posted on Apr, 12 2014 @ 11:17 PM
That was really lovely.
My condolenses for your friend. I think it is harder for the ones left behind, then the ones who are moving on to that "other place".
My (almost 6 yr old) son asked me today, "What is heaven?" How do you answer that, especially if you are not into organized religion? I did the
best I could and it felt true.
Here is what I told him...In heaven, you feel no pain, you are not ever hungry or thirsty, hot or cold. Every moment is like when you can't stop
laughing and your heart is so full it could burst. You are perfectly perfect and so happy that you squeal with joy. You have no wants or needs, but
anything beautiful that you can imagine, you can create. Oh, and you won't be alone, because everyone who ever loved you will be there too.
He looked at me funny, and was confused about never being hungry (he is a boy and growing and always hungry) and I just told him that I think you
don't need your body any more when you die. Your spirit and who you are will always be, because we are energy and energy never goes away.
So, OP, back to you...It is hard for us when our friends die, but they are not really gone.
Hugs! Carla