posted on Apr, 28 2014 @ 06:04 AM
a reply to:
the New Scientist article you shared with us in the OP.... is Not the first time I have read this discovery
I really think there was a publication of a very similar article some 4 or 6 years ago
the mechanisms put forth which work outside of a cell membrane eventually were encased in a cell membrane,
this goes for optic reactions too... before the eyeball evolved
interesting stuff
I seem to recall that the article I thought I read some years ago... went into the possibility that life, leading to cells developing may have started
in the clouds=air=atmosphere and not the ocean which is the predominant theory around today...
I have always favored the generation on life & pre cells being borne in the clouds myself
edit on th30139868336328092014 by St Udio because: (no reason given)