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When is it okay to revolt, or "Why I should just shut up now"!

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posted on Apr, 15 2014 @ 04:55 PM
Many threads on Bundy Ranch/Militia/Government/Reid.
I bet it keeping folks real busy.

And I'm not talking about the mods.

There is an element of our government that sees many Americans as the enemy.
There is an element of the population that sees government as the enemy.

I have had the oppourtunity to see both sides debate on ATS.

I imagine that things are going to come to a head soon. People are going to have to pick sides.

I also wonder how safe ATS will be.

I try to imagine an ATS during the Civil War. Would Lincoln have spies on ATS driving discussion, collecting data, collecting names?
Would Jefferson Davis be doing the same?

When is it going to be time to fight?

When is it going to be time to shut up about it and just do it?

Would be kind of silly to post what you're going to do, letting everyone know.

Or is ATS going to be neutral ground, like Switzerland. During the next revolt, will our European members be logging in to view how the war is going?

. . . . . . . ramblings of a tired little bunny. . . . . .

posted on Apr, 15 2014 @ 05:00 PM
Revolt....sounds like changing the coil in the car.

How would you know how the new management would be, chances are they might be worse than before. Can I choose being outside of their conflict as my side? Maybe nobody will notice me.

posted on Apr, 15 2014 @ 05:01 PM
reply to post by beezzer

I reckon when it comes to that Beezer, we will all see just how effective the government is at shutting down the internet and communication systems.....

posted on Apr, 15 2014 @ 05:03 PM
reply to post by beezzer

Could ATS turn out to be like a mediation table. A place to hash things out, and sometimes smoke the peace pipe? will be a most interesting ride, that is for sure. The MODS would certainly have their hands full.


edit on 15-4-2014 by Destinyone because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 15 2014 @ 05:06 PM


I also wonder how safe ATS will be.

Perhaps those on ATS take themselves much to seriously. I know I do.....Paranoia is a strange mental illness.

Paranoia coupled with dementia is an obsession worse than any imaginable addiction.

But so entertaining to watch!! And when bored; even join in the festivities.

Remember rule 62!!
edit on 15-4-2014 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 15 2014 @ 05:07 PM
ATS is not 'neutral ground', it's 'open ground'. Ready for the picking.
I have already advised some Patriots and Activists to keep low key, especially in regards to armed civil disobedience.

posted on Apr, 15 2014 @ 05:13 PM
My husband and I discussed this. We have a young child. Unless the fighting comes directly to us, our days to run off and join a rebellion are done. The best we could even think to do would be to turn sympathizer with one side or another.

Of course, for any government hacks lurking around, the very, very worst thing you could do would be to remove our child.

posted on Apr, 15 2014 @ 05:14 PM
reply to post by beezzer

When is it going to be time to fight?

In observation of the United States and it's governments activities I'm pretty sure that time is already here.

ATS neutral ground? Not likely, ATS probably has a whole chapter in the "Who's gonna get disappeared black bag book."

And finally in response to what Des asked, personally I'm not a big fan of peace pipes.

posted on Apr, 15 2014 @ 05:17 PM
If they're trying to frighten us away from posting, then THEY must be frightened of us!

posted on Apr, 15 2014 @ 05:17 PM
reply to post by Bassago

Bassago, my peace pipe reference was between members. ATS brings many opinion and points of view to the singular table of a forum.

I've found my own mind changed on an issue, due to someone bringing information that I had not considered before.

That is all I meant.


posted on Apr, 15 2014 @ 05:18 PM
reply to post by beezzer

ATS keeps us all up to date on what's going on around the world since the media choose what they want us to hear.

But I don't think many of us on ATS get up and do something about what's going on, that includes me, the best I can do is inform other people about the BS that is going on around America.

Point being has anyone here sent any emails to that county that condemned that ladies house for living off the grid? Or how about the family that had a garden in their front yard, or the Bundy's, there are a lot of stories being told but not much action being taken.

I guess most of us want to know what is going on so we can prepare ourselves but don't want to get involved.

I believe we are all a good think tank that come up with many possibilities and outcomes but that is about as far as it goes. Maybe we need to take the next step, like Face book (Never used it) it seems like when something is posted there people listen and gather, example the Million truckers that stopped the million Muslims march on 9/11.

But to your question about ATS, my belief from what I had read is most of the post are not ABOVE TOP SECRET but news that is not being aired. its a place for all of us to voice our opinion.
edit on 15-4-2014 by 19KTankCommander because: sp

posted on Apr, 15 2014 @ 05:18 PM
reply to post by beezzer

When is it going to be time to fight?

uh oh, my paranoia just kicked in big time!!!! This is exactly the kind of question a government agent would ask to draw out the malcontents.

posted on Apr, 15 2014 @ 05:18 PM
reply to post by beezzer

Now i'm really spooked! No offence Beez!

edit on 15-4-2014 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 15 2014 @ 05:25 PM

If they're trying to frighten us away from posting, then THEY must be frightened of us!

They don't want to stop us from posting, they want us to post.

Honey Trap, Incriminate ourselves.

posted on Apr, 15 2014 @ 05:26 PM
You know...most of us are peace-loving people.
The majority of us don't own guns, despite what the media tries to infer.

I've never even been in a physical fight (2 people, beating on each other)...although I have been hurt physically by another person.

We watch movies, and yell "Kill him/her!!" (not me personally, lol)...but we know it's fiction. It's entertainment. Hate the bad guy.

I don't think most of us could even be considered "haters". (again, despite what the media infers)

I know that, where I live, the only people who EVER talk about guns, are hunters.

People don't know what to do. They're not marksmen/women...they are average people...working, with families...and just trying to survive.
Some of these people write to their government. Some march and protest.
But they don't start fights...they don't own weapons...and they don't want war.

Besides that, closing this site would give it 'credibility'.
I don't see that happening.


posted on Apr, 15 2014 @ 05:40 PM
reply to post by Destinyone

Ah I see, my mistake. Never felt to be odds with any of the members here. Differing opinions are OK with me, everyone gets an opinion and perspective.

posted on Apr, 15 2014 @ 05:48 PM
ATS will be inconsequential, just as it is today. ATS is not a "power base." It's not a hideout for revolutionaries. ATS is not particularly insightful about the problems of the day. ATS can't even distinguish fantasy from reality. Witness chemtrails, reptilians, and all manner of boyhood fantasies presented as real conspiracies. You don't even know who you are talking to here. It could be one of those mythical NSA Illuminati agents, or it could be yet another 15 year old in his Mom's basement. It isn't anybody that is going to "have your back" in any real-life confrontation. In all likelihood they are thousands of miles away.

ATS is what it is, a "cranky conspiracy site" that can be turned off with the flick of a switch.

"Click!" and ATS disappears.
edit on 4/15/2014 by schuyler because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 15 2014 @ 05:48 PM
reply to post by beezzer

Beezer, I have been hearing for years that there was going to be a revolt, if not from one set of people, from another, however, a true revolt/civil war won't occur until they attempt to remove the right to bare arms, at that point, I think you might see a possible civil war or revolt, however, it is not to that point yet, even if people are mad as hell at the Government.

What you might see instead is another 60's type revolution.
Quite possibly triggered over changes done to the constitution,
or a situation like Ohio Kent State University where our own kids are fired upon by our own troops.

It will take something like that to trigger off any changes that millions are willing to stand up to the Government over.


When that day comes, I think ATS will be like it is now, and there will be all sides, some finding common ground, and some just getting banned as usual.

edit on 15-4-2014 by Darkblade71 because: trying to be specific

edit on 15-4-2014 by Darkblade71 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 15 2014 @ 05:51 PM
The problem lies within the gray area.

There is no clear cut right and wrong for the public to see (just as they planned it) some people see the laws and surveillance as a good thing (because they are written in a way that makes good sense if you dont read between the lines.)

Others of us see the children and their undying lust for new toys and more power easily twisting laws and surveillance for personal means.

We do not as a people have a singular enemy. The cowards hide in crowds like the terrorists we drone down.

posted on Apr, 15 2014 @ 05:59 PM
reply to post by beezzer

If you are asking...than you might not be getting it,sorry Beez...I have alot of passion for this topic.
I rant about this topic ALOT (not on the net)....especially thinking about Americans.
When are any of you going to show the world how to do it??
I look at what Thailand did.
Americans have an awesome constitution that nobody seems to follow and everybody seems cool about that and just whines on the net about it. are failing us and yourselves.

So yes....WHEN is anybody going to do anything????

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