posted on Apr, 18 2014 @ 05:53 AM
1. Is it a branded video from a channel that relies on hoaxed UFO videos but this time they're honest?
2. Is it possible that tens of thousands of observers missed that huge UFO and that no other footage of the eclipse exists?
3. Has Arken, in his enthusiasm, ever been mistaken before?
There are
plenty of videos of the eclipse. They range from
the whole event to
shorter snippets. It
was visible to North and South America and part of Australia (
NASA map). No
reports? No footage?
Let's summarise?
*No other videos captured that UFO
*No observers reported the UFO
*It's on a hoaxy YT channel
*Arken has been mistaken before
I still can't make my mind up if it's genuine footage or not?!