posted on Apr, 18 2014 @ 03:05 PM
Thoughts on implementing some sort of feature allowing members to tag other members in a post? I see the new "reply to" text that was added, which
brings up the idea of being able to tag members individually.
For example, I see a thread that I know member X will enjoy or might add expertise to...I would reply with my standard post and tag @memberX to notify
him or her they were tagged. The member then has a notifications tab (sim to how messages pop up) listing what threads they were tagged in.
This would also aid in replies. "I completely agree @memberX however @ATSmember, not sure I follow"
The option would be toggled on and off so members such as @phage dont receive 43 notifications an hr about cosmic rays.
All in all, I think it can actually stir up further conversation as members will be a bit more engaged.