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8-Legged Nightmares? The World's 3 Deadliest Spiders, and More Pics

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posted on Apr, 11 2014 @ 08:27 PM
reply to post by Biigs


posted on Apr, 11 2014 @ 08:27 PM
I have only seen one Black Widow around my house when I was young. A friend, who was usually afraid of spiders, decided to catch it when he saw it. He felt he would be considered a hero if he did, and he was! lol

Aside from that, I'm a great spider predator, but I keep a certain amount in the house... Funnily, there are rarely other insects inside.


Just for your pleasure, about 2-3 years ago, I was at my computer desk, and I felt some tickling in my hair, and my face. I endured it for about 2 hours before it stopped. I went to bed.
The next morning, when I got into my room, I had the surprise to see hundreds of baby spiders on the ceiling, some going down on their threads, etc.

And I thought I had a loose hair the night before... lol

BTW, any insects or animals showing vivid colors on black is a sign of being very poisonous. Black spots on color is mimicry of being poisonous. I stay far from both, just in case.

posted on Apr, 11 2014 @ 08:29 PM

reply to post by Biigs



totally correct ha!

I think id rather the spider. snakes leap and look scary and stuff.

a spider i have a good chance of smashing to bits with a boot!

assuming the boot isnt full of spiders.

posted on Apr, 11 2014 @ 08:30 PM
reply to post by NowanKenubi

OMG! That fits in with the title of this thread!

I would have freaked out and become an instant pro in the kung fu arts!

posted on Apr, 11 2014 @ 08:32 PM

Spider that part of the death process is painful unending erection...

Kill it with fire, lots of fire.

Wd-40 and lighter...

would like to understand the painful ........

what spider is that?

posted on Apr, 11 2014 @ 08:43 PM




reply to post by sled735

*beezzer runs in, reads quickly, Stars and flags thread (because he is brave) and runs right back out*


Funny! Come on back and chat awhile, they don't hurt much. (Lies) LOL
Do you recognize any of these in your area?

Thanks for the quick S&F.

I actually had someone from my unit appear on one of those tv shows about deadly spiders.

A brown recluse bit him on the leg.

He almost lost the leg! We ended up going to OTC together. Massive scars, just over a simple bite.

oh yeah. . .


Yes, they can do some major damage!

Just a tip, now that spring is here (in the U.S.). Check those shoes that have been in the closet all winter before you put them on. Spiders have been known to make nests in them! When you stick your foot in...


Great! I was in no way going to totally have a complete FREAK OUT before just now..I usually keep my shoes higher up on a door rack shoe holder for this very reason..but now i have no trust in the matter..I'm more likely to burn my whole house down now than face a spider in my shoe! And no I will not take a chance peaking in my shoes....I MIGHT FIND A SPIDER!


Though I really am NOT fond of spiders. I find some quite beautiful and long as they're behind glass or on TV.
You also left out banana spiders.

edit on 11-4-2014 by Bigburgh because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 11 2014 @ 08:45 PM
reply to post by Bigburgh

I thought I included the banana spider. Let me go look. If I didn't, I'll add it.

ETA: You're right...
How's this for an addition?! lol

edit on 4/11/2014 by sled735 because: add link

posted on Apr, 11 2014 @ 08:50 PM
Meet the Australian Huntsman Spider. This one may not be deadly, but it will have arachnophobes running for their life, haha.

posted on Apr, 11 2014 @ 08:55 PM
reply to post by daaskapital

Geeze! While I can see how this spider could be useful in the home, I will never be his friend, and he better stay out of my house!

posted on Apr, 11 2014 @ 08:56 PM

reply to post by Bigburgh

I thought I included the banana spider. Let me go look. If I didn't, I'll add it.

ETA: You're right...
How's this for an addition?! lol

edit on 4/11/2014 by sled735 because: add link

Oh you shouldn't
(( shivering )) and its a video!

posted on Apr, 11 2014 @ 09:09 PM

In some circumstances spiders are capable of making me crash into mailboxes while driving, falling out of moving boats, and falling off of ladders.

If i'm prepared for the possibility of that which shall not be named popping out I can set aside my inner seven year old girl and destroy the nameless one without breaking a sweat.


posted on Apr, 11 2014 @ 09:12 PM
reply to post by Biigs

Okay question, would you rather face a tiny spider with evil venom, or a snake with evil venom? - See more at:

Spider, hands down! While the poison spiders in America can make you very sick, they are seldom fatal- even without treatment- unless you have underlying medical problems.

Even with immediate anti-venom, you're still going to be sicker than you've ever been in a venomous snake bites you! And the tissue damage is much more extensive than that from a spider bite- plus, the size of the fangs is enough to make me positive I'll take a spider bite over snake bite any day!

Heck, you don't even know you've been bitten by a spider most of the time. Can't say that about a rattler!

posted on Apr, 11 2014 @ 09:25 PM
reply to post by sled735

Really cool thread 👍

I must defend the Black Widow though, its bite isn't so bad they just have bad attitudes.

I've been bitten by 5 females over the past 6 or 7 years and I'm fine 👉😜

The Recluse and Funnel web spiders scare the hell outta me though!

edit on 4/11/14 by ThePublicEnemyNo1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 11 2014 @ 09:59 PM
I kinda like spiders, they keep the bugs down. I've been bitten by a harvester spider, a dinky reddish spider, and probably a recluse. The recluse was by far the worst bite, the neighbor got bit by one in about the same spot on the leg right around the same time. I still have a scar from that. The neighbors was worse, he had a big gouge in his leg almost down to the bone. It doesn't bother him much anymore, he died a few years back.

The harvestor spider can bite when you tear off some of it's legs. I guess I asked for that one. I was teasing that little red spider, I deserved what I got from those two guys. It's surprising how your finger tip can swell up so fast and feel like someone hit it with a sledge hammer.

I've probably been bit by more than that, considering the type of work I did, but I can't say for sure that those bites were spiders.
edit on 11-4-2014 by rickymouse because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 11 2014 @ 10:15 PM
reply to post by sled735

I was once bitten by a Black Widow (Button Spider) in South Africa. I was cleaning out the garage (spraying it down) and it fell off the garage door onto the side of my face near my ear. When I realized what had happened when the pain and burning started, I took out my knife, looked in the car's side view mirror and did the cut to try and bleed it out. It helped but I still went septic, fever of 106 and had to get to the doctor to get anti-venom and the wound cleaned out. The bite made a subcutaneous keloid that never goes away, like a cyst and I get it drained every 3 to 5 years. So, I am always reminded to NOT clean out garages, at least that's my excuse and I'm sticking by it.

We had a different type of Widow living under the steps at the front door with a nest of 3 large eggs. I poked at that one a bit until it turned so I could burn the nest and found that they will chase you, but they don't like propane torches, especially when they are lit. They do have very nice orange or red hourglass markings on the underside of their bellies but they tend to fade with high heat.

A friend across the street was digging his pool, he was bitten by a Black Widow (Button Spider) and didn't realize it (because of the scrapes and scratches he had endured) until that night when his leg started swelling. Because he didn't catch it right away he spent 2 weeks in the hospital.

The best story I have though (and it's true) was we used to hear the mice in the attic of our spanish style house chase down the spiders at night. You'd hear the aggressive and deterministic, but soft movements of the hunt while laying in bed waiting for sleep. I figured, great I can take the mice and they get rid of the spiders ;-) Then one day I was finishing the room with my bar in it, just putting up the molding around the crown, hammering the nails. This of course vibrated the ceiling a bit and there was about a 1" gap on one side between the pine roof I put in and the walls. So I get about 7/8ths of the way done and what falls between the gap and the wall but a big black hairy spider leg about 5 to 6" long, still attached to the spider. It looked about the size of a thin chicken leg. Yeah, so I got that molding finished up real fast. But it certainly cleared things up for me... It wasn't the mice hunting spiders, it was spiders hunting mice. I did find out it was a Baboon Spider, a form of long legged tarantula.

We also had a similar kind of spider in Komatipoort but it was grey, they called them wall spiders because they liked to climb walls and then fall onto beds to bite you while you slept (ahhh, I remember the Doena Motel on the border of Mozambique lol). Those spiders were the size of large dinner plates, but the bite was little more venomous than a bee sting.

In Canada, we have something similar but not quite as large, dock or wolf spiders, they can get to be about 10" (largest I have seen) leg tip to leg tip and they have a pretty nasty bite, not fatal but quite a bit worse than a bee sting.

Some time I will tell you about Boomslangs, Puff Adders and Tree Vipers (snakes) from my times on safari between military bases or scorpions in boots in the karoo (little tiny claws with big black stingers) LOL

Cheers - Dave
edit on 4/11.2014 by bobs_uruncle because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 11 2014 @ 10:16 PM
We have brown recluses in this house. Generally, there is a sort of understood gentleman's agreement. They stay in the basement and we stay upstairs. Every spring, two or three spiders invade the upstairs, get smashed, and hostilities cease for another year.

They are more than welcome to the basement. I need them to keep the other bugs that come into the garage in check.
edit on 11-4-2014 by ketsuko because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 11 2014 @ 10:21 PM

reply to post by daaskapital

Geeze! While I can see how this spider could be useful in the home, I will never be his friend, and he better stay out of my house!

Well, then you do yourself a disservice. We have a lovely little spider, tiny little guy, can't kill you, but he can make you very very sick for a month or so. White tailed spider. Huntsmans love to snack on them. OK, I do not like the idea of a huntsman in by bedroom, but in other rooms they are great little guys that keep other pests down. They like roof spaces and keep that nice and clear. Very good friend to have!

I had a friend when I was little who would always carry his pet huntsman around in his shirt pocket. He only kept each one for a few days, take it out, free it and find another. He could really freak out the girls! He had this lovely smile and he would ask very quietly, would you like to meet my pet? He also had this evil laugh for after the damsels had run for their life.


posted on Apr, 11 2014 @ 10:22 PM
reply to post by sled735

Lol... i couldnt agree more but we have them at our house as my husband was a dealer in them for many years and loves them. Although now its inly a handful instead if hundreds in various varieties. Im aracnaphobic no thanks, must keep away. My uncle and i got bit by a recluse when i was younger. Horrible experience, the venoms necrotic.

posted on Apr, 11 2014 @ 10:28 PM
in my house ill only kill brown recluse and black widows, as well as scorpions (to round out the arachnids). All others are either ignored, or released outside. We have quite a few tarantulas. I just let them crawl onto the bristle end of a broom, and put them out in the yard.

I am not a fan of spiders. But the wolf spiders....i enjoy them. They are cool to watch. Had one living in my window that the youngest boy and I used to watch when he was a toddler.

posted on Apr, 11 2014 @ 11:50 PM
Why, why, why do I do this to myself? I just had to come in here and look didn't I. Spiders literally give me the chills. Sled, are you trying to give me nightmares? If I'm in the garden I'll actually scream and do what I call the spider dance, jumping around like an idiot. People always ask me how I could possibly hate spiders so much and yet love snakes and lizards and frogs and stuff. LOL

My nieces boyfriend has two baby boa constrictors. One baby is at least 3 feet long. I think they're interesting creatures and they are not slimy but a nice soft buttery leather.

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