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posted on Apr, 25 2014 @ 10:16 AM

originally posted by: Logos23
a reply to: AccessDenied

I have worked with the homeless and all I know is.....that life isn't black and white, behind every homeless person is a complex story and chain of events.

^^^THIS statement, is the entire reason I started this thread, and all I had hoped to accomplish by discussing it.
THANK YOU for posting your personal experience.

posted on Apr, 25 2014 @ 10:21 AM

originally posted by: oblvion

originally posted by: Krazysh0t
Tack on the growing trend of cities trying to criminalize homelessness. This is a problem that is growing out of control and is only going to get worse as the wages remain largely flat and inflation continues to raise pricing people out of being able to maintain a living.

Everyone knows poor people are too stupid and lazy to deserve luxuries like a home and food. They have a low or no skill job, which means the company is doing them a favor by letting them work there. The company is there to make money, workers are there because work is so much more fun than being at home.

My Lord, where do you people get your ideas from?

I sincerely, hope you truly do not believe that which you just posted here.Do you really think poverty is a lack of intelligence and motivation?Home and food are luxuries? Could you please further explain?
edit on 25-4-2014 by AccessDenied because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 25 2014 @ 10:33 AM
a reply to: AccessDenied

I think he just misunderstood what Krazyshot was saying.

posted on Apr, 25 2014 @ 10:46 AM
a reply to: Goteborg

I hope it's a case of internet "lost in translation".

posted on Apr, 25 2014 @ 01:30 PM
I have no problem with helping out homeless people at all, but in my area we have had a bad rash of panhandlers. So much so to the point that local news stations actually did a piece on the fact that these people were not actually homeless and were just scamming passersby. The one guy they followed was driving a brand new F-150 pickup, and when they followed him to his house he ran inside and refused to speak with them.

These panhandlers would intentionally dirty themselves up to look the part, with minor exceptions. These panhandlers are pretty convincing too, until you really take the time to look them over. Homeless people don't generally have daily access to clean socks, or wear new/newer top brand shoes.

Again I am all for helping legitimate homeless people, but it's so hard to tell who is really homeless in my area and who is just out scamming people. I guess I will just have to stick to donating to local food banks, and to the local shelters.

posted on Apr, 25 2014 @ 01:35 PM
a reply to: SpaDe_

Sadly I had that happen to me as well with a young man and his friend. All they asked for was bus fare,so I gave it. But I saw them ask and receive from others as well. Next day I see the same two at the mall,buying new video games. Made me more cautious,but didn't flinch my sympathy for those truly in need.

posted on Apr, 25 2014 @ 02:19 PM
a reply to: Benevolent Heretic

Iam sure he does appreciate it,but perhaps has forgotten how to show it. I'm sure even if mental illness is not a factor,it 's draining to always feel indebted to others for their kindness. Perhaps that is why some don't even try to make eye contact. Perhaps it is easier for them to feel invisible. That just breaks my heart.

posted on Apr, 25 2014 @ 02:48 PM

originally posted by: oblvion

Everyone knows poor people are too stupid and lazy to deserve luxuries like a home and food. They have a low or no skill job, which means the company is doing them a favor by letting them work there. The company is there to make money, workers are there because work is so much more fun than being at home.

My Lord, where do you people get your ideas from?

originally posted by: AccessDenied
I sincerely, hope you truly do not believe that which you just posted here.Do you really think poverty is a lack of intelligence and motivation?Home and food are luxuries? Could you please further explain?

I could be wrong, but I took it as sarcasm.
edit on 25-4-2014 by LucidWarrior because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 25 2014 @ 02:54 PM
In reply to the OP: I am actually homeless right now, and I'd have to say, yeah, I am kinda invisible. I don't panhandle, and I don't look/act like the average bum(still going to college) but when I have to scavenge for food, It's like people would rather just not pay attention to whats in front of their face(me) so they don't have to deal with how it makes them feel. IMO, at least.

posted on Apr, 25 2014 @ 02:55 PM

originally posted by: AccessDenied

originally posted by: Logos23
a reply to: AccessDenied

I have worked with the homeless and all I know is.....that life isn't black and white, behind every homeless person is a complex story and chain of events.

^^^THIS statement, is the entire reason I started this thread, and all I had hoped to accomplish by discussing it.
THANK YOU for posting your personal experience.

No worries

It's encouraging to see that a fair amount of people show a compassionate stance on the subject

posted on Apr, 25 2014 @ 04:19 PM
We could feed a hungry person several meals for the price of our daily mocha from Starbucks, but we don't. This is the kind of people we are. This, in essence, is why the world is such a sad, painful place for so many people. We put the "wants" of ourselves above the "needs" of our fellow beings. It's the world each one of us chooses to create for ourselves and for our children with the decisions we make every day.

posted on Apr, 25 2014 @ 04:40 PM

originally posted by: LucidWarrior
In reply to the OP: I am actually homeless right now, and I'd have to say, yeah, I am kinda invisible. I don't panhandle, and I don't look/act like the average bum(still going to college) but when I have to scavenge for food, It's like people would rather just not pay attention to whats in front of their face(me) so they don't have to deal with how it makes them feel. IMO, at least.

I'm quite speechless right now. Thank you for posting. How are you getting by, if you don't mind me asking?Is there any programs either government or church run etc. that could offer to help you?
I agree with you, that people just do not want to deal with the feelings it stirs up inside them.

posted on Apr, 25 2014 @ 04:42 PM

originally posted by: AccessDenied

originally posted by: oblvion

originally posted by: Krazysh0t
Tack on the growing trend of cities trying to criminalize homelessness. This is a problem that is growing out of control and is only going to get worse as the wages remain largely flat and inflation continues to raise pricing people out of being able to maintain a living.

Everyone knows poor people are too stupid and lazy to deserve luxuries like a home and food. They have a low or no skill job, which means the company is doing them a favor by letting them work there. The company is there to make money, workers are there because work is so much more fun than being at home.

My Lord, where do you people get your ideas from?

I sincerely, hope you truly do not believe that which you just posted here.Do you really think poverty is a lack of intelligence and motivation?Home and food are luxuries? Could you please further explain?

It is sarcasm.

I have more of a socialist stance on social issues, but do not agree with the socialist methods.

I am actually very put off by the fact so many in the country work so hard every day 6 and 7 days a week, and have less than required by our biology to sustain healthy living conditions.

posted on Apr, 25 2014 @ 04:43 PM

originally posted by: zazen
We could feed a hungry person several meals for the price of our daily mocha from Starbucks, but we don't. This is the kind of people we are. This, in essence, is why the world is such a sad, painful place for so many people. We put the "wants" of ourselves above the "needs" of our fellow beings. It's the world each one of us chooses to create for ourselves and for our children with the decisions we make every day.

I had to comment, because this was beautifully written, and sadly 100% true.

posted on Apr, 25 2014 @ 04:49 PM
a reply to: AccessDenied

As in what am I doing for food/shelter? Well, currently I am sleeping in a gazebo at my local park, lol. As for food, whatever I can scrounge out of dumpsters/trashcans, and my church has several functions per week where they provide meals. I have been looking at food stamps, but haven't actually went down to sign up yet. Gonna do that later today or early tomorrow now, actually. thanks for reminding me.

edit on 25-4-2014 by LucidWarrior because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 25 2014 @ 04:52 PM

originally posted by: AccessDenied
Sadly I had that happen to me as well with a young man and his friend. All they asked for was bus fare,so I gave it. But I saw them ask and receive from others as well. Next day I see the same two at the mall,buying new video games. Made me more cautious,but didn't flinch my sympathy for those truly in need.

I don't give money to the homeless on the street. I do make a monthly donation, straight from my bank, to a homelessness charity. I am a very easy to scam and have learnt from experience, I am way too gullible and once you're marked, they will seek you out. I will give food, and on occasion cigarettes if I have them and am asked, but money, no.

I am a caretaker of a church, and I come into contact with the homeless daily, on various levels. They come in to have a kip, especially in winter and when it is raining, or for a sit down, or to talk to whatever god they think might listen to them and one chap comes in to play the piano. Most are alcoholics and/or drug users. There is plenty of help for them, but most can't cope with the bureaucracy involved in accessing that help. Some cannot read or write, and struggle to admit to that. Almost all, have suffered child abuse, and many of those, have become abusers themselves, which has further isolated them from wider society. The drug and alcohol abuse is really just a means of getting through one day to the next. To live on the street is to never really get any rest or relaxation. They suffer violence both amongst themselves and from 'normal' people who see them as an easy target. They disappear sometimes, which is what I have found the hardest thing to deal with. Some turn up again, but others don't, they just drop off the face of the earth. I've met one or two that were really manipulative, and those that have lived that life for a long time really have to be, but as soon as they know that you are not a 'mark' they back off. Most of all though, they get treated like scum and just appreciate being treated like a human being.

Your guy asking for busfare, may have been in need, they may have been homeless and have simply worked out that it is easier to ask for a specific sum from multiple people, rather than just 'beg' for food. That they were then buying video games too is no indication of 'need'. Sometimes, such things will get them into a 'mate's' house for a few nights, or sometimes, they just have no concept of future need and preparing for it. They may have had extra money after buying food, and having satisfied that need will just feel cash in their pocket and spending it on something luxurious gives a sense of normalcy. Tomorrow is not something that they can afford to worry about and that can become a mind-set. This one lad I knew, he was making good money begging, trying to save for a deposit on a room, but shopping helped fill the time and bit of conversation with a shop assistant, he kept buying trainers. It made him feel like everything was okay, just for a while. The main theme amongst most of the homeless people I have come into contact with, is that they just aren't equipped to deal with the world as it is. It can be heartbreaking and frustrating, but sometimes, most times, you just have to accept that and just be a sounding board or a friendly face. Doesn't cost a penny to be either. The homeless charity that I support is for those that are at risk of being made homeless, and that I think is key, prevention. Once they are out there, it is very hard to get back in. That though is a lot to do with the wider attitude of the 'normal' world. It is all too easy to dehumanise someone who is dirty and smelly, as though cleanliness if all that is required to be human or worthy of help. If you can't read, you need someone to help you navigate 'the system' and it is very hard to admit to strangers that you cannot read or write, so pride comes into it. Council and benefit officers can be very judgemental as well, as can other users of those services, instead, it is easier, preferable, just to live day to day, surviving barely, on the street and not have to deal with that judgement.

posted on Apr, 25 2014 @ 04:52 PM

originally posted by: oblvion

originally posted by: Krazysh0t
Tack on the growing trend of cities trying to criminalize homelessness. This is a problem that is growing out of control and is only going to get worse as the wages remain largely flat and inflation continues to raise pricing people out of being able to maintain a living.

Everyone knows poor people are too stupid and lazy to deserve luxuries like a home and food. They have a low or no skill job, which means the company is doing them a favor by letting them work there. The company is there to make money, workers are there because work is so much more fun than being at home.

My Lord, where do you people get your ideas from?

and this is part of the why the homeless situation is getting worse....attitudes like havent learnt any life lessons judging by your comment...perhaps you should go learn some compassion and empathy....there are many factors as to why there are so many homeless but "stupid and lazy" is not it....

comments like yours make me sad and angry all i really have to say to you is please do not breed and or have pets

ok my bad it was sarcasm...i misinterpreted the statement
edit on 25-4-2014 by hopenotfeariswhatweneed because: update

posted on Apr, 25 2014 @ 04:53 PM

originally posted by: zazen
We could feed a hungry person several meals for the price of our daily mocha from Starbucks, but we don't. This is the kind of people we are. This, in essence, is why the world is such a sad, painful place for so many people. We put the "wants" of ourselves above the "needs" of our fellow beings. It's the world each one of us chooses to create for ourselves and for our children with the decisions we make every day.

This, right here, is absolutely true. We could feed all the hungry people in Africa if only we didn't think about charge. I'm not gonna start a rant about it here, maybe later, but just think about all the food that is sitting in grocery stores/supermarkets in (most) every country, and tell me that we couldn't feed all those that need food.

posted on Apr, 25 2014 @ 04:53 PM
a reply to: AccessDenied

I know every single homeless person in my area.
I don't walk by and ignore anything.

I like this thread because I feel almost like an outcast because I know their names and talk to them while others just walk by like they don't exist.

Looking at your signature is kind of inspirational....Chris McCandless fed the homeless in his spare time and donated his college money to oxfam.
I wanted to spend my Christmas handing out food to the I feel bad I didn't because i was busy.

Every person is always visible to me.

Thanks for the reminder.

edit on 25-4-2014 by DrumsRfun because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 25 2014 @ 04:56 PM

originally posted by: hopenotfeariswhatweneed

originally posted by: oblvion

originally posted by: Krazysh0t
Tack on the growing trend of cities trying to criminalize homelessness. This is a problem that is growing out of control and is only going to get worse as the wages remain largely flat and inflation continues to raise pricing people out of being able to maintain a living.

Everyone knows poor people are too stupid and lazy to deserve luxuries like a home and food. They have a low or no skill job, which means the company is doing them a favor by letting them work there. The company is there to make money, workers are there because work is so much more fun than being at home.

My Lord, where do you people get your ideas from?

and this is part of the why the homeless situation is getting worse....attitudes like havent learnt any life lessons judging by your comment...perhaps you should go learn some compassion and empathy....there are many factors as to why there are so many homeless but "stupid and lazy" is not it....

comments like yours make me sad and angry all i really have to say to you is please do not breed and or have pets

Worry not, my friend, he was being sarcastic

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