a reply to:
sequentialgear writes:
:how can they imagine living the way they always lived, in a war riddled planet?
The oligarchy doesn't need us any more! That's the first point.
The planet is war-riddled already, and that is the basis of the oligarchy's power at present. That's the second point.
The planet is running out of resources. Having fewer people around will mean those resources are more available for their use. That's the third
* * *
The oligarchy doesn't need the masses;
Robotics and artificial intelligence is as they say, a solved problem. Google 'Asimo' and 'Watson'. This isn't being invested in because the
oligarchy has enforced a ban on really appreciating this fact, and is engaged in a capital strike to limit this technology's use.
Look, clean cold fusion technology was a solved problem in 1954 with the development of the Jetter cycle which circumvents the Lawson criterion for
initiation (and led to an over-production of energy the first time it was tested in an H-bomb test at that time).
Same deal there.
Its through the elite's control of the media, the academic press, and capital that we come to believe these things are science fiction or fantasy and
attack anyone as a free energy freak who doesn't go along with it.
That goes with the presumed dangers of radiation as well! Some know about Ex-Rad and there are other drugs besides. Drugs that repair radiation
damage and makes people largely immune to radiation. Information about these and other drugs are highly restricted. As is information about the
Jetter cycle, content addressable memories, you name it.
Also, in 2009 the Nobel Prize in medicine was awarded to three doctors that successfully reversed the ageing process in mice. A California company is
working on commercializing treatments for humans and says they'll be ready to reverse the ageing process in humans in less than 10 years. So, we
must radically reduce population and increase death rate by other means. Untreated radiation sickness will achieve that end.
In short, anything that can be used by small groups of people to live very very well, it isn't even a remote thought in the public mind.
The past is prologue.
The great 'Civil War' in 1860s US occurred immediately following the invention of the Cotton Gin and the McCormick reaper. Do you think that was an
accident of history? Was it an accident that there were more deaths of farm labourers in the American South than any other class of person? These
folks got killed off just prior to rolling out mass production and a better life through science.
In the same way the elite want a great World War among the 99% to cull the population prior to the current batch of miracles makes it out of the labs
and into general use. Preferably one that uses atomic bombs and biological weapons that really do the job of population reduction. Some of the elite
have called the two world wars disappointing since not enough people died. Also, humanity has become more peace loving, and immune to the propaganda
that foment war in the first place.
But, this is part of a larger plan prior to rolling out the present generation of productive wonders. All while putting in place a new powerful
religious ideal that the planet is fragile and we must follow government edicts the elite promulgate - to protect our fragile world of course - since
we cannot live apart from it.
All because past generations (that is us folks) destroyed and will be blamed for their too many numbers used in wasteful ways.
The elite have been putting the predictive programming out there for 40 years at least - you can see it clearly.
That's the narrative. See it for what it is, and how it will be used by the elite to maintain control for yet another generation or two - and by
then, they'll use advanced genetic technology to dominate us further as they become transhuman and move beyond Earth, without us dumb animals.
Like I said, the planet is war ravaged now! Fukishima is releasing more radiation each month than the Hiroshima blast released once. Persistent
contrails are being sprayed to manage solar radiation and control the weather, and are putting all manner of viruses and self-replicating nanobots.
These get into the soil and our food, and us. That way diseases can be activated on demand by radio command.
Until this is reliably in place and the bulk of us are gone, the only way the elite can maintain control is if the population is distracted by fear
and anger. The only way the population stays distracted today is by inspiring fear and anger. That is why in these days, this is a land "where
ignorant armies clash by night" to quote Matthew Arnold and Dover Beach.
Historian Webster Tarpley explains the strategy of tension well after the fiasco of the Boston bombing
The history is clear. Prior to the rise of education and science the great mass of people relied on their Church leaders to give them guidance. The
elite also relied on drama and literature to shape opinion. By 1900 people relied on the 'great marketplace of ideas' in advertising. Manipulation
of advertising to create propaganda by people like Edward Bernays is well documented in the 20th century. The development of radio, motion pictures,
television, produced messages that shaped the epistemology of the masses with ever increasing sophistication and hypnotic effect. This is well
documented also by folks like Vance Packard. Yet by mid-century, people became largely immune to these techniques becoming more sophisticated
themselves. No matter how they felt about a product or idea after seeing a commercial for it, they would inevitably say to themselves, that's just
an advertisement, shake off the trance and move on.
We can see how primitive advertising one a generation ago because we have developed a natural immunity. Its important to see these old ads and
realize they were very effective in their day. And realize that advertising, and other methods of control are still there, we're just not immune the
same way.
The methods of mind control - repetition, catchy tune, combined with your message, are easy to spot today, but were cutting edge 60 years ago!
Now this sort of thing, this rising immunity, doesn't go unnoticed by the ruling elite. And they work very hard through their controlled
academicians to find solutions to the credibility problem. Starting in 1950s the major media companies began relying on News! Since they noticed
folks took news stories far more seriously than advertising and drama. So, in the 1950s was born the 'talking heads' - fatherly figures that you
naturally trusted, who would never lie, and who you identified with. When they explained complex issues to you and focused your attention in ways the
elite desired, they were quite effective. Yet this lasted for only another generation.
So, the elite has to rely ever more on engineered 'false flag' events that keep the fear going - but people are becoming immune to that. Now, those
who are 'awake' have become the enemy.