick as if something is running on the bed.

I am not in the least bit frightened of it. I have faced Astaroth on my spiritual travels and that did not phase me at all and there are far worse beings out there. That is saved for another thread. Interestingly enough these anomalies do not occur when I am meditating.

I did think it may be an elemental sent from a very powerful friend, who initially was my mentor but we parted company as I found his physical traits to be incompatible with the spiritual work we were doing together. I was told by the Lightlords during deep meditation that I was being arrogant and did not have the knowledge or experience to make this decision and that our paths were completely different. I was told to concentrate on my own path and not waste valuable energy preoccupying my mind with someone else's path.

Because of the type of spiritual work I am involved with I do get attacked quite regularly from what I call the opposition. They are also highly evolved but on the other side of the spiritual spectrum. I can't go into much detail on this at the present time.

The idea of hypnogogia and sleep paralysis are valid although I can say 100% that this is not the case with me. Although interesting and scientifically proved, I discounted the restless leg syndrome. I do not get the urge to move my legs when the event occurs..

I previously stated that I am 99.9% sure it is not spiritual energy. I think I need to explore the 1%. I do have several guides who I meet in a special place during a less intensive meditation setting. I will find out if they know what the cause could be.

I am now thinking along the lines of either extra-terrestrial or inter-dimensional beings which my protection would be unable to protect me from.

posted on May, 1 2014 @ 07:04 PM

originally posted by: earthblaze
Thanks for the advice, sharing your own experiences and the links. I did initially think this was my own cat (she died several months before the event started to occur) but soon realised this felt like two feet, not four. There has also been more than one. I have felt up to three on different areas of the bed. Sometimes the pressure is soft and other times it is more forceful and quick as if something is running on the bed.

I am not in the least bit frightened of it. I have faced Astaroth on my spiritual travels and that did not phase me at all and there are far worse beings out there. That is saved for another thread. Interestingly enough these anomalies do not occur when I am meditating.

I did think it may be an elemental sent from a very powerful friend, who initially was my mentor but we parted company as I found his physical traits to be incompatible with the spiritual work we were doing together. I was told by the Lightlords during deep meditation that I was being arrogant and did not have the knowledge or experience to make this decision and that our paths were completely different. I was told to concentrate on my own path and not waste valuable energy preoccupying my mind with someone else's path.

Because of the type of spiritual work I am involved with I do get attacked quite regularly from what I call the opposition. They are also highly evolved but on the other side of the spiritual spectrum. I can't go into much detail on this at the present time.

The idea of hypnogogia and sleep paralysis are valid although I can say 100% that this is not the case with me. Although interesting and scientifically proved, I discounted the restless leg syndrome. I do not get the urge to move my legs when the event occurs..

I previously stated that I am 99.9% sure it is not spiritual energy. I think I need to explore the 1%. I do have several guides who I meet in a special place during a less intensive meditation setting. I will find out if they know what the cause could be.

I am now thinking along the lines of either extra-terrestrial or inter-dimensional beings which my protection would be unable to protect me from.

You are starting to scare me

posted on May, 1 2014 @ 09:03 PM
If it were extra terrestrials, they'd be doing more than just walking across your bed. Interdimensional...that would probably be another thing altogether.

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