posted on Apr, 13 2014 @ 03:42 PM
Hello... I am new here and kind of overwhelmed but I'll figure it out. I am fascinated by all things paranormal...especially E.T.'s, outer Space,
science, secret science, history, secret history...I am actually writing a somewhat sci fi novel at the moment and researching various themes such as:
ET's, gov't bases and black projects, secret societies and the hidden history of Earth. I personally believe there is a hidden history of Earth and
the human race, however it stops there. There are so many view points and diverse experiences, sometimes contradicting, that I've come across which
makes me seek the truth even more.
I have been interested in this stuff since I was around 12 and I would watch all of the 'end of world is coming in 2000' or UFO specials on TV. I
am a military brat too, my father working in intelligence and while stationed at Fort Bliss (El Paso, TX) I was up watching a marathon on TV until
2am. For some reason I was drawn outside, I looked up and saw circular orientation of lights on something flying in the sky. My first thought was
'I think that's a UFO' but it was moving so slow and the lights were blinking like I've seen on regular planes so I wasn't and I am still not
sure it was a UFO. The only weird part was the curve of the lights from the object and how I was drawn outside for no reason at 2am. Another
occurrence in my life, that I've been somewhat exposed to, is regarding a friend who woke up one morning (after a few drinks ) with a perfect 2mm
deep, 2INCH, triangle carved out of his back. It was not done by hand. Anyway, he joked about being abducted but I was serious in that assessment. He
seems to just brush it off ...maybe its too close to home for him to deal with...I don't know.
Anyway, I've always been seeking, learning and trying to find my own truth since age 12. For the moment, I've been lead here and I hope to share
ideas freely and discuss some of the crazy # going on behind all of our backs.