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Racism- Blatant Hipocrisy

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posted on Apr, 30 2014 @ 05:53 PM
a reply to: QueenofSpades

I believe you are absolutely right and I agree fully.

Couldn't have said it any better.

There needs to be a few hundred million people more like you in the world.

posted on Apr, 30 2014 @ 06:16 PM
a reply to: buster2010

Can I just ask for some clarification here? I really am not trying to be obtuse, but I wonder if the definition of Hate Speech is too broad?

For example: If I were to say "Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven and the true Messiah" This would be hate speech, by your definition of it being offensive to certain religious belief systems.

"There are no Gods or Masters" would be equally offensive to a Muslim or a Christian, or Buddhist, etc., because of their own religious ideologies based on the same definition. Am I missing something?

This is part of the problem we are seeing. In the name of trying to silence the truly racist, hateful individuals, we have developed this culture of thought policing where what someone says in the privacy of their own home gets put out in public where it did not belong, and now the culture has to engage and deal with it. That's called an agenda. When you know the media is looking for a reason to create class and race division, in order to allow greater control by those who pull the strings, it becomes easy to destroy anyone you no longer agree with. Just hang around them with a recorder long enough. Everyone says things they wish they could take back, in the moment, whatever, and I think Sterling was acting from his heart of prejudice when he said what he did. But the publishing of a private conversation in order to bring societal punishment upon him through some real or perceived need to right a wrong is not right. And we have made it too easy by creating such a broad definition of hate speech. We need to reign that in, imho. Hate Speech is something that is intended to cause hurt or harm, not the simple expression of an ideology. Even if that ideology runs counter to a person's identity. It's not hate speech to state an opinion, no matter how wrong a person may be.

posted on Apr, 30 2014 @ 06:21 PM
a reply to: QueenofSpades

You know, in all honesty, I didn't hear him utter one word that could be considered hate speech or racists. He, like all of us, have a right to association in our private lives. I'm not sure why he said what he did, and it's not the way I conduct myself as all are always welcome to my home, but he didn't do or say anything that was against any laws or even utter a racial slur.

This whole thing is something much more than what it appears to be on the surface.

posted on Apr, 30 2014 @ 06:27 PM

originally posted by: FlyersFan
Black Mississippi Democrat Rep. Called Clarence Thomas An 'Uncle Tom'

Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-MS) called Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas an "Uncle Tom" and said Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has made a racist statement about President Obama.

Thompson made the remarks during the New Nation of Islam radio program over the weekend.

Thompson, who is black, also said that Republicans only oppose Obamacare and are anti-government because President Barack Obama is black.

"I've been in Washington. I saw three presidents now. I never saw George Bush treated like this. I never saw Bill Clinton treated like this with such disrespect," Thompson said. "That Mitch McConnell would have the audacity to tell the president of the United States — not the chief executive but the commander-in-chief — that 'I don't care what you you come up with we're going to be against it.' Now if that's not a racist statement I don't know what is."

So when the NBA owner made bigoted statements to his sleezy girlfriend in a private conversation ... he got 'banned for life' and fined millions of dollars. Maybe the House of Representatives ban this fella for life and fine him for making his public bigoted (ignorant) statements??

Is there a code of conduct for the House of Representatives? Yep.
Code of Conduct

Well .. there isn't anything in there about members in the House of Representatives not being able to make fools out of themselves by spewing bigoted nonsense in public. So I guess this fella' will get a free pass. Eh?

I'm curious to know what in his statement you consider bigoted. We here in the US have freedom of association. He could have said "I only want tall people invited to the games. Anyone under 6'-2" is not welcome" No one would have given a hoot. He could have said don't invite any Catholics and no one would give a damn. He didn't use any racial slurs. So what was offensive in your estimation?

posted on Apr, 30 2014 @ 06:35 PM

originally posted by: DZAG Wright

originally posted by: dfens
a reply to: luciddream

I work and live with people of different race than me. Race has never been an issue because of a thing called common respect. If you were raised as I was, people start out 100% in your book. Their actions will take them down or bring them up. People give you reason to not like them and it has nothing to do with their skin color. I have never known any slave owners so... Racism is a defense mechanism used to obscure what the real problem is.

Will only their actions or also their CULTURE cause you to not like them? See that is how racism is being expressed in this day. Racist have realized that explaining their hate due to skin tone is getting them too much flack, so they have hidden it in culture. The "thug culture" is what most racist use now.

It's the reason my circle is taking steps to have culture added to the Civil Rights. Closing the loop-holes for racist...
Good luck with that. Guess my grandparents who suffered at the hands of the Germans and Irish that were here in the US when they arrived should have said hey respect my culture. Get over it and get over yourself. It's people like you that keep this # in play.
edit on 02536Wednesdayk22 by Bilk22 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 30 2014 @ 08:02 PM
a reply to: DZAG Wright


Do you really think the nwo is pro-white or pro-black or pro-asian or pro-indian?

These are the same people that want to integrate themselves with nano-machines and genetically enhance themselves. They are transhumanists. Pure and simple.
The nwo is pro-human 2.0(h+) and speciesist against human 1.0.

Black,white, indian, chinese is so 20th century. Humans using hyper advanced technology to become like a borg demi-god is 21st century.
edit on 30-4-2014 by John_Rodger_Cornman because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 30 2014 @ 08:10 PM


posted on Apr, 30 2014 @ 08:14 PM
Some things I don't get. If I dislike someone because of their personality or actions and that person is black, I'm a racist. If say someone asks for Tom and he is sitting with four white people and I say, something like "the black guy at that table is Tom", I'm a racist according to my coworkers. Why is it always the racist South anyways? I have black friends I have know and played with since we were babies. I see all kinds of racial harmony here in the deep south I do not see anywhere else. I really don't understand.

posted on Apr, 30 2014 @ 08:20 PM
a reply to: QueenofSpades

I hate to try and stop you dead in your tracks and shunt this point to ground, in case you were not listening "Black Person" he did say, blacks are the enemy, had he not said that maybe, just maybe I could buy what you are trying to sell here, but sorry, your item will remain on the shelf if you think I will take it home with me for even running to attempt to defend someone who has said you are the enemy and was exposed saying this and other ridiculous things , you are wrong and you spent a great deal of time on something that if you take a spin around here it has been beaten to death, you should have joined in there so your weak argument could be picked to shreds.

You have my thoughts and sorry I can't even debate you because everything you said can be found on another thread that many very good retorts were written and many that say the exact same things you are trying to open on a new thread honestly.

edit on 30-4-2014 by phinubian because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 30 2014 @ 08:42 PM
a reply to: pipefitter

Spin around and read some posts, use the definition to figure out who is a racist, this should be the first thing you do, if you really don't understand what a racist is, some get them confused with something they are not, racists think they are better, or even divinely elevated above other races of people and can do them honestly any old way they wish without anyone saying anything.

Clearly if you are embarrassed about being associated heavily in the public or elsewhere with a particular ethnic group, please answer, is the basis for this person's embarrassment or displeasure being around that group something other than racist, if you believe that, please enlighten me on what we need to call a person like that ?

I didn't even add the fact that he said "Blacks are the Enemy" pitiful, lets not grasp for straws, Silver was either on drugs and completely insane, or he was 100% tuned in to his true self.

posted on Apr, 30 2014 @ 08:50 PM
a reply to: BobAthome

Naw I like apple butter better !

posted on Apr, 30 2014 @ 08:54 PM
a reply to: buster2010

But the News Media is controlled by,, and i quote " White Supremists " see how confusing,,

posted on Apr, 30 2014 @ 08:56 PM
a reply to: DZAG Wright

how about her??
apparently the "Master" likes her.

posted on Apr, 30 2014 @ 08:56 PM
a reply to: BobAthome
He might be correct, I would agree that it's probably a bunch of masked men too, but not the Lone Ranger, Zoro or Anonymous.

posted on Apr, 30 2014 @ 09:06 PM

originally posted by: QueenofSpades
As a black person, I shake my head at the utter hipocrisy concerning racism in our country. If making negative, stereotypical comments about a particular race of people is deemed "unprofessional" and "offensive", where they should be made to pay a fine and banned from the industry, should we not then put to task:

Jamie Fox- "Black people are the MOST talented people on the planet" in an public audience of mixed races

Jamie Fox- "It was great to kill all the white people" (when asked publically about 'Django')

Rappers Lil' Wayne, Lil Boosie, Yo Gotti, Gucci Mane, Jay Z, T.I., Kanye West, Niki Minaj, Chief Keef, Ice Cube (with NWA), and ALL the rest except Will Smith- 98% of their songs, played publically on the radio, that refer to blacks as the 'n' word. In their references, they call them dumb, stupid, ugly, and most of all they described the manner in which they will murder a 'n'.

Racist comments, song lyrics, or other statements made by other people do not change anything that Sterling said. Its fine that you are not offended. Unless someone made you the king of black people, you don't get to say how others should feel. Enough people were offended to cause the NBA to act.

Democratic Politicians Top Democratic Racist Statements

So as long as vote liberal, you are able to make racist comments which either get applauded or laughed at, seen as "jokes".

If not an asinine political troll post, I have no idea what that statement is.
People can be racist no matter what color tie they wear. An equally idiotic statement would be, "So long as you vote conservative, you are entitled to legions of people who will use flimsy, easily refutable arguments to downplay and deflect from your racist comments."

When a few of my peers weighed in on the Donald Sterling incident, they were perplexed at my support of the man's freedom of speech. They began to ask me how I would feel if I caught my employer calling me an 'n' on tape. I honestly responded that I couldn't care less, as I have surely called my employer not-so-pleasant names. The issue for me is that I be treated fairly. As long as I am not harmed physically or finacially by it, they have every right to feel a certain sentiment...

and I nor government should be able to regulate that.

Further, I hate to see how thin-skinned and entitled that my race of people have become to verbal slurs or personal opinions. I remember learning about Civil Rights in a Constitional Law course and discovering that Civil Rights legislation was not enacted under the Equal Protection Clause, as many would believe. This means that Congress did not feel like it was an 'equality' issue; when they began forcing white private business owners to service patrons they did not care for, it was done for revenue purposes.

Yep. Civil Rights was passed under the COMMERCE clause; i.e., giving blacks the sentiment that they would no longer be discriminated was done for profit, much like it is today.

Was it a beautiful statement about blacks that Sterling made? Of course not, but we are all EQUALLY protected under the Constitution...



Not a Constitutional or government issue. Neither have anything to do with this.

posted on Apr, 30 2014 @ 09:08 PM

originally posted by: phinubian
a reply to: QueenofSpades

I hate to try and stop you dead in your tracks and shunt this point to ground, in case you were not listening "Black Person" he did say, blacks are the enemy, had he not said that maybe, just maybe I could buy what you are trying to sell here, but sorry, your item will remain on the shelf if you think I will take it home with me for even running to attempt to defend someone who has said you are the enemy and was exposed saying this and other ridiculous things , you are wrong and you spent a great deal of time on something that if you take a spin around here it has been beaten to death, you should have joined in there so your weak argument could be picked to shreds.

You have my thoughts and sorry I can't even debate you because everything you said can be found on another thread that many very good retorts were written and many that say the exact same things you are trying to open on a new thread honestly.

They just open new threads when their thin aruments get driven into the ground, and forget the old ones even existed.

posted on Apr, 30 2014 @ 09:16 PM
On the topic of racism and the first amendment, what is everyone opinion on the comments made by Western Washington University's caucasion president, Bruce Shepard, who stated that the "number of white people" attending his university was a failure, and is planning on reducing the number of "white people" who attend his university under the pretense of "diversification".

Diversification is acclimating new groups into the existing system, not REPLACING one group of people with another. That would be purging. Imagine the ensuing s**t storm if the dean or president of a traditional black university such as Howard decided that his university was not "diverse" enough, and decided to purge the black student population to move in any other race.

People are entitled to their own opinions and formed biases, that's human nature. But, when you institutionalize these biases and opinions, it is unacceptable. We should not be able to do this type of thing in 2014, for any race. Poor Bruce Shepard suffers from white guilt, to the tenth degree. *sigh*

posted on Apr, 30 2014 @ 09:16 PM
On the topic of racism and the first amendment, what is everyone opinion on the comments made by Western Washington University's caucasion president, Bruce Shepard, who stated that the "number of white people" attending his university was a failure, and is planning on reducing the number of "white people" who attend his university under the pretense of "diversification".

Diversification is acclimating new groups into the existing system, not REPLACING one group of people with another. That would be purging. Imagine the ensuing s**t storm if the dean or president of a traditional black university such as Howard decided that his university was not "diverse" enough, and decided to purge the black student population to move in any other race.

People are entitled to their own opinions and formed biases, that's human nature. But, when you institutionalize these biases and opinions, it is unacceptable. We should not be able to do this type of thing in 2014, for any race. Poor Bruce Shepard suffers from white guilt, to the tenth degree. *sigh*

posted on Apr, 30 2014 @ 09:36 PM
a reply to: phinubian

you mean its not this guy???


"the medium is the message"

posted on Apr, 30 2014 @ 10:02 PM

originally posted by: BobAthome
a reply to: buster2010

But the News Media is controlled by,, and i quote " White Supremists " see how confusing,,

I never said anything about the news media being controlled by white supremest. You must have confused my post with another.

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