posted on Aug, 16 2015 @ 01:06 PM
I always thought this was "normal" growing up, I would dream of people I had not meet or places I had not been to yet. When I was 17 I saw a
commercial about universal studio's Californian,I told my Mother I would love to go there. ( I lived in Michigan at the time) she told me to keep
dreaming, a year later after Boot camp in the Marines I was at universial studios, with my Mother and father, I looked at her and she just said, "yep,
the force is strong in you " I dream of future places all the time. I started dreaming of my wife at 13 did not meet her till I was 30. I keep "trying
" to dream of the lottery numbers but no luck so far
(it never works if I force it)
I also get "feelings" that help me avoid trouble often as well, avoiding mass fights, tickets, just odd things...
My buddy in the USMC told me he would follow me anywhere but if I get a feeling he will follow that too (I saved him from beatings twice because of my
it was just "normal" to me, just the other day I was broke between paydays and I had 1 dollar left as I was checking out of the store, I had the
strong "feeling" to buy an instant ticket ( rarely buy them, maybe 3 times a year) I tried to ignore it, it was my last 1$, but I was pulled back to
the machine, I won 40$. My wife was freaked.
I always seem to get refunds or win $$ when I'm broke, or I will find a couple 100$ on the street, Some folks say I'm just lucky but it happens often
, I could go on for several pages of things like this, it still weirds out the wife but she accepts it.
edit on 16-8-2015 by thedigirati
because: spelling