This is part one, more will follow as soon as I can focus my eyes again from staring at the screen so long. I typed this once and lost it just as I
was trying to save it
My pocket guide to Mormonism **The following is my understanding and any criticism / correction is welcome if documented.**
I�m typing this in word now as the last time I did this I lost the whole post after literally working on it for 2 hours. I hope that I can remember
everything I posted. As to my personal credentials I, while never officially becoming a member, was closely associated with the LDS church for a
couple of years after meeting my ex-fiance whose family had been members going all the way back to like her great great great great uncle who was
Martin Harris. I put a lot of time into researching the history and doctrine of the church and this post will sum up my findings.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints as of 2000 had 11 million members and roughly 100 temples operating world wide. They are a very rich
organization as well if not the richest having assets of 30 billion dollars in 2000 I�ve heard that�s grown to near 50 billion but I can�t
authenticate the latter number. It is estimated by experts that by 2080 they will have a membership of 260 million world wide, or roughly the same as
the current population of the United States. First of all let me say that the mormons are some of the nicest people you will meet. I still have
friends that are mormon and I wish them no ill at all, my problem is with the church itself. However, this statement is also an explanation of how
the church functions and recruits so many members (it�s the fastest growing religion on earth.) The church, to use a bad analogy from Shrek, is like
an onion. It has many many layers and any given layer can be as far as one needs to go to be a faithful member of the religion for the rest of their
lives. I would say the majority of the members stay on the outside layer, the nice mainstream one that seems like most protestant churches, promotes
family values and geneology, and puts out those nice video�s you see on TV offering videos and free copies of the King James Bible. However, if one
is of the curious sort as myself being a historian, you can dig deeper into the religion for years building many nice onion layers only to find a new
doctrine or belief that while completely accepted by the church, completely shatters the current layer and forces you to rebuild yet again. That is
where the true nature of the church lies and at its core is something I can only describe as sinister, so sinister in fact that I am now just able to
put it together.
Its probably appropriate to start at the beginning so I shall. What follows is the history of the earth as contained in mormon doctrine using the
Peal of Great Price, the Book of Mormon, and the Bible as sources. There exists in the universe, a race, our race, mankind. From the beginning of
time a progression has been in place where man could through certain ceremonies, living a good life, and having the correct authority progress to the
point of being a god. I will get into the exact methods later but at some point before the creation of the Earth there was a man who existed on a
planet orbiting the star Kolob that followed this progression as had presumably others on his world and throughout the universe. He and his wife (yes
to the mormons god has a wife that ascended with him and is just not mentioned so that she wouldn�t be taken in vain as he is) give birth to billions
of spirit children as is the way of things. However, the spirit children while content in their eternity, can neither experience joy, sorrow, or
progress to godhood themselves without first becoming human. It is also important to note that while they were spirits they had full knowledge of the
universe and free will. The path to becoming a god meant that a planet had to be created that could sustain mortal life and the spirits would descend
to become humans, experience mortal existence, go through the process of becoming a god, and then ascend after death to godhood. So, under the
direction of Michael (the arch-angel from the Bible) the spirits go out into the void of space and create the earth out of materials that were
present. It can be noted that at least in the past this was used to counteract evolution as fossils were just the remains of animals from planets
that didn�t do so well that survived to become part of the new Earth.
After the Earth was created a great council was held to decide exactly how to send the spirits to Earth. Two plans were presented, one by the first
born of God, Christ, and one by the second born, satan. The plan of Christ was that humans would descend with no knowledge of the universe but would
retain free will. There would be sin in the world but they would be able to gain the knowledge of making decisions, experience the joy of making the
right decisions, as well as the sorrow of making the wrong ones. To make sure that the eternal progression was not derailed by sin, Christ would
descend to Earth, live a perfect life, and be sacrificed to restore the progression and allow for the forgiving of sins. With this plan not everyone
would progress to the same point and some would be lost for eternity, but those that made it would progress with a wisdom that came from making
decisions and resisting sin. The plan of satan however, gave humans no free will over which he presumably would rule and secretly plot to overthrow
god. Everyone would progress but not at the same quality or wisdom.
As you probably figured out the first plan won and satan was livid. He raised a rebellion in heaven and was followed by a third of the spirits. The
rebellion was put down and satan was defeated by Michael. Those that had rebelled were cast down to earth in the form of spirits, never to gain a
human body of their own and progress. There they continue to exist trying desperately to possess people or coerce them to go against god.
After all the excitement the plan was put into place. A veil was placed between Earth and Heaven so that when the spirits became human they would
have no memories of their former life. Many spirits were given special missions such as prophets, the great inventors, etc. so that if they lived
good lives their mission would be revealed to them again by the Holy Ghost who would thin the veil. Michael, for instance, was chosen to be the first
human. He was sent to Earth and became Adam, the first human. Since there was no sin on the Earth at this point, god communicated directly with Adam
and Eve and gave them the order of progression, at this point known at the priesthood. However, there was a dilemma. Part of their mission was to
have children so that more spirits could become humans. However, they did not have the knowledge of how to do this and they were forbidden to eat of
the tree of life which would give them this knowledge. This was put into place so that there would have to be a sin so that there would be right and
wrong in the world. So, basically at this point in the game satan is used to tempt eve into eating from the tree, then Adam, then they�re thrown out
but they become aware of the world and are able to reproduce, just not in the Garden. It is important to note that as of the original sin god no
longer communicates directly with man. Instead Jesus who they believe is Jehovah in the Bible, communicates with prophets who convey the will of god
to the people.
So, at this point Adam and Eve have their children including Cain who kills Abel. Cain is cursed and sent away. According to doctrine this curse is
dark colored skin, or essentially Cain became the first African. The reason that African Americans could not become priests was that they were said
to bear the mark of Cain. Of interesting note however is that Mormons do not believe that the sin of one�s ancestors is passed on so this seems to be
a contradiction. So, the descendants of Adam spread throughout the Earth which at this time is one land mass, the continents have not split. They
return at one time to an area that is now roughly Missouri I believe so that Adam can address them before he dies and presumably assure that the
priesthood would continue. Then they spread out again and most turn away from god.
The situation gets so bad that god picks Moses and his family to build the ark and things basically start over. The continents open up and split, the
oceans are created, and mankind starts again in the area of the Middle East. Another thing that just comes to mind is the question of Cain�s
descendants. Someone a couple must have survived the flood. So after the flood things go decently well however the people start to turn away from
god in a unified effort. They all speak the language of Adam which is the language of god so their knowledge progresses very fast. It is not clear
what they were doing, but the Tower of Babel event could have been anything from an actual tower to an advanced civilization that was about to travel
to another planet thus tainting the path of progression. Whatever it was the people were given different languages so that they could not understand
one another and moved out into the different areas of the Ancient world their civilization thwarted.
Of importance to the mormons is one group of people at this time, the Jaredites. They were a group (the sole group?) that stayed faithful to the
teachings of god. So, they were able to keep the language of Adam and were led by god to the Americas where they became what we now call the Olmec
civilization (the ones that created the giant stone heads.) They eventually fell apostate and were destroyed but their remains and their record were
later found by the Nephites and make up the book of Ether.
So, after all this happens god decides to focus on one group of people with the priesthood and therefore keep it safe instead of entrusting it to the
entire earth. Jehovah appears to Abraham and the Israelites are created. Abraham receives the priesthood from Melchezidek, a man that is mysterious
in the Bible and the mormons speculate was either a follower of god or possibly an earlier human incarnation of Christ for the purpose of bringing the
priesthood back. Either way its passed on through the Israelites for some time. Also during this this period Abraham rises to some power in Egypt
and leaves an account of the creation of the world and other texts in a reformed Egyptian script on the wrappings of a mummy. These are later found
by Joseph Smith when the mummy comes to America and is the basis of the Pearl of Great Price.
Eventually the tribes of Israel are created and Joseph�s is special because of his devotion to God. The priesthood also survives until the time of
Moses when it is dramatically weakened. This occurs when Aaron leads the people to rebel against god by creating the golden calf and worshipping it.
This abomination weakens to priesthood to what was called the Aaronic priesthood and it was continued on literally through the priest class of Israel.
The nation of Israel is created and things go fine until the they become too apostate and are allowed to be conquered. Of the tribes, only two
survive. The tribe of Judah eventually is freed by Cyrus the Great and allowed to return to Israel where they become the Israelites. The tribe of
Joseph is saved through the prophet Lehi who under the direction of god takes his sons, their wives, a record of the books of Moses engraved on bronze
plates, and the sacred items of prophecy from the temple (the breastplate of aaron, the ummum, and the thummin,) to the mediteranean. There they
build a cube shaped ark with no windows and are transported to Central America. Once there they split into two people, the Nephites (Incas) who were
originally faithful to god and the Lamanites (Aztec) who turned away. The rest of the tribes of Israel were absorbed by Babylon and lost to
Over in the Americas the two civilizations were at near constant war and switched places often as to which was faithful and which was apostate. They
had prophets just like the Israelites, and their history and prophecies were recorded on golden plates which were closely guarded. After the
resurrection Christ visits them, creates twelve apostles, and returns the full priesthood to them. He also turns 3 that were especially faithful into
immortals and they are said to still be around today watching history unfold and waiting for the second coming. Eventually the Lamanites become
completely apostate, grow and spread throughout North and South America, and completely wipe out the Nephites. The final Nephite, Moroni, takes the
golden plates of their history, the bronze plates of Israel, the sword of Laban, the ummim, the thumim, and the breastplate of Aaron and buries them
in a stone vault within the Hill Cummorah in what is now upstate New York. The Lamanites become the indigenous populations of North and South America
but all true record of their beginnings and the priesthood is lost.
In the Middle East Judah is taken over by the Roman Empire and eventually Christ is born. He comes to earth free of sin and remains that way. Also
the method of his birth. Because he is free from sin god is able to bestow the full priesthood upon him after his baptism by John the Baptist. Thus
the full priesthood is returned to the Earth. The priesthood is given to the Apostles, Christ is sacrificed after having restored the true church to
the Earth and ascends. The early Church is created but over time loses the priesthood after becoming completely apostate through corrupt influences
from Rome as well as general corruption in the Roman Catholic Church. Eventually an attempt is made by Martin Luther and others to reform the church,
but because they don�t have the priesthood it is only partially effective, a branch growing off of a dead tree.
Fast forward to upstate New York in the 1830�s. A young Joseph Smith is visited by Moroni who is now an angel who reveals the location of the plates.
Over time Joseph eventually is instructed to get the plates and using the ummin and thummin (stones that were placed in a hat and then would
translate the gold plates) wrote the book of Mormon. He is told he will restore the true church to the Earth and is visited by god and Christ who
bestow the priesthood on him so that it would never leave the earth again. From this he goes on to found the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day
Saints. Facing persecution they generally move west ending up in Kirkland Ohio and building the first temple there. In the face of persecution they
again move to Missouri where they believe the Garden of Eden was located and Zion will be built after the second coming, and then to Illinoise where
they founded the city of Nauvoo. It his here that the ritual of polygamy is started after a �revolation� by god that it was proper. However,
polygamy had to be ordained by god and was only available to higher church officials. Also during this period the secretive temple ceremonies were
created by Smith. They built a spectacular temple and once again faced persecution from those that feared them for religious and political purposes.
Eventually Joseph Smith and his brother Hyrum are arrested for the destruction of an anti-mormon paper in a neighboring town and while they are being
detained in jail a mob forms. The mob comes into the jail, fatally wounds Hyrum with a gunshot wound, and then shoots Joseph as he tried to escape
out of a second story window killing him and causing him to fall to the ground.
At that point the church was in turmoil as Nauvoo is burned and no clear successor to Smith was chosen before his death. A new leader rose by the
name of Brigham Young and he led the mormons west where they eventually settled by the Great Salt Lake. Polygamy became more wide spread during this
period also to allow young women, widows, and children to have a family structure. The population increased in the area and eventually the territory
wished to become a state with Brigham Young as governor. After facing opposition due to polygamy, there was another convienent revalation by god
ending polygamy and making it a sin. Utah was allowed to enter as a state but Brigham Young did not become its governor. A final convienent
revelation occurred during the civil rights era when it was declared that African Americans could become priests.
Since then the population has exploded and as mentioned before the church is the fastest growing religion on Earth. However, as I said most of the
population rests on the outside layer not aware of what lies within, now I would like to take things a bit further and look at doctrine as it exists
to the level my research takes me. However first I�m going to post this and take a break as my eyes are losing focus from this long of a post lol.
[edit on 27-11-2004 by jukyu]