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Does anyone ever dream of someone they have yet to meet, but eventually meet in real life?

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posted on Jul, 24 2017 @ 02:14 PM
I am 51 now .
When I was 14 I had a dream .I dreamed I was marred .Looked at the women ( and she was a women not a teen )
did not recognize her and thought this is stupid if i am going to dream I am marred it should be a girl i know .
So along the bottom of the dream I had a strip running with photos of every girl i knew ( just like the news uses)
Pointed at one .Turned and there she was . Cool dream really cool .
The first women I did not know well 14 years later met her marred her . And yes I know it was her unless her twin was in my dream ( she has no twin lol )
But of corse the question is always how can that be possible ? I must have projected that dream onto her ?
Still that does not explained why she looked exactly like the women in my dream .
btw she would have been a child when i had the dream lol she was just 18 when i met her i am 9.8 years older then she was . So she started out ion the dream being older then i .
I must be nuts is all i can say and most of the time when I am thinking clear I really think people who belive this stuff are nuts land my self .
But saying that does not explain away all the weird stuff that is just impossible .
I will close with this NO SUCH THING as soul mates . being that close to someone is created not just a random chance . it takes two no man will every match your dream man

edit on 24-7-2017 by midnightstar because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 22 2017 @ 03:45 AM
a reply to: PassedKarma

I had a dream I was at some kind of outside event where there were smaller groups and speakers talking about rock formation, I was with my sister who was strangely dressed for the occasion, as we walked up to the nearest event the speaker through one of his rocks as saying that's not a good rock to show, this rock missed us by inches, I was annoyed he had done that so I got closer and went on about his iresposible safety methods, of which did not seem to bother him,I said come on im not staying here to listen to him so l left and the guy who I had stood next to said well im coming with you and as we walked and talked about everyday things we laughed a lot, it was so much fun just being with this guy, then we kissed and hugged and he swung me around and I said, hang on I don't even know your name, then I woke up without knowing, how strange

posted on Feb, 6 2018 @ 12:19 PM
a reply to: MissBubblez

I know im replying to my own post but I thought it would be something to update.
So turns out I met the guy from my dream, everything has and did click into place and even he had dreams of me back then too! I mean we are still both freaked out but it was honestly like some spiritual connection we had (we have similar spiritual beliefs), but yeh everything has been amazing. I can't believe I found him like my head is still trying to register it... We literally live so far apart from each other but it was totally worth it and still is for our future.

Have hope guys!

posted on Feb, 24 2018 @ 04:46 PM
I once dreamed of two random people. In the dream they didn't have any distinct features and instead looked like energy forms. Seemingly male and female. One was very excited and seemed to be sharing something with me that I didn't understand.

Sometime later, in school, I ran into a pair of kids - a boy and a girl - who seriously gave me a sense of deja vu. The whole meeting was awkward that I couldnt help feel that I was being scammed or conned somehow. Just weird feeling. The girl dominated the conversation and always spoke energetically.

I eventually identified them from the dream.

posted on Feb, 24 2018 @ 04:50 PM

originally posted by: MissBubblez
a reply to: MissBubblez

I know im replying to my own post but I thought it would be something to update.
So turns out I met the guy from my dream, everything has and did click into place and even he had dreams of me back then too! I mean we are still both freaked out but it was honestly like some spiritual connection we had (we have similar spiritual beliefs), but yeh everything has been amazing. I can't believe I found him like my head is still trying to register it... We literally live so far apart from each other but it was totally worth it and still is for our future.

Have hope guys!

That's exciting! Happy for you!

Very interested to learn how you guys met and how you knew it was the same guy from your dream.

posted on Jun, 26 2019 @ 01:14 PM
I have had a dream about a guy, but we have yet to meet. Reading these posts makes me a little hopeful, but I am somewhat skeptical that it'll come to fruition. Anyways, in August of 2016 I had a dream in which I was talking to a guy online. The dream was kind of like a split screen where I could see him in his location and me in my location. Maybe we were skyping or something. The whole time this dream was happening I thought it was in real life. I actually thought I was awake, and there was a very strong connection. It appeared we had known each other for some time. I don't remember what all was said, but he asked if I wanted to move in with him and I said yes. I was very happy, but then I woke up and realized it was a dream. The guy had blonde hair (kind of like a sandy color) and looked no older than 35 yrs old. In theory he could be older than 35, but he looked young. I never recalled the eye color, but I believe the last name is Cohen, or some other form of spelling. I'm assuming that his surname is Cohen because my understanding is that he's Jewish. I was told he is a kohenite. I am not Jewish, don't know anyone who is, and don't see how else we could meet. Maybe he's awake and comes on to sites like ATS, so I'm posting this just in case.

posted on Jul, 5 2019 @ 11:57 AM

This is a great post.

For a long time I've had this feeling of a male person within me, like we feel & know each other with our souls, but still haven't met in waking life.
In my dreams (if that was really him) he always looked differently or his looks was blurred. But, in the last year dream I saw a man clearly and vividly - he was just standing in the daylight, he was serious and was looking at me. A short dream scene. I'm not sure if that was really or partially him, or just one of his dream "masks". He had low & short ponytail, his hair was brownish or a mix of brown and blonde, he had very short-small beard. I saw only his upper body which seemed fit, and he was wearing red T-shirt. His eyes were noticeable, but I can't remember their colour at this point, could be the lighter one.
Few years ago something woke me up, actually I was half-awake. He (I felt it was him) was sitting beside my bed and he was watching me sleep. It was dark and I saw only a dark figure of his.
Anyway, I guess that only time will tell what all if this means.
I wish everyone good luck in finding answers, people, love...

posted on Jul, 5 2019 @ 12:50 PM

originally posted by: PassedKarma
Excuse the semi sappy post. But this site is full of a variety of people from all walks of life. I thought I'd get some opinions.

I keep having dreams of a man. My soulmate, my future husband, whatever you want to call him. We are always together, but the location and times are different in each dream. We are just together, usually walking and I feel completely content. Like I am right where I am suppose to be and I don't have an ounce of stress, or thought, or anything. I am just in the moment. Sounds unexciting, but the dreams and feelings are so intense it has almost made me believe in a parallel universe or something and my dream is a window into it.

These dreams have been going on for over 5 years. I don't know if it is my subconscious projecting since I am miserable in the sense I can't find "the one" or what is going on. I was just curious if anyone has dreamed of someone they didn't know, but eventually ended up meeting this person in real life.

If you have never met that person, it may be that that person is related to you or shares a common frequency through some genetic link somehow. I feel we all have the ability to subconsciously communicate with other humans and possibly some animals too. How many times have you thought about seeing someone only to see them shortly after you thought of it, maybe not seeing them for years. There have been studies on this kind of communication, but the results were scattered widely, some people had strong links, others did not.

Chances are this person could also share similar interests as you and eat so that the resulting communication link is about equal with yours. They say animals still possess this ability, but humans don't, the evidence I looked at shows that humans can have this but often cannot translate the information well, and on top of that, a person does not know who they are linked to. It could be a crazy person.

Or it could just be a dream, one that you are pleased with and your mind keeps giving you that dream so that you feel good.

Better than my reoccurring dream I used to have where a bear was chasing me. That dream actually stopped around the time my dad died. Maybe it was a shared nightmare with my dad, the bear head I have he had shot in the late fifties is in the basement. He shot it in a tree, it fell, his gun jammed, my dad ran, the bear chased him, he tripped and the bear jumped on top of him and died. I did not have that nightmare after I turned eighteen, he died when I was eighteen, maybe I was linked to his nightmare.

posted on Sep, 17 2019 @ 10:39 AM
a reply to: PassedKarma

Yes, I’ve had a very vivid dream myself a little more than two years ago. I have yet to meet this woman, but to keep the story short(ish); I had a dream that I was on a bus running errands. Once I got off at my stop, I exited then realized I left some things behind. I found one and circled back around to retrieve the other. As I gathered my other item and was about to exit, a woman called out to me and said, “Are you sure you wanna do that? If you get off now, it would make it very difficult (hard) for you to get home.” That's when I looked up to see that my surroundings were very different from what I seen. I was in a foreign neighborhood on a very long street that I couldn't see the end to. There were lots of trees around that were orange and reddish like the fall. There was a breeze, then I felt a little scared and got back on. Once I was back in my seat, she approached me. I didn’t know her at all, but it felt like I knew her. As if I met her before. The vibe was there. I cannot begin to explain the level of attraction and pull I felt in that moment. I was completely drawn to her!
She asked me if I wanted to get pizza and I said yes and caressed her playfully. She smirked at me with her lip piercing then walked away. Then I called after her, “So, how am I supposed to keep in contact with you? Where do I meet you at?” I started listing off social media apps, “Instagram, facebook, twitter, kik?” She shook her head then I replied, “Text?” then she continued, “I don't have a phone,” I stared at her confused and right before she exited she said, “You'll just know.” Then the bus closed its doors and pulled off.

Now that it’s been a couple years and I can’t remember her exact features (I immediately forgot once I woke up), but the piercing and sound of her voice sticks so vividly in my mind. Lol so maybe I’ll find her one day.

edit on 17-9-2019 by CocoLo51215 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 6 2019 @ 06:34 AM


posted on Feb, 18 2022 @ 04:29 AM
I previously posted on this thread to tell how I had a similar experience back in November 9 2013. I saw the guy I dream of/I believe I know so well, like on a soulmate level, and I am sure we immediately recognized each other except I got shy and stressed back then. A similar thing occurred with whom I believe was the same guy in a completely different country. He was shocked and happy to see me, it was clear that he immediately recognized me. Unfortunately, I did not recognize him in that moment. In the train he looked at me the whole time, until he just crossed his arms, smiled at me, and waited for a reaction. I just semi-smiled at him and he smiled back, looked down, with disappointment on his face, before leaving me alone while keeping a faded smile on his face. I cannot explain the feeling of familiarity I felt right then, it all felt so so safe and familiar. As if I knew this man on an intimate, deep level. I was about to just follow him, jusy walk behind him as if I knew him so well, but let him go that day, I didn't want to be creepy. I spent my day smiling before I finally figured out who that was. I have looked for him everywhrre since then, trying to get lucky again. Sometimes when I am overwhelmed, I close my eyes and picture that moment, and feel that warmkng familiarity again. I hope he would somehow come across this post, I have tried a lot of silly internet searches tryig to find him.
I am very happy for the people here who already found their answer.

posted on Jul, 25 2022 @ 05:56 AM
I saw the guy I used to dream of through the glass in a pub while he was inside and I was outside looking in. That night I have a very strong feeling that exactly this would happen. That we would see each other and recognize each other. He was so shocked to see me, and I realized a little too late who he was. But I sure did recognize him.

If you are the guy from Calibri Pub, November 9 2013, and you are looking for me too, it's about time we've found each other. I reject any guy I meet because I simply don't feel that it's you. I saw how yoh pointed at me and were absolutely shocked to see me, like I was a figment of your imagination that just materialized. I felt the same way, too. But I was too shy, hesitant, and confused to do something about it. I know it was you then.

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