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BLM Wants to Seize 90,000 Acres of Texas Ranchers’ Land

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posted on Apr, 15 2014 @ 04:50 PM
What I want to stress here is the use of precedence, They lost land to th BLM years ago and never got a penny. Now the BLM wants more and will use that case to push it through.

This is why the Bundy case is an important one. Give them an inch and they will take 2.
Byers, Texas along the Red River — The BLM stole 140 acres of the Tommy Henderson ranch thirty years ago. They took his land and paid him absolutely nothing. He sued and lost. Now the BLM is using that court case as precedent to do it again. The problem is, the land they want to seize is property that ranchers have a deed for and have paid taxes on for over a hundred years. The BLM claims that about 90,000 acres (116 miles along the Red River) have never belonged to Texas in the first place. They will seize the land and it will seriously change the boundaries between the two states.

So they have a deed and have their taxes paid up. Not enough I guess:

Since 1803 when the Louisiana Purchase was completed, there has been a controversy over the boundary between Oklahoma and Texas. The boundary is supposed to be the vegetation line on the south side of the Red River. But the River has moved over time. The problem is the definition of that boundary line- Oklahoma and Texas each use different semantics to define it. And the BLM is finding ways to use the disputed words to give them the ability to seize the land.

To be fair this is a different case and a different set of circumstances. But the same bullies are behind the grab.

Land that has been in the families of ranchers is to be seized as “public lands” that would be subject to fees or blocked off entirely from rancher’s use. Or in some cases, moving the boundary line over to Oklahoma, where Texas ranchers can lose their rights to the lands that they have owned for more than a century. The BLM had open meetings back in January to “take input” from the public …but they are moving forward with their plan to seize the land anyway. There was likely never any intention of actually listening to the rancher’s stand.

Any way to get your land is fair game I guess. Even if you are the actual owner with a deed and no unpaid taxes.

If they can do this for 90,000 acres, how easy would it be to come up with a reason to take your little 5 acre patch of paradise?


edit on 15-4-2014 by jude11 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 15 2014 @ 05:03 PM
Hi Op, Here's another great contribution from StormCloudsGathering, I have an error if to would like to embed for me..

posted on Apr, 15 2014 @ 05:12 PM
reply to post by jude11

Eminent domain laws are the existential threat to all property owners in the US. Pilfering of public land by the USG is a general threat to all citizens.

The Bundy case isn't even in the same class with those threats. The issue is cattle grazing rights on public land. Now yahoos with guns have turned it into a rallying point for a new American revolution. Poorly informed hotheads with military weapons doing more damage than good.

Straight shooting about the Bundy Ranch case

posted on Apr, 15 2014 @ 05:17 PM

Hi Op, Here's another great contribution from StormCloudsGathering, I have an error if to would like to embed for me..

Yup, seen it and it does need more exposure.



posted on Apr, 15 2014 @ 06:08 PM
Everyone knows that only the obscenely rich are really allowed to own land.

Those fellas were just holding it for Mr. Big Pockets for a while.


posted on Apr, 15 2014 @ 06:25 PM

reply to post by jude11

Eminent domain laws are the existential threat to all property owners in the US. Pilfering of public land by the USG is a general threat to all citizens.

The Bundy case isn't even in the same class with those threats. The issue is cattle grazing rights on public land. Now yahoos with guns have turned it into a rallying point for a new American revolution. Poorly informed hotheads with military weapons doing more damage than good.

Straight shooting about the Bundy Ranch case

I can see your point but what's the alternative? People have tried everything to deal with USG and its tactics of taking anything they want...from freedom and privacy to land and guns. It's not working. Call your Reps, complain to police, file suits, peaceful protests...nothing.

So what is the answer here? I honestly don't know but a reset might be in order. History does show us that it works.


posted on Apr, 15 2014 @ 06:26 PM
I got some family laughing about all these land grabs. "They are getting a taste of the medicine we had forced down their throats. They don't seem to like that bitter taste. Maybe now they will open their hearts more, and see why we are so pissed off a lot of the time. They screwed us, and are still screwing us on the little land we were 'allowed to have'."

posted on Apr, 15 2014 @ 07:02 PM

I got some family laughing about all these land grabs. "They are getting a taste of the medicine we had forced down their throats. They don't seem to like that bitter taste. Maybe now they will open their hearts more, and see why we are so pissed off a lot of the time. They screwed us, and are still screwing us on the little land we were 'allowed to have'."

I have a lot of family who when I bring things like this up just state "uh-huh...pass the potatoes please"

Very hard to relate anymore.


posted on Apr, 15 2014 @ 10:33 PM
reply to post by jude11

the American economy is about flatlined now.

the govt is seizing more land to use as collateral on our ever growing debt.

China demands more than ever-devaluing paper via printing.

A big secret is that this is the reason the fed govt owns so much land, especially in the west. All this land is used as security on our debt.

posted on Apr, 15 2014 @ 10:42 PM
Bring it!!!!

The state of Texas has less land owned by the government and more guns than the government.

Talking about blighting off more than you can chew!

posted on Apr, 16 2014 @ 08:25 AM
reply to post by jude11

The Keystone Pipeline folks have been bending over ranchers in SE Texas the last few years. They've been swindling them out of land for nothing near what the land is worth by tying them up in court via "Eminent Domain" and for some reason the courts have sided with the pipeline..... Can you say "payoffs"?

posted on Apr, 16 2014 @ 09:13 AM

reply to post by jude11

the American economy is about flatlined now.

the govt is seizing more land to use as collateral on our ever growing debt.

China demands more than ever-devaluing paper via printing.

A big secret is that this is the reason the fed govt owns so much land, especially in the west. All this land is used as security on our debt.

I've been seeing more and more of this.

I wonder how it will play out when Large Chinese communities start springing up in the middle of nowhere and Americans might not even be allowed to enter?

Just a thought.


posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 06:26 PM
People only care when it involves them. We are being herded into areas easily controlled by the government. This federal land grab has been going on for decades and they are getting more bold. Next year they will grab your neighbor's house and force your two families to share a domicile, just like the Germans with the Jews.

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