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Now that Malaysia 370 has died down, let's note which important news stories were completely ignore

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posted on Apr, 17 2014 @ 01:45 PM
I feel like Malaysia 370 coverage wasn't just to fill a slow-news period, but to actively stick a hand in the face of more important stories. I try to mentally point out stories which have passed the attention span of the media and public and become passe. It emphasizes the funneling that constantly happens to the public consciousness.

Any new developments in bitcoin? 2nd-world alliances(BRICS)? Fed Reserve activity? Subversive Federal legislation?

I really don't have any idea so please enlighten me.

Notably, I also do this for conspiracy theories because I used to get yanked in by a lot of scary Henny Penny rhetoric long ago. For example, it seemed like 2009 was a big year for videos where computer-generated voices talked about the imminent plan for depopulation. Where did THAT go? Or how about the poisoned Pacific that was about to give everyone on the West Coast radiation sickness? That should have been laughed out of forums a LONG time ago, and I think it finally has been.
*What portion of this fervor in those phenomena was frothy conspiracy theorists and what portion was actual disinfo agents?* I would be interested to know, even though that is virtually unknowable.

Your thoughts on the matter would be lovely to hear.

posted on Apr, 17 2014 @ 02:00 PM
Yes I would also like to be enlightened

posted on Apr, 17 2014 @ 02:08 PM
Well, things have certainly escalated in the Ukraine over this time period.

As for other events that have been kept low in the news broadcasts or totally ignored by the MSM, I'm not too sure of.

With regards to your other questions pertaining to disinformation agents, who really knows? I would say without a doubt there are plenty out there but the percentages? I really couldn't guess at a figure, but I would say a few people are deemed to be disinformation agents, just because they disagree with a certain post or topic. It doesn't actually mean they are.

posted on Apr, 17 2014 @ 02:14 PM
reply to post by warrenite

I don't know which stories were ignored, but I did notice as the news of the missing plane died down, Miley Cyrus made news for being in the hospital with the flu. I bet the national media couldn't wait to report on that!

posted on Apr, 17 2014 @ 02:17 PM
reply to post by warrenite

There was the kidnapping of a few hundred schoolchildren in Nigeria by the extremist group Boko Haram (sp?), which is still ongoing and largely unreported. A couple of links here

After riots on Temple Mount, security officials quoted saying they will have to storm Jerusalem holy site link to story: note the main title, then the sub-title

Both Corporate and franchisees of Canadian McDonalds behaving like bad citizens in their treatment of employees and using foreign workers who in turn accuse the company of treating them like slaves latest story here

Man arrested in Netherlands for the bullying that led to Amanda Todd's death story here

edit on 17-4-2014 by aboutface because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2014 @ 02:37 PM
reply to post by warrenite

I'm with you in there seems to be something behind the 370 thing.

I feel sorry for the people who died but honestly why is it a story that garners so much attention?

Most of the time if you watch CNN or Fox all you hear about is the plane. It's not even interesting anymore. What are they covering up or avoiding?

posted on Apr, 17 2014 @ 03:22 PM

Yes I would also like to be enlightened

Me too! mind you, most of the stories mentioned so far have had plenty if coverage

posted on Apr, 17 2014 @ 04:40 PM
In other news I've been suffering for 3 months with kidneys stones because the damn nhs run hospital screwed up

edit on 17-4-2014 by ThePeaceMaker because: Lol a spelling mistake

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