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Inmates strike in Alabama, declare prison is “running a slave empire”

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posted on Apr, 21 2014 @ 02:47 AM

originally posted by: guynla
I happen to live near 2 state prisons in south Alabama. The inmates have been doing work and also getting paid a small amount for many years. They are not slave labor. I agree our state has some of the most backward laws concerning drug offenses, but this is not a case of imprisoning innocents for the labor. Many of them learn a trade and more than a few are allowed to work outside jobs if they behave. My ex brother-in-law being one of them. He's cleaned up his meth problem & will be working in a local café upon his release.

Are you sure? How much are the people hiring the prisoners paying for them per hour?

posted on Apr, 21 2014 @ 08:21 AM

originally posted by: jrod
a reply to: minusinfinity

I think your mentality is part of the problem. No doubt you never have been arrested and the majority of Americans have not been arrested and are clueless to what the prison/justice system is truly about. You have it your mind that if someone is arrested, convicted, and sent to prison they deserve it and deserve to be slaves. Most people have never been arrested, or have loved ones been arrested share this view that essentially de-humanizes prisoners and that some how makes it okay for a prisoner to be sent to a slave camp or face other atrocities.

Sorry to call you out, but that is what I have observed in the US.

Having had a brother in prison for almost a decade, I'm in agreement with you. Dehumanization is exactly what happens to inmates.

He has been out now for 5 years but it took him about 2 before he started acting a bit more like himself again. He'll never be the person I remember...something permanently changed in him while incarcerated.

From time to time I still catch him guarding his food when he's over for dinner and it breaks my heart.

posted on Apr, 21 2014 @ 09:00 AM
You only go to prison because you messed up real bad, huh???? You only go because you break the law, right??? Tell that to these guys:

First Prosecutor Jailed for Deliberately Convicting Innocent Man

Innocent man savoring new life after 24 years in jail

In prison for 34 years but innocent: LA man walks free after murder conviction is tossed out

There are probably a thousand more easily available for anyone to see and probably 10's of thousands that have just gone by without anyone noticing.

Some people are so f**king clueless and naive about the world it's amazing.

Nobody goes to prison without breaking the law??? Wake the f**k up you ignorant child. I'm shocked that some long time members here actually have that opinion too.

Try checking out:

posted on Apr, 21 2014 @ 10:01 AM
Crime against humanity?

Criminals dont deserve to be treated like humans, especially the ones that have hurt/killed others to land there.

Work em like slaves, as the penance to society.

You mess up, you do work for the rest of us to fix it.

Dont like it? Dont commit crimes.

It is so simple really.

posted on Apr, 21 2014 @ 12:35 PM

originally posted by: 8fl0z
Crime against humanity?

Criminals dont deserve to be treated like humans, especially the ones that have hurt/killed others to land there.

Work em like slaves, as the penance to society.

You mess up, you do work for the rest of us to fix it.

Dont like it? Dont commit crimes.

Yeah that's the ticket. We'll crush them under our boots. Destroy any humanity left to them. Hell, they did a crime, we should just kill them all! Forget those who are innocently convicted by corrupt cops, prosecutors and judges because there's no such thing. If low wages are good let's just force the labor out of them. Who cares that they were once human beings, as you said...

"Work em like slaves, as the penance to society."

Frankly your attitude is why I despair for humanity.

posted on Apr, 21 2014 @ 12:52 PM

originally posted by: jrod
a reply to: minusinfinity

I think your mentality is part of the problem. No doubt you never have been arrested and the majority of Americans have not been arrested and are clueless to what the prison/justice system is truly about. You have it your mind that if someone is arrested, convicted, and sent to prison they deserve it and deserve to be slaves. Most people have never been arrested, or have loved ones been arrested share this view that essentially de-humanizes prisoners and that some how makes it okay for a prisoner to be sent to a slave camp or face other atrocities.

Sorry to call you out, but that is what I have observed in the US.

Do you know any corrections officers? I do. Talk with them about these "poor souls" they deal with every day. They have urine thrown on them, are assaulted verbally and physically on a daily basis, and are generally dealing with the lowest of the low. I'm not saying going to prison means you forfeit all of your rights, and believe you me this Country goes through massive lengths to preserve them, but you end up in prison because you screwed up, for the most part. There is a real limit to how much sympathy I have for those in prison. That said, I think prison should ONLY be for violent offenders and that everyone else should be fined to the max for their offenses. When you have to pay a ton of money for your stupidity,l you tend to stop. Trust me, I know that lesson first hand, lol...

posted on Apr, 21 2014 @ 12:54 PM

originally posted by: mOjOm
You only go to prison because you messed up real bad, huh???? You only go because you break the law, right??? Tell that to these guys:

First Prosecutor Jailed for Deliberately Convicting Innocent Man

Innocent man savoring new life after 24 years in jail

In prison for 34 years but innocent: LA man walks free after murder conviction is tossed out

There are probably a thousand more easily available for anyone to see and probably 10's of thousands that have just gone by without anyone noticing.

Some people are so f**king clueless and naive about the world it's amazing.

Nobody goes to prison without breaking the law??? Wake the f**k up you ignorant child. I'm shocked that some long time members here actually have that opinion too.

Try checking out:

And here we have the obligatory bleeding heart who wants to pretend that no one really did the crime for which they were convicted. Yes, we get it wrong on occasion. But the VAST majority of people in prison did the crime they were convicted of and are serving a lawful sentence. Seriously, some of you really need to visit a prison sometime so that you can see just who you are feeling badly for. You're going to be in for quite a shock. Because these are NOT nice people.

posted on Apr, 21 2014 @ 12:57 PM

originally posted by: jrod

originally posted by: hellobruce

originally posted by: jrod
a reply to: minusinfinity
You do realize in some states if you have prescription medication not in their original labeled containers you can be charged with a felony, right?

Then simply keep it in the correct container.... why not leave it there? See, that is how simple it is to stay out of jail....

Really? Do you think it is acceptable that someone can be charged for a felony for simply putting their meds in one of those day of the week sorters for a weeklong vacation in lieu of bringing 10 pill bottles, then getting searched at a traffic stop?

It's not that simple.

Do me a favor, and never ever call the US a free country!

The U.S. is a free Country. It may not be perfect, but it most certainly is free. As to the example of the pills, you are not going to end up a convicted felon if you have a scrip for those pills, it's just that simple. So lay off the strawman arguments, lol...

posted on Apr, 21 2014 @ 01:04 PM

originally posted by: minusinfinity

The thing is if you don't break the law you won't go to prison.

LOL WUT! ? !

Obi-Wan Kenobi: "You want to go home and rethink your life..."

It’s extremely naive to think that the criminal justice system has absolutely ANYTHING to do at all with justice. (see SIG below)

The entire system is designed to protect the WORST criminals AKA the sociopaths in control...

"The court system as it's set up today is not setup as a tool for justice, it's setup as a tool for retribution... Anyone that they want, they can get." Chip Tatum - Black Ops Interview (@ 1 hour 16 min)

edit on ApruMon, 21 Apr 2014 13:11:38 -05001pm30Mon, 21 Apr 2014 13:11:38 -050020141121 by Murgatroid because: I felt like it..

posted on Apr, 21 2014 @ 01:05 PM
a reply to: jaffo

The US is NOT a free country. Keep drinking your kool-aide and keep believing our justice system is working. I can find several cases that prove you wrong about being a convicted felon just for prescription pills.

And yes I do know correction officers, police officers, and lawyers. Most will agree that our justice system is broken.

Threads like this really bring out the dis-info agents.
edit on 21-4-2014 by jrod because: add line

posted on Apr, 21 2014 @ 01:16 PM

originally posted by: jaffo

And here we have the obligatory bleeding heart who wants to pretend that no one really did the crime for which they were convicted. Yes, we get it wrong on occasion. But the VAST majority of people in prison did the crime they were convicted of and are serving a lawful sentence. Seriously, some of you really need to visit a prison sometime so that you can see just who you are feeling badly for. You're going to be in for quite a shock. Because these are NOT nice people.

And here we have the typical Ass-Kissing, Line-Towing, Zombie Yes Man wanting everyone to believe that putting innocent people in prison and death row while allowing the criminals to go free is all fine and dandy because True Justice is just a silly little idea where being close still counts and is Good Enough so why bother trying to fix a broken system.

I'm a bleeding heart too am I?? I'm sure that makes you feel better to think that so you can go on advocating innocent people spending their lives in prison rather than face a reality that you would rather not see because your fantasy world is just too cozy to want to leave. Yes, how courageous of you noble sir. Us bleeding hearts are just too weak to handle reality huh. That's usually what the Biggest Pu**ies say to themselves so they don't actually have to deal with inconvenient issues that cut into their golf games and sauna sessions.

Wake up and pay attention man. You show me where I say anything about feeling bad for actual criminals. Or yeah, I didn't did I. No, in fact I was specifically addressing the question totally opposite that whole idea wasn't I. But who cares anyway right. What you were talking about was "close enough" so why bother actually paying attention to the conversation and having something meaningful to say, right.

posted on Apr, 21 2014 @ 01:29 PM

originally posted by: mOjOm

originally posted by: jaffo

And here we have the obligatory bleeding heart who wants to pretend that no one really did the crime for which they were convicted. Yes, we get it wrong on occasion. But the VAST majority of people in prison did the crime they were convicted of and are serving a lawful sentence. Seriously, some of you really need to visit a prison sometime so that you can see just who you are feeling badly for. You're going to be in for quite a shock. Because these are NOT nice people.

And here we have the typical Ass-Kissing, Line-Towing, Zombie Yes Man wanting everyone to believe that putting innocent people in prison and death row while allowing the criminals to go free is all fine and dandy because True Justice is just a silly little idea where being close still counts and is Good Enough so why bother trying to fix a broken system.

I'm a bleeding heart too am I?? I'm sure that makes you feel better to think that so you can go on advocating innocent people spending their lives in prison rather than face a reality that you would rather not see because your fantasy world is just too cozy to want to leave. Yes, how courageous of you noble sir. Us bleeding hearts are just too weak to handle reality huh. That's usually what the Biggest Pu**ies say to themselves so they don't actually have to deal with inconvenient issues that cut into their golf games and sauna sessions.

Wake up and pay attention man. You show me where I say anything about feeling bad for actual criminals. Or yeah, I didn't did I. No, in fact I was specifically addressing the question totally opposite that whole idea wasn't I. But who cares anyway right. What you were talking about was "close enough" so why bother actually paying attention to the conversation and having something meaningful to say, right.

I'm an attorney. I work in the courts every day and every week. You have no idea what you are talking about. I do. The courts are INSANELY busy because they are dealing with scumbags all day every day. Cry for the unfortunates in prison if you want, but I won't. I see them every day and 99.9% of them deserve what they get.

posted on Apr, 21 2014 @ 01:34 PM
a reply to: jaffo

R U serious!!!!!

You're an attorney with the attitude of who gives a damn about Innocent People spending LIFE in prison??? Well then Mr. Attorney, I rest my case!!

posted on Apr, 21 2014 @ 01:36 PM
a reply to: jaffo

How can you be a fair and unbiased attorney when you assume that 99.9% of the people tied up in the justice systems are scumbags?

I'm guessing you are a prosecutor.

edit on 21-4-2014 by jrod because: can't spell today

posted on Apr, 21 2014 @ 01:42 PM

originally posted by: jrod
a reply to: jaffo

How can you be a fair and unbiased attorney when you assume that 99.9% of the people tied up in the justice systems are scumbags?

I'm guessing you are a prosecutor.

And your assumption would be wrong. I base my statements upon facts and the people I see and the cases I watch go down and the people I on occasion defend. Put bluntly, unlike you I do not take a snippet of media bites and base my opinion on those.; I base mine upon a career of experience with actual court matters litigated in front of me and sometimes by me. My job is not to be unbiased. Again, you clearly do not understand the legal system. Quite the contrary, my job is to be as BIASED as I can so that I can litigate on behalf of MY client. It is the job of THE COURT to be "unbiased." Yeesh...
edit on 21-4-2014 by jaffo because: Grammar error

posted on Apr, 21 2014 @ 01:49 PM
a reply to: jaffo

As someone who has been arrested multiple times I can promise you I have a much better grasp on the legal system. Give me a few months to study for the law exam and I will bet you I will score higher than you. Don't assume I am just some mind-washed sheep who bases my opinions on the media.

By client you mean someone you can extort money out of for a crappy deal. Your client is happy because they are not going to jail, you are happy because you made some money, the court system is happy because your client will pay for the cost of probation and take the mandated classes, treatment, evaluations, ect... that your client must part-take to satisfy the court. Most will tell you that probation sets one up to fail and traps them in the prison/court system.

For someone of your experience to say the justice system is not broken baffles me.

edit on 21-4-2014 by jrod because: xyz

posted on Apr, 21 2014 @ 02:00 PM

originally posted by: jrod
a reply to: jaffo

As someone who has been arrested multiple times I can promise you I have a much better grasp on the legal system. Give me a few months to study for the law exam and I will bet you I will score higher than you. Don't assume I am just some mind-washed sheep who bases my opinions on the media.

By client you mean someone you can extort money out of for a crappy deal. Your client is happy because they are not going to jail, you are happy because you made some money, the court system is happy because your client will pay for the cost of probation and take the mandated classes, treatment, evaluations, ect... that your client must part-take to satisfy the court. Most will tell you that probation sets one up to fail and traps them in the prison/court system.

For someone of your experience to say the justice system is not broken baffles me.

Honestly? Your last comment makes clear that you are completely misguided. No one extorts anything out of my clients. They come to me because THEY have been arrested, because THEY are accused of breaking the law, and because THEY wish to retain my services. This is all on them. If they do not wish to retain me, they do not have to do so. It's a free Country and they are all COMPLETELY FREE to represent themselves in court should they choose to do so. Most people, having the brains to realize what is at stake, hire an attorney to do the best they can to get them the best results. You are utterly misguided, egotistical, and completely delusional. As far as you taking and passing "the law exam" (or BAR EXAM as it is actually known) is concerned, no you won't. You would bomb it like a boss, lol. There is a reason we spend three years in law school studying the history and development of things like contract law, property law, constitutional law, etc. We do this because there is A LOT to learn and it is a VERY complex and rich history with many twists and turns, especially as it pertains to criminal law and the areas of the Constitution dealing with same. Had you or many others on here ever studied it, you would have a more fully-informed opinion as opposed to making assumptions and hurling insults. But I get it, you've seen a couple of movies and TV shows about the law and court and so you are pretty sure you know everything I do and then some as to the practice of law. Which is utter nonsense.
edit on 21-4-2014 by jaffo because: Punctuation error

posted on Apr, 21 2014 @ 02:03 PM
Someone had to do it:

On another note:
Joseph Stalin had people arrested for no reason, he had jobs for them.

If a leader needed lots of cheap labour, more definitions of crimes can be created to fill the slave pool.

posted on Apr, 21 2014 @ 02:20 PM
a reply to: jaffo

There is a reason we spend three years in law school studying the history and development of things like contract law, property law, constitutional law, etc.

Then as a lawyer and someone who has studied constitutional law I would ask you, do you not see anything inherently wrong about farming out prison labor to private corporations for profit?

Also saying that people come to you willingly is a bit disingenuous. Someone who is starving to death might show up at your house begging for food as well. Doesn't really mean they had any other choice when you have all the food.

posted on Apr, 21 2014 @ 02:36 PM
Yet another thread to highlight a major blight in America and which assists this country in becoming a police state!

Reminds me of that saying that goes something like, "I didn't do anything when they came for everyone else...finally they came for me".

There are some AWFUL people in prison! Those savages you grew up with and wonder what happened to'll probably find them in prison...not changed one bit!

However, amongst them and being preyed upon by them, you will also find people like yourselves. People who MAY have made an innocent mistake, or maybe haven't done anything except not have the money to hire a decent attorney.

The issue of this post is that private prisons are working prisoners and making PRIVATE profit.

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