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Racism- Blatant Hipocrisy

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posted on Apr, 30 2014 @ 10:40 PM

originally posted by: Bilk22
a reply to: QueenofSpades

You know, in all honesty, I didn't hear him utter one word that could be considered hate speech or racists. He, like all of us, have a right to association in our private lives. I'm not sure why he said what he did, and it's not the way I conduct myself as all are always welcome to my home, but he didn't do or say anything that was against any laws or even utter a racial slur.

This whole thing is something much more than what it appears to be on the surface.

not too many people are looking at it like this.
i do tho and agree with you.

he said black, not the n-word. he didn't want his gal pal to tweet or bring guys to the games. so what?
that's between him and her.

what's going on is, everyone is pounding on this guy for perceived slurs. none of the people that played or worked for him, that i've seen, had anything really bad to say about him.

and what happened to queenofspades?
was she banned?

posted on Apr, 30 2014 @ 10:58 PM
You bring up many valid points. We all saw the torches and pitchforks brought out when people like the CEO of Mozilla and the Duck Dynasty guy were against homosexuality. I am a firm believer in gay rights, but no man should lose his job for his own personal opinion. Being that Mozilla headquarters is in San Francisco, I guarantee at least a few employees there are openly gay, congrats, fly that rainbow flag. I am sure Brendan Eich had plenty of gay men working for him, and treated them in a tolerant, professional manner. But the gay community lashed out, and for fear of creating a bad name for his company and shareholders, Eich "stepped down".

Look what happened to the Dixie Chicks not too long ago. Saying they were ashamed that Bush was from Texas instantly labeled them as Anti-American, and there were "CD burnings".

Now when it comes to this Sterling guy he is entitled to his opinion, and the words were said in a professional manner, because they were done out of the public eye. I do not support racism, I think it is a terrible thing, but forming a media lynch mob over someone's private opinion is just scary.

We are approaching a society where one who speaks out his or her opinion, they are not met with an intellectual debate or tolerance, it is follow the public opinion or else. It is peer-pressure on a corporate level. What is next? People who vote Republican are labeled anti-Obama, therefore anti-American?

With all this domestic terrorist lingo being spewed out by men like Harry Reid, it is only a matter of time til we start seeing the inside of tall razor wire fences at camp FEMA. Believe me, anybody associated with this site already has a first class ticket to Haliburtonville.

a reply to: QueenofSpades

posted on Apr, 30 2014 @ 11:06 PM
a reply to: oneupShadow

With all this domestic terrorist lingo being spewed out by men like Harry Reid, it is only a matter of time til we start seeing the inside of tall razor wire fences at camp FEMA. Believe me, anybody associated with this site already has a first class ticket to Haliburtonville.

That will be one messed up FEMA camp.

Fun, but messed up...

posted on Apr, 30 2014 @ 11:09 PM
Uh oh! Silver has been associating with and taking advice from a confirmed racist, anti-Semite and homophobe.

He better fine and suspend himself.

Reverend Al Sharpton @TheRevAl

Just spoke w/ NBA comm. Adam Silver & he has agreed to meet w/civil rights leaders and me on where we go from here after his bold step today 4:10 PM - 29 Apr 2014

posted on May, 1 2014 @ 12:33 AM
a reply to: QueenofSpades

YOU are not a black person. Go re-read your post; there are subtle hints in your wording....

However, I agree, everybody is entitled to their views, including racist. Cheers mate.

posted on May, 1 2014 @ 12:38 AM

originally posted by: BobAthome
a reply to: DZAG Wright

how about her??
apparently the "Master" likes her.

Does a man really cross his legs like that?

posted on May, 1 2014 @ 01:09 AM


posted on May, 1 2014 @ 01:13 AM
Of course the Civil Rights Act was passed under the Interstate Commerce Clause. The 14th Amendment does not have the reach to regulate private entities.
If it were passed under the 14th, then private entities would have maintained the right to deny people service based on race. The case actually coupled the two, but it used the Commerce Clause to allow jurisdiction of the Equal Protection Clause inside of private entities. Without doing so, the case would have only applied to desegregating public institutions.

posted on May, 1 2014 @ 02:35 AM
I've been a Tarantino fan for 20 years but I have noticed he does get very racial in his he loves to live on that knife edge of tension. But when Jamie Foxx made that comment, that was enough for me. He has a Constitutional right to say what ever he wants, just as I have a right to decide I will never watch anything with him in it again, I will not buy a copy of Jhango, won't even rent it. And might not be so pro Taratino anymore either.
Paula Dean was thrown under the bus for far less than what he said. And seems to me this basketball guy might've been set up as well. Just my own opinion.

posted on May, 1 2014 @ 08:28 AM


posted on May, 1 2014 @ 08:41 AM
a reply to: QueenofSpades thank you for your post im a cherokee, thats a native american, and as a 3rd party void of petty discrimination and racism ( emo's are my only discrimination ) i have been sitting back and watching, and it seemed that there is a divide and conquer going on and its sad that as a nation of people we are being led right by the nose into it, and its a sad thing that none of the higher educated people like MOST of the people on the planet, we limelight this crap to pull attention from the bigger # going on, there would have been 0 outcry had the comments been about indians, i would have cried a trail of tears about it me and my dirty heathen savage race..... my point is here dont buy the bull# it smells funny and dont take race with anything but a grain of salt unless there is a guy in bed sheets at your door, for me its the department of indian affairs, so you keep weathered eye on the media ( which it is very clear you are and question everything they do) because they are full of # and nit picking

posted on May, 1 2014 @ 09:00 AM
a reply to: missvicky

Completely agree. I actually used to be a fan of Jamie Foxx. I especially enjoyed the Jamie Foxx show. However, after the comments he has made I have decided to boycott him. I will never watch Django.

posted on May, 1 2014 @ 09:14 AM

originally posted by: FlyersFan
Black Mississippi Democrat Rep. Called Clarence Thomas An 'Uncle Tom'

Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-MS) called Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas an "Uncle Tom" and said Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has made a racist statement about President Obama.

Thompson made the remarks during the New Nation of Islam radio program over the weekend.

Thompson, who is black, also said that Republicans only oppose Obamacare and are anti-government because President Barack Obama is black.

"I've been in Washington. I saw three presidents now. I never saw George Bush treated like this. I never saw Bill Clinton treated like this with such disrespect," Thompson said. "That Mitch McConnell would have the audacity to tell the president of the United States — not the chief executive but the commander-in-chief — that 'I don't care what you you come up with we're going to be against it.' Now if that's not a racist statement I don't know what is."

So when the NBA owner made bigoted statements to his sleezy girlfriend in a private conversation ... he got 'banned for life' and fined millions of dollars. Maybe the House of Representatives ban this fella for life and fine him for making his public bigoted (ignorant) statements??

Is there a code of conduct for the House of Representatives? Yep.
Code of Conduct

Well .. there isn't anything in there about members in the House of Representatives not being able to make fools out of themselves by spewing bigoted nonsense in public. So I guess this fella' will get a free pass. Eh?

...ok, the NBA is NOT PART OF THE GOVERNMENT, they are wealthy owners of basketball teams, made up of rich players. it's an organization that agrees to and follows a prescribed way of doing business...that's it.....this racist owner failed in that, and the organization (NBA) is getting rid of him.....this is all about the money....period.

posted on May, 1 2014 @ 09:22 AM


posted on May, 1 2014 @ 09:27 AM
The issue with racism is a blatant hypocritical one, its purpose is to simply divide a population, maintain division and allow it to pave the way for a Socialist agenda of basically two tier class system, very rich and very poor. It’s not about bringing ethnic minorities up, it’s about bringing the predominantly white middle class down. This is why racism is only ever mentioned, when its white on a perceived ethnic minority. So when you have for example blacks from impoverished areas with no real hope, it’s easier to blame the white man for all the ills, because the elite do not want people taking responsibility, they do not want compassion and equal rights for all, they do not want opportunity for these people, they want division and conflict because it’s easier to govern a divided population.
So many in poor black communities see no use in trying to better themselves, see whites as the devil and set out to do whatever they can to make money easily, which is to unfortunately kill each other at a far greater rate than white on black racist murders. This is the same in any Western country. However, you will notice that the state run media hypocrites and famous celebs of all colours do not address this, that is because it is not part of their agenda to address this, but simply to further the division within not just America, but across the Western world and bring everyone down, rather than motivate those who are down and try to create opportunities to move them up, have self respect, have decency and better themselves and their communities.

What is amazing is that I have encountered many black Americans who can see through this, but they aren’t given the time of day by state run media. Unfortunately in Britain, I hardly see this, which amazes me and saddens me at the same time. Black Americans endured horrific discrimination in America, but people who chose to live in Britain still cannot see through the indoctrination that they have been bombarded with. They pass it on to their children and the cycle of socially acceptable hatred continues, while whites are made to feel the guilty for being born white. So I can only say thank you to those who have educated themselves and can see through the elite BS, but it will take all with unity in mind to change anything.

Racism does exist, but until people of all colour unite to erase not just racism, but ignorance and hatred towards all colours, then we as the average people of whatever country we live in, are in a losing battle and it is one that history shows could eventually tear a nation apart. Education starts at home, we each have a responsibility to be the change that we want to see in the world.

posted on May, 1 2014 @ 09:31 AM
a reply to: oneupShadow
The problem with your statement is that for the average person, their place of work has become so under the microscope of HR and policies, you will and can lose your job for something you say at work or away as is becoming more prevalent, that is also why a lot of states have right to work policies, where there is no contract between either party and at any time they can let you go without any reason, just the same as you can quit with no notice or reason.

The problem with a lot of arguments that people are making have no real basis, for instance, just as you might be subject to a drug test at work and honestly what you did and when you took the drugs were not at work, should tell you that more and more, places of employment want to know what you are doing outside of work , smoking etc, or even what views you have, this is very apparent nowadays when they can troll Facebook, Twitter or Linkedin to see what views you hold or even who you are following or have as friends and then they can deem you to be an unfit employee, once these biometrics become part of the internet, things you even post on a random forum can be warehoused and tied to you and remember this is public domain, and any company can compile databases to build a profile on anyone's online identity, which is where all of this is going.

Anyhow back to the point about a person losing his job, the actors and high power people like Sterling, have all kinds of legal mambo jumbo and ethical clauses etc especially in the NBA that make it very easy if someone really feels like invoking the law in the context of said clauses, can definitely exercise anything you signed your name to, so at the core of it is, he probably materially breached in some way something that either violates codes or causes harm to the organization's image as a whole in it's constitution or charter, when he said blacks are the enemy all those other things became peripheral, he sealed his own fate when he was recorded saying that, let your employer find a post on Facebook saying something like especially if you are in a leadership or executive position, and a person you work or you supervise gets a hold of it and decides to run with it, they may not say anything to you immediately but that is going to snowball into you putting yourself in major jeopardy once people start finding out that's how you might think.

edit on 1-5-2014 by phinubian because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 1 2014 @ 10:48 AM

originally posted by: whyamIhere
a reply to: oneupShadow

With all this domestic terrorist lingo being spewed out by men like Harry Reid, it is only a matter of time til we start seeing the inside of tall razor wire fences at camp FEMA. Believe me, anybody associated with this site already has a first class ticket to Haliburtonville.

That will be one messed up FEMA camp.

Fun, but messed up...


posted on May, 1 2014 @ 11:20 AM
a reply to: QueenofSpades

Just because something is allowable under law doesn't mean you should accept it in your life. In an actual democracy if such a thing were to happen, you would be the government. For example, say you are a Democrat and wanted a minimum wage. Well then instead of simply passing on the job to a criminal politician to screw everything up, you, and this is a shocker in most political circles, actually do something about it your self. So as a Democrat in an actual democracy you band together with other Democrats and agree only to buy fair-wage items. Then you optionally also compromise with Republicans that you buy their pro-defense/military products and they buy your fair-wage products for further support.

Or, if you want to make racism an issue, the NAACP and Republicans band together (Republicans have always been anti-racist throughout history, and Democrats have been the slavery party). They only give their business to businesses who respect race relations. Unlike going to politicians who've never solved a single problem, these ideas actually can work and do work. Look at organic food. It works to ban pesticides for the people who want them banned without any politics involved. Its democracy in action.

posted on May, 1 2014 @ 11:53 AM
a reply to: wayforward

Sorry, won't work.
America is a REPUBLIC of States,
A Republic is a form of government in which power resides in the people,
the PEOPLE being those individual's with inalienable God given Rights,,
gaurateed by a binding Federal Constitution,
(see NBA Constitution for example.)
The States must then act together, Democratically,
(Democracy is a form of government in which all eligible SENATORS participate equally)
At which point a Vote is taken, and the Acting Chief Executive Officer,
(See "How Does a Corporation Work" , by John D Rock.)
*Makes It So,
*(See, Star Treck)

Never work.

posted on May, 1 2014 @ 01:48 PM
As the OP is not around to defend what has been said by them...this thread is closed.

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