posted on Apr, 23 2014 @ 04:57 AM
a reply to:
I can think of very few people, who make my skin crawl more than Mr Blair. Perhaps it is because he helped destroy the socialist element in the Labour
Party. Perhaps it is because he went to war based on nothing but the hypothetical threats that we now know not to have been anything like as pressing
as we were lead to believe. Perhaps it is because he represents the face of everything I despise, that is a hypocrite. You see, he is allegedly a
Christian, but he is determined to make war on his fellow man, based on nothing but their faith. I dislike ANYONE who would so callously ignore the
lessons of the past in this way.
The truth is, that he does not fear RADICAL Islam at all. His fear is Islam as a whole, which one can tell from the rabid way he attacks the subject.
As a Christian, and as a human being, I find his approach unsupportable and unacceptable. Do not misunderstand me, I know that their is a threat from
dangerous elements of that faith. But to hear him talk, you would think that everyone who follows the Muslim faith has a special jacket in their
closet, and it just is not true. The fact is, as it has always been, that the extremists are outnumbered heavily by the moderates, and furthermore,
that the constant fear mongering only makes things EASIER, for the real nutters out there, not harder.
Blair is a merchant of misery, when he smiles, he smiles the smile of death incarnate. He is a toxic, slimy, lying hoodwinker, and the sooner the
world is rid of his leering countenance, the better, and that goes for his Golemesque wife as well.