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View homosexually tolerant film, or school faces lawsuit

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posted on Nov, 28 2004 @ 10:23 AM

Originally posted by marg6043
This thread is misleading, the video on "tolerance" is not enforcing "children" to become gay, we have enough hate crimes and we need to stop and that is the end of it. Edsinger I guess you go the reaction you wanted you want to get an agenda on gay bashing and you got your hart desires.

Shame on you.

Marg: I have a question for you - when you see the screen names Edsinger and Grady philpott do you have to disagree automatically?

Teaching social values is not the duty of a school but that of parents. Its amazing how pro-choicers seem to think that once the baby is born parents should abdicate their rights to morally nurture their child to the system. I think schools should go back to teaching the three Rs rather than indoctrinating kids with popular psychology.

posted on Nov, 28 2004 @ 10:39 AM

Originally posted by Mynaeris

Marg: I have a question for you - when you see the screen names Edsinger and Grady philpott do you have to disagree automatically?

No only when they use misleading threads to encourage gay bashing.

And you are right is the parents duty to teach their children at home.

But do you think is ok for parents to tell their children that gays are sick and dirty and that they don't have a place in society?

Then when it comes to that somebody has to bring the tolerance as an issue, the subject is broader than some may want to give it credit.

Hate crimes should not be tolerated because of the believe of some.

posted on Nov, 28 2004 @ 10:41 AM

Originally posted by Mynaeris
I think schools should go back to teaching the three Rs rather than indoctrinating kids with popular psychology.

I totally agree, today schools have become a test bed for all kinds of radical views on religion, spirituality, sexual preferences, nationalism and the like. At their impressionable age children get influenced very easily and is this what we want?
I mean - what has it come to these days ? Pretty soon you will see Gay couples in proms! Is that acceptable? I would say - NO .
Having these videos screened may invoke compassion in some but in school lets give kids a chance to follow natures course. Forcing Kids to watch makes them believe that the Gay community is punishing them collectively for the misdeeds of a few, this will lead to further animosity against homosexuals.

I believe that in college, where people are more mature and can take thing more balanced should be the place where they should show such videos and schools are just not the right place!

posted on Nov, 28 2004 @ 10:46 AM

Originally posted by IAF101
[I mean - what has it come to these days ? Pretty soon you will see Gay couples in proms! Is that acceptable? I would say - NO .

Why not? If a gay couple wishes to go to the Prom as a "couple" how is that wrong? What about thier rights to assosiate with whom they please? What if they were mixed race couples? What if.......... Really now

Edit: back on topic. As a parent I would want to view the material in question. I do agree with marg (I think) that I doubt highly that they are going to pop in a gay porn video.

[edit on 11/28/04 by FredT]

[edit on 11/28/04 by FredT]

posted on Nov, 28 2004 @ 10:50 AM

Originally posted by IAF101
I totally agree, today schools have become a test bed for all kinds of radical views on religion, spirituality, sexual preferences, nationalism and the like. At their impressionable age children get influenced very easily and is this what we want?
I mean - what has it come to these days ? Pretty soon you will see Gay couples in proms! Is that acceptable? I would say -

This quote is what I mean on teaching tolerance to some, obviously this is an example of how our society is not doing enough to help people learn that we are all humans and the same under our creator.

posted on Nov, 28 2004 @ 10:59 AM
Way to go team bigot.

From some of the responses and attitudes in this thread you could very well be mistaken for thinking the kids had to watch a few weeks of hardcore gay porn.

Is that it? Is little Timmy going to be strapped in like something out of A Clockwork Orange and forced to watch hot Man on Man action?

No. Hes going to see a film that will try to teach him tolerance and make him more understanding of the world around him. Is that really that bad?

What exactly are you all so terrified of? Is little Timmy going to come home wearing a tutu after watching this one film? Wouldn't that suggest a flaw elsewhere in his moral teachings?

If the parents are so assured that they are doing OK teaching their kids morals. Why would they be threatened by 'Tolerance Training'?

Originally posted by Mynaeris
children are prohibited from learning about spirituality at school, yet schools are compelled to teach tolerance of homosexuality

Pretty sure they teach tolerance of other religions at school. Or are we all up in arms about that too?

posted on Nov, 28 2004 @ 11:03 AM
IF there has ever been a need for clear cut evidence of ignorant redneck religious zealots overtaking and ruining this country...look no further, this thread is it.

I'm disgusted.

This film is not about furthering a homosexual agenda and...warn me please, you are a complete moron for even suggesting such a rediculous notion.

They want to teach tolerance. TOLERANCE. That's going to be a tough job considering all the hate speech the parents (Like you) are filling their heads with.

You make me ashamed to be a human being.

Is it wrong to be tolerant of a person who is different than you? Is it wrong to want to expose tolerance to children? To teach them it is ok for people to be different? That you don't have to tie a classmate to a fence and leave him for dead just because he's different?


posted on Nov, 28 2004 @ 11:03 AM

Originally posted by FredT
Why not? If a gay couple wishes to go to the Prom as a "couple" how is that wrong? What about thier rights to assosiate with whom they please? What if they were mixed race couples? What if.......... Really now

[edit on 11/28/04 by FredT]

What I mean to say is that they[Gay couple] have a right, just as you have a right to be Gay but is it socially and morally acceptable for 16-18yr olds to have already made their choice on their orientation without giving nature's choice a try?After all in america it is against the law for gay couples to marry(atleast in my state) and what about the social alienation and discrimination, are they ready for all those harsh realities just as yet?
As for their rights- they have many but as responsible adults isn't it our duty to show them what is socially acceptable and morally correct before they decide to make their choice!
As for mixed race couples I have nothing against it as after all its natures choice[Man-woman] and socially acceptable .

posted on Nov, 28 2004 @ 11:24 AM
Tolerence can never be taught if you pick out each individual deviation from the norm, there are too many .. dont you think a generalization is in order?--Such as every human is born with the same rights, liberties and worth ect reguardless of race religion sexual orientation

The problem with this kind of media crap is the "what makes you different is what makes you special" mentality is born. So now its cool in 8th grade to be bisexual. To say being a teenage homosexual is OK, but to be a teenage heterosexual is NOT OK, because you are not supposed to be entertaining the idea of sex anyway, and if you are not entertaining the idea of sex, you are now because of all this media, "education" and talk on the subject..OH and by the way, the school store has available some condoms in assorted colors shapes and flavors for the sex you are not having. This system is not working very well. -- A child doesnt discern sexuality from sexual preference. Do I have a sexual preference if I am not active?

Every kid TV show in America has interacial couples and the sexual ambiguous kid.-- 13 year old "couples".
Junior high is portayed as circus.

I think all it is doing is giving kids mixed messages. It seems children are being forced into a sexual world before its time and questioning their own sexual identity instead of it naturally occuring.

Im not saying dont sex educate. But gender issues and sexuality is being identified by the act of sex. A childs gender issues arise before puberty. It is gender issues, and the self that is the concern. It is how one views themselves, masculine, femine a bit of both most likely.. not a choice of an anus, vagina or penis.

Now children are being given a "choice" of sexual preference before they even know what it is..Greatttt. Kids love these choices because they dont get many at 14 years old. Mainstream is no fun. Mainstream is not different and mainstream is definitly NOT special...

posted on Nov, 28 2004 @ 11:39 AM

Originally posted by xxKrisxx
Tolerence can never be taught if you pick out each individual deviation from the norm, there are too many

Yeah but there are only two sexes to start with, that limits the amount of deviations a fair bit.

Do I have a sexual preference if I am not active?

Sure we do, don't you remember chasing the girls around the playground, and having a crush on your large chested 6th grade teacher? Don't we all have these kind of memories?

Again, I might be mistaken, but I was assuming the film wasn't about 'how to be a homosexual' or even about sex. But about tolerance and love for those who might have different feelings from the rest of us.

Yes kids are getting exposed to sex a lot earlier than they were in the 50s (mind you still much later than children in other regions of the globe). But to propose its the fault of the education system is just foolish. Look around, look at the media and what it pumps out. Look in magazines, movies, advertising, the music industry. The internet. Every facet of modern life is exposing kids to sex. The schools are simply trying to keep up and help the kids stay safe in the face of such exposure.

posted on Nov, 28 2004 @ 11:45 AM
Do I have a sexual preference if I am not active?

That wasnt a question from me that was a question from a child....sorry I didnt clarify that. HA! . I just believe there are so many mixed messages coming from the education system

Sure we do, don't you remember chasing the girls around the playground, and having a crush on your large chested 6th grade teacher? Don't we all have these kind of memories? --Kano

No. Because Im a chick, a hetero least til I was 25 ..hahah

[edit on 28-11-2004 by xxKrisxx]

posted on Nov, 28 2004 @ 11:53 AM

Originally posted by Kano
Pretty sure they teach tolerance of other religions at school. Or are we all up in arms about that too?

Like I said teaching tolerance is a wider topic.

I am for teaching religion in schools, I mean "comparative" religion, but that is not what religious zealots wants, they one only the teaching of Christianity.

Just like the believe that gays are out there to take your children away and turn them into copies of themselves, and here in ATS we have threads that give the notion that gays are on an "agenda" it also a religious illiteracy in our nation.

Teaching a "comparative Religion" in schools will help understand why the bigotry, prejudice and religious superstitions that exist everywhere.

But our "religious watch dogs" will never agree with that, "all children needs is the knowledge of Christ" in their lives, is better to keep the people ignorant while screaming foul play as why prayer are not allowed in schools and the ten commandments are not display on court houses.

And the same applies to tolerance of other races and ways of life, like gays.

People I always told my children as a responsible parent that they should be respectful of other peoples belief even if they disagree with them, but when somebody try to push those believe on them, I told them to answer back and educate them also.

If you disagree with gays nobody is forcing you to befriend them and live with them but just to understand that they deserved respect and that our children should learn tolerance not only with gays but also with any other group or believe that is out there and you disagree with it.

Denied ignorance don't encourage it.

posted on Nov, 28 2004 @ 12:06 PM
you who insult people for opposing this fail to see why its opposed, they are forcing the state to brainwash kids, this is not right for any reason to force people to think how one group wants them to, you support something like banning voluntary prayer in school yet you support forcing kids to be brainwashed....if this is allowed what will stop the government from doing the same in regards to military indoctrination, or a whole slew of other things? or nazi groups forcing schools to teach their ideas? or the UN? or 'group here'....think about it before you go blindly supporting something that might be used as an excuse for forcing other not so good things on people.

good intentions dont always lead to good things.

and anyways people who already dislike gays will only be inflamed by such a thing and overall might make it worse and they will grow up and become parents, those hateful parents will instill their more extreme ideas into their kids and they will get even worse.

posted on Nov, 28 2004 @ 12:08 PM
As some here have pointed out, the film is about tolerance for differences, including race, religion, AND lifestyles. It's NOT about indocrinating people into homosexuality.

A point for whoever said "bisexuality is acceptable in school, I would BET that the REAL situation is "girls kissing and flirting with girls is okay BUT if there's any boys doing it, they will get beaten up!" That ain't bisexuality... that's actually heterosexual (straight) male values. That particular moral code says "it's okay when chicks kiss because I think it's hot and when I get ready they better pay attention to ME and I can have a great time with two hot chicks having sex with me."

Notice that the reverse value isn't true under this system.

Anyway -- returning to the topic of teaching tolerance, I agree with Marg that tolerance SHOULD be taught in school. Unfortunately, a lot of parents would have problems with teaching things such as "it's okay to be Buddhist or Wiccan or so forth" and "it's okay to be Black/Hispanic/Latino/etc" and home values often override those taught at school.

I'm sure that the members of this board who have experienced some of the unkind intolerance of the few could tell you a lot about why teaching tolerance for others is valuable.

And again, guys... the film teaches tolerance for a lot of things. It's not about homosexuals.

posted on Nov, 28 2004 @ 12:14 PM
really, and who has seen it in action to even know this for a fact?

[edit on 28-11-2004 by namehere]

posted on Nov, 28 2004 @ 12:16 PM
I remain confused how so much emphasis is put on sexual orientation tolerance and the hugest crisis in the country is the Ritalin scandal that remains in the closet.

"Some children, of course, have problems so severe that drugs like Ritalin are a godsend. But that has little to do with the most obvious reason millions of American children are taking Ritalin: compliance. One day at a time, the drug continues to make children do what their parents and teachers either will not or cannot get them to do without it: Sit down, shut up, keep still, pay attention. In short, Ritalin is a cure for childhood." -- Mary Eberstadt (Reading, Writing, and Ritalin)

Marg: I am confused? I thought you taught Spanish?

[edit on 28-11-2004 by Mynaeris]

posted on Nov, 28 2004 @ 12:18 PM

Originally posted by marg6043
This quote is what I mean on teaching tolerance to some, our society is not doing enough to help people learn that we are all humans and the same under our creator.

I am tolerant but I don't want my kid at a "gay" prom or playing in a"gay" baseball team, is that being intolerant! you choose your sexual orientation only after you are fully aware of the implications of such a step to your life.
I would never say to an adult-"hey! Your gay stay away!"

I respect his/her decision and I am happy for their happiness but I don't want impressionable kids to forced into thinking that being "gay" is morally acceptable, by this video they plan to degrade the moral values of kids at school, that is not what we send our kids to school for!
Should they show a video about nudists or neo-nazis or Satanists or gangs or religious fundamentalism or other such social deviants as being socially and morally acceptable?
Will you let you kids get on a path that is destructive to their welfare in the
future and lead to hate and discrimination against them in the future?
I you would then you don't deserve to have kids!

The Bible says in Proverbs that we are to �speak up for those who cannot speak up for themselves. For the weak and defenseless.� In this case the children, for they are mental, moral and socioculturaly weak as they are
confused from school or rather the ACLU on what is right and acceptable!

When you are a teenager, you want to try everything out. You are not very sure of yourself or what is good for you, and you long to be accepted by your peers. When you are not accepted, you start to wonder if something is wrong with you. You begin to explore different things in order to find an answer. Many young men have been led down to the path of homosexuality during this crisis time. The homosexual lifestyle leads to high rates of suicide, depression, HIV, drug abuse, STDs, and other pathogens. Acceptance of homosexuality may cause children to think, �I have another alternative if I get rejected from my girlfriend.� Instead of training our children to resolve conflict and face their problems, we mess up their minds more by saying, �we accept you and your wrong behavior as being ok.� Instead of trying to give a child an alternative to solve a problem, we as parents and teachers should be teaching our children problem solving skills. How do you expect our children to be able to work with people if we don�t teach them problem-solving skills?

I don't mean that kids should hate homosexuals or resent them but that the choice should be put up for later when they are more mature. Its not like saying -do you want cereal or toast for breakfast? Its much more complex and we must make sure that they have reached an age where they have adequate wisdom and experience to make such a decision.

posted on Nov, 28 2004 @ 12:18 PM

Originally posted by LostSailor

Originally posted by Kriz_4
What is wrong with classes on being tolerant and non-violent towards gay people? Surely it would help to reduce the amount of uneducated bigots?

Maybe we should force gays to take classes on religion and morality? Surely it would reduce the amount of uneducated bigots?

***Not trying to start anything, just trying to make a point***

Grady, I too feel sorry for those boyscouts. The ACLU needs to stop their madness!!!

[edit on 28-11-2004 by LostSailor]

But not everyone follows your "religion" and your "moral values"

The conservatives like to force there version of morality and religion down everyone.. those who disagree are called "liberal"

I find religion to be oppressive and not open to various ideals besides what it teaches. No way anyone is stuffing religious belief systems down my throat.

[edit on 28-11-2004 by RedOctober90]

posted on Nov, 28 2004 @ 12:21 PM

Originally posted by namehere
they are forcing the state to brainwash kids ...[snip]... you support something like banning voluntary prayer in school yet you support forcing kids to be brainwashed....if this is allowed what will stop the government from doing the same in regards to military indoctrination, or a whole slew of other things? or nazi groups forcing schools to teach their ideas?

Ye gads. Re-read your post, you really should be embarrassed by the time you finish. Having this ignorant drivel sitting there alongside your name.


All these words with evil connotations. Is the movie really going to turn all those who watch it into little flaming homosexuals, just like that? If so I think its high time we taught some bigoted parents how to raise kids, as they are clearly doing a pathetic job.

This film is teaching tolerance and trying to stop children from hating other groups of children because they are different. It isn't going to be encouraging children to change sides. Any more than a lesson on religious tolerance is going to encourage children to turn from Christians to Muslims. What it is doing is telling kids that if someone is different from them then it is not cool to vilify them. Teaching them to Tolerate other groups and creeds. Again I post the question, why are you so fearful of that?

posted on Nov, 28 2004 @ 12:25 PM

But not everyone follows your "religion" and your "moral values"

The conservatives like to force there version of morality and religion down everyone.. those who disagree are called "liberal"

I find religion to be oppressive and not open to various ideals besides what it teaches. No way anyone is stuffing religious belief systems down my throat.

[edit on 28-11-2004 by RedOctober90]

Not all people are gay or black or this or that, but tolerance to them should be taught? But don't bring religion to school? What weirdness. Teach an understanding of the basic religious precepts to children.

There is so much discussion about this film , has anybody here actually seen it and could they share the synopsis with the others that haven't?

[edit on 28-11-2004 by Mynaeris]

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