posted on Apr, 15 2014 @ 10:56 AM
It's ironic. They just couldn't handle having rich people in their midst. It was so unfair! Tax the rich! So WW II gave them the opportunity. Just
after they passed an inheritance tax that the Chancellor of the Exchequer promised would "make their (the rich) pips squeak." (A "pip" is a diamond or
dot-shaped element of a coat-of-arms.) The inheritance tax was so onerous that "the rich" had to sell off most of their property. They couldn't sell
their big houses, so they were more or less forced to "give" them to the National Trust. Only a few of the big houses remain in private hands. The
deal is, the generation giving and perhaps one more get to live in a portion of the house, then they are out. As a result most all the big houses are
administered by the National Trust. And most all the big fortunes are gone.
But so is the British Empire. Along with getting rid of their rich, they also lost all their worldwide holdings. As an Empire all that is left is the
English language. Is there a correlation? Their rich people are largely gone and their Empire is a shadow of its former self. Great Britain has turned
into a welfare and surveillance state. But hey! Everybody is equal--equally poor.
And that inheritance tax? Due to inflation it's beginning to hit the average Brit. The people who dress in period costume and act as tour guides for
the big houses are seeing their own "fortunes" (which can only be called modest by any standard) be gobbled up by the inheritance tax. It has "come
downstairs" and is preying on the domestic help.
That's what happens with resentment. When you are intent on "taxing the rich" it doesn't make you more wealthy; it makes you more equally poor and
dependent on the dole. Sooner or later it comes around to bite you in the butt.
About the only thing to do in Great Britain is visit the big houses of the formerly rich, and maybe see HMS Victory. There is no other industry to
speak of, except tourism, including royalty. Tell me, please: Without the tourist industry in Great Britain, what would the economy even be in Great
Britain? Why would people want to visit Britain? Certainly not for the food.
Obviously, if you are still griping about the royals, you still haven't learned your lesson and you deserve your fate because you know what? It isn't
going to get any better for you.
edit on 4/15/2014 by schuyler because: (no reason given)