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Will the NWO use the flue vaccine shortages as a method to depopulate the world?

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posted on Nov, 27 2004 @ 03:36 PM
On ATSNN, there was an artical stating that the flue vaccines are not being given out possibly resulting in degeneration or disabilities within American citizens. It could very well go along with their goals of depopulation, without making it exremely evident to the American people that some governing body does indeed exist within the government.

[edit on 27-11-2004 by NWObringer]

[edit on 27-11-2004 by NWObringer]


posted on Nov, 28 2004 @ 12:21 AM
Who do you think is the depopulation target, those that receive the vaccine or those that don't? My bet would be those that receive the vaccine. It would seem that government would want to target the elderly and disabled so they would not increase the financial/tax burden of the ever expanding social securtiy and medicare systems on the younger generation that still works and produces. A culling of the old and weak from the herd so to speak.

posted on Nov, 28 2004 @ 11:37 AM
Could do,
there are numerous theoris about depopulation and how it will be carried out. My theory, is a huge scale war will be the result

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 07:36 AM
The reason there were shortages is because they were testing a limited quantity on the people to see what would happen since they only spent a few months in clinical trials before releasing it. And then they(WHO) recalled 800,000 shots that were already given because they were bad. The h1n1 is a hoax, this is the weakest flu season ever. I've ran into people with h1n1 before walking around, they were fine. People are ridiculous.

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 07:43 AM
I'm confused about 'shortages' when in the past few days the whore media has announced that Britain is going to flush 160 million doses approx. and France can't give its overstock away

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 09:39 AM
This started with the dubya adminstration and the bird flu, and now has mutated into the obama camp as the h1n1. What's next, the reemergence of "mad cow" disease? Compile all of this with the newest threat of "emp's"(electro magnetic pulse bombs) exploding in our atmosphere, thus rendering our entire electrical grid useless!

The nwo has many tools at it's disposal, and vaccinations are just one of them. Here locally, they have just received a gov't grant to have "mobile" h1n1 vaccination buses that go out in remote areas of the counties and vaccinate people! Now, if they're doing this where I live in Gooberville USA, just picture the larger cities and other heavily populated areas of the usa!

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 11:26 AM
Are people still getting themselves into a tiz about this?
Seems whichever way you cut it, someone cries conspiracy.

First the disease itself. It was supposedly designed to decimate the worlds population. Well it didn't.

Then it was the vaccine. It was going to be universally mandatory. There were hysterical Youtube videos predicting imminent road blocks, marshal law etc. It didn't happen.

Then it was the vaccine shortage - supposedly designed to make people want it. Didn't happen - apart from a few panicky US citizens it seems.

And now the shortage itself is being billed as a way of depopulation. And no doubt scenarios like the UK actually giving it away (as opposed to forcing the shots) will be suspect.

Let's face it, while we are rightly sceptical of TPTB, they are damned if they do and damned if they don't. They are damned whatever they do!

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 03:03 PM
The nasal mist will cause spreading of the H1N1. When this happens, because of the shortage of the vaccine, they will dilute it with squaline which will start to attack the body and it's organs. The vaccines themselves will be one of the depopulation tactics. Another way is the flouridated water supplies that will render people infertile to slow the rate of births. Chemtrails may be another one. I'm new to the chemtrails thing but find it very possible. The shortages of vaccines will not kill people. It's a scare tactic to get people to actually recieve a false vaccine.

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