posted on Apr, 28 2014 @ 09:29 PM
Digital, at some point, will be the only way of storing media.
Analog methods will vanish, except for niche market that still enjoys it.
I think we are really well past the point where the Negatives of Digital film, are out weighted by the positives.
Things like delivery method to digital projectors, or having a master digital copy that never degrades with time.
Do you know how much "art" is now gone in the original form due to loss or purposeful destruction of negatives?
My wife a photographer, and it took her sometime to switch to all digital, she still has film, but honestly its only as a "throw back" to liking the
process of developing, not for any real technical reasons.
A stack of SD cards beats 100s of negatives.
edit on 28-4-2014 by benrl because: (no reason given)