posted on Apr, 28 2014 @ 04:47 AM
From what I have gathered, there is no good Samaritan laws on the books, and the person is really not required to get out and give assistance to
anyone in a mass natural diseaster like that. Most experts would say that unless you have the proper training and have the necessary skills to do
such, getting out of a vehicle in the middle of that is a bad idea, no matter how noble the intention. Right then, there are people who are trying to
piece together what all happened, and are now in survival mode, fight or flight.
Lets just say he did stop, where was he going to park? He can not just part on the side of the rode, nor block traffic. The roads have to be cleared
to allow for the emergency vehicles to get through and those who are trained to render aid. Plus what guarantee for persons safety is there or legal
protection. As sad as it is, the reality is that if someone needs aid, and a good Samaritan stops to help them, and there is further injury to the
person hurt, the good Samaritan can end up getting sued for trying to do the right thing.
Such is the laws, and those who implement them.