posted on Apr, 27 2014 @ 09:48 AM
First off, for context I am probubally the most anti-evangelical liberal on ATS.
However I really think rand Paul is gonna be the GOP candidate in the next presidential election. If so I really think his stance on the war on
drugs will be more advantageous to society then the policies I disagree with him on would be.
I think the war on drugs has gifted us gangsta culture, brutalized the low income communities. Lead to us incarcerating 10% of the US population 70%
of those are nonviolent drug offenders. Broken up homes and families. Cost tax payers trillions. Cost citizens trillions in legal fees and fines.
Militarized our police forces. Lead to the negative way police are viewed in society. Exc, exc , exc
I think fixing these things are more important then gay rights, abortion, and welfare combined!
I have no idea why ( with the exception of Rand) niether political party has the balls to go after pot legalization and an end to the war on
drugs. To me it's a no brainer. By the polls 80% of the population thinks pot should be legal for medical reasons and 70% just think it should be
totally legal. What else do 80% of Americans agree on? Nuthing lol!
That said if rand wins the GOP primary the only way I won't vote for him is if the dems take the same stance.... Which I don't think hillary Clinton
will take.
So I was just wondering if anyother liberals are thinking the same thing?
PS I am kinda wondering if rand really sold out to the tea party types.. Or if it was a strategy to get GOP backing. He was raised by Ron Paul after
all so hopefully he's more libertarian then conservative.
edit on 27-4-2014 by ArtemisE because: (no reason given)
edit on 27-4-2014 by ArtemisE because: (no reason given)