posted on May, 8 2014 @ 07:43 AM
a reply to:
Mary Rose
So, if you convert photons into an artificial gravitational field, you have massless gravity?
It would appear we have come back to a place similar to the position of your original post. Much of the furture of this work may well lie with in the
work needed to control the polarization and geometric proportions of photons with in a certain wavelength.
The next question, of course, will be; to what purpose will the resulting technology be directed?
There is mention of it's being directed toward some "clocking" capabilities which would, of course, be good for the military/industrial complex. I
hope it would be used for the betterment of society in a peaceful manner.
Could this research yield a working propulsion system for not only space craft but also for transportaion vessels closer to the ground?
Could this be why "UFO's" are almost always associated with very bright lights and leave varying levels of residual radiation in areas where they
are said to have landed?