posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 05:20 PM
Hi, I need help in iding an aircraft I just saw
Location. Northern Manchester TN
Time: 5:10-5:15 PM April 24th
Flying from East to West
Altitude, 3,000 to 5,000 feet
Aircraft was a Twin Boom Pusher/Puller aircraft, meaning there was an engine in the back of the fuselage and one engine in the front.
Engines were prop with what looked like the cylinder heads on the outside of the cowling.
aircraft was White in color.
Could not see a cockpit since it flew right over head.
It looked very similar to the Northrop Scaled Composites Firebird.
Wings were very long with tapered ends.
Other unusual features: Left wing had a long probe coming form the leading edge.
I know why didn't I get a picture? I was working on my motorcycle and had my hands covered in grease.
besides it went behind the tree line before I could get in and get in, grab the camera etc.
I;m trying to figure out if it was a UAV or what.
edit on 24-4-2014 by mash3d because: (no reason given)