posted on Apr, 19 2014 @ 08:17 PM
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It depends on how you look at the afterlife what little we know about it. First, we know that when a lot of people have a near-death experience they
come back and tells us that friends and relative that already had passed were there and even Fido. OK. And that equates a Heaven for many folks,
pure and simple and they don't want to tinker with that concept one iota.
But since consciousness is a non-physical state, none of those physical seeming people and pets can be considered to by physical, merely the mental
constructs of how they appeared when in the physical form. Second, this near-death scenario is played out before the person is fully dead. Some bits
of those old memories are still existing in that partially vacated cerebellum. Third, that few seconds of a glimpse should not be taken as the full
example of the hereafter. The experiencer has barely gotten their foot in the door and they try to later interpret the show shebang on that brief
Fourth, consciousness--in a broad quantum understanding of it--can produce effects. Perhaps the departing consciousness has nothing to work with but
the knowledge of earlier departed ones and it builds for itself a place to go where it is all warm and fuzzy. Perhaps that state is an idealized
version of a life that person wants to have with comforting companions. Perhaps that condition can last forever or perhaps the consciousness tends to
start wandering around, looking into other things it can do, such as reincarnation, or being an angel, a bad ass poltergeist, etc. Given that
consciousness must be a fluid "thing" that can depart from a physical body, there may be no limit to what consciousness is...and that is not to
confine it within such physical words as "be," or "do." A consciousness simply is pure.., no limit.