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GLASS ROCK found in woods (photos embedded) Need expert analysis.

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posted on Apr, 11 2014 @ 03:23 AM
Glass slag?
(edit) is see others also said this

edit on 11-4-2014 by haven123 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 11 2014 @ 03:33 AM
It could be a man-madde glass sculpture or part of, that simply got tossed there. Fell off a moving van and broke? Glass lamp at one time.

Or discarded glass from a glass factory.
The wavy line break suggests that, It was dropped, then tossed.

Sort of looks like a dogs head or Helmet.

It's quite a nice find!!
edit on 11-4-2014 by violet because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 11 2014 @ 03:43 AM
One thing worth doing is to weigh it as accurately as possible, then find the volume by immersing it in a full container of water, measuring the water displaced ti get the volume, then divide weight/volume to get the density. Google the density and it ought to confirm the material the lump is made from.
Not the most stringent of tests, but it can rule out some of the more exotic claims ...or even rule them in.

posted on Apr, 11 2014 @ 03:45 AM
At one time there were quite a number of Coke bottle manufacturers, based on the location stamps on the bottoms of the bottles. I'd bet quite a bit of slag came from these plants.

posted on Apr, 11 2014 @ 04:07 AM
You should contact penn state department of geoscience. Simple test on crystalinity and hardness will tell you what it is

posted on Apr, 11 2014 @ 04:14 AM
Seeing all of the comments where it (glass slag) has been used as a slightly coveted yard decoration or door stop leads me to believe that it could easily have been just that. There have been mine/hunting/still shacks all over that country a century ago and it may have just been taken out there for a bit of aesthetic utility. The shack long since disintegrated or flooded away.

posted on Apr, 11 2014 @ 04:19 AM
Are there any glassblowers in your area that you could show it to and ask about it? They often set up shop at fairs and festivals and most are more than happy to talk about their work and the history of the craft. He/she could almost certainly tell you a lot more about it by examining the rock in person but might be able to make some educated guesses from a good set of photos.
I'm going to assume that he owns the property where he located the rock?
If he owns the property he's free to go mine all those rocks he wishes and sell them. However, if he doesn't own the property he should immediately get in touch with the owner and seek permission and work out a deal with the owner. As a still practicing archaeologist and land owner, I must stress that the owner of that property is the owner of that artifact.
I believe you mentioned a logging road. All sorts of businesses that used large amounts of wood for fuel grew up along logging roads. From just looking at the area mentioned in the OP it looks like that area has been logged a number of times and it was a long time ago because there's lots of regrowth of the trees.
It's just me but I think I'd have to find out at least some possible explanation as to where it came from and how/why some human transported it and/or water moved it to the spot where he found it.
Whatever its story, crystal skull in progress? diamond? lightning glass? glass slag? I'd have fun finding out what I could about it.
I managed to help out a friend of mine who found a millstone in a creek on his property and yet he could find nothing else in the area that suggested that a grain mill ever stood on that site. He was mystified so he put the stone in his back yard and kept asking it for 10 years how it ended up in his creek. He did all sorts of research at the public library but couldn't find any indication that a mill has stood on that creek. He went to the state archives searching. When I met him, nine years after his discovery, he was still wondering. As it happened I had just come from a statewide archaeology conference where I'd heard a paper on the millstone industry in Kentucky during colonial times and during the War of 1812 in particular. I hooked him up with the researcher and he was able to find out where the stone was quarried and even the name of the mill from records of the War of 1812 in Washington.
He's a landowner who cares deeply about the land and wants to know of the uses his land has served, useful information if you're wondering when the fecal matter flies. He knows that if the grid fails, that creek can provide some power generation. But the reason he didn't find any physical remains of the mill, not even a foundation stone, was that the creek was part of a drainage system that was subject to severe flooding on a periodic basis. He's had quite a lot of fun telling the story of his "big, round rock" while enjoying the evening with friends.
So keep asking those questions and enjoy the journey.

posted on Apr, 11 2014 @ 04:29 AM
Smash it up and see whats inside!!!

posted on Apr, 11 2014 @ 05:33 AM
Seems the consensus is that it's glass slag but here is what a mineralogy student had to say about this. From the reddit post that Domo1 created:

Mineralogy student here: Very cool find you have there!First of all, there are a couple things we can rule out. It is likely not lightning glass or a meteorite. Lightning glass (fulgrites) are more sandy and dendritic (branch-like) in consistency and often hollow. Not to mention they are usually quite small.A meteorite is unlikely as well for they are usually chondrites (stoney, non-metallic and full of rounded minerals) or achondrites (rock-like). Very rarely, some are the famous chunk-of-metal meteorites we hear of. We do get some glassy minerals from meteorite impacts called tektites, but these are often dark, no bigger than a tennis ball, and teardrop-shaped. They occur as the violent melted splash of whatever the meteorite hits.Having studied minerals for a while now, I can't say I know anything that naturally occurs like this. Even a perfectly formed quartz crystal would take a very long time to deposit, and it would be nearly impossible to create one so clear and imperfection-less. Also the lack of any crystal shape/faces adds to the doubt of it being natural.Odds are good it is just slag glass. How it got there beats me, but the consistency and colour and shape sure make it seem like a by-product of the production of something. A beautiful piece of garbage!Well that's my 3 cents. Anyone else?EDIT: Fun fact! That "wave like" texture you speak of is called a conchoidal fracture, and is typical of glass, quartz, and other minerals that do not like to cleave nicely.

Interesting perspective for sure.

edit on 11-4-2014 by JewelOfDenial because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 11 2014 @ 06:19 AM
It's a dilithium crystal, no but seriously I found a glass or whatever it's type of rock like that once about ten years ago, it had the bubbles inside of it just like that thing does and I always wondered what could have caused the bubbles inside of it like that, but the one I found was shaped almost exactly like that but it was only the size of a golf ball I hope you find out what it is and where it came from, it could possibly solve an old mystery that I gave up on a long time ago.

posted on Apr, 11 2014 @ 07:29 AM
Yep, looks like big piece of glass slag to me too.

posted on Apr, 11 2014 @ 07:32 AM
reply to post by SixX18

Maybe lightning struck a sandy area?
Lightning plus sand equals glass.
Just a guess...

posted on Apr, 11 2014 @ 10:10 AM
It does look like a piece of glass, that has come out of a batch furnace. Some furnaces heat glass, and you end up with a large pool of molten glass, for making all sorts of glass items. Ive seen these pieces all my life, nothing special really.

posted on Apr, 11 2014 @ 10:23 AM
now wait wait wait, just hold on here a second.....

you guys are in PA and drinking Bud? Your in Yuengling country, fool!

posted on Apr, 11 2014 @ 10:56 AM
reply to post by SixX18

It's got an amorphous structure which essentially means is was cooled very quickly. It's not a crystal. Crystals don't have big gas bubbles.

You could test hardness to try and close in on the mineral content. If it can't scratch glass, and isn't scratched by glass, it's just modern glass.

posted on Apr, 11 2014 @ 11:07 AM
reply to post by Ameilia

Edit: I am editting my post to say it is worth between $150 to $250 dollars. I am willing to explain that if you care, OP. (Not for my financial gain, I'm not gonna ask you to sell it to me, or anything!)

Ha ha! What a sweetheart!

posted on Apr, 11 2014 @ 11:12 AM
Oh wow, that is interesting... Though it is funny since before I saw this thread, I had just finished watching "Spearhead From Space", a Doctor Who episode which involved these glass-like spheroid meteorites, but they weren't really meteorites...

My thoughts could be some kind of Quartz...

Question, is the area particularly sandy? as, If that is the case, I was wondering if there was some event that superheated the sand to melt into a small cobble of glass.
edit on V20141411April14Fri, 11 Apr 2014 11:14:24 -0500America/Chicago by VoidFire because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 11 2014 @ 11:17 AM
I get large pieces of glass under fire pits some time. Maybe there was a large forest fire long ago that made this from a sands spot and a ton of burning material on it. I have found large pieces of glass in old burn piles too.

posted on Apr, 11 2014 @ 11:48 AM
I would say do a scratch test and determine where on the Mohs hardness scale it lays.

To do this, all you would need is a few items and then go from there. The first is get a set of leather gloves. Next get yourself 2 items, the first is glass, the kind from a broken windshield will do and a piece of quartz. Put on the gloves and select a spot, and then under good light, like natural light, drag the piece of glass against it. If it does not scratch, repeat with quartz. If the glass scratches it, then there is a good chance it is glass, but if it scratches easy, then it may be something else. If it does not, try using the quartz. This will give you an idea on how hard it is, and where to take it. If the quartz does not scratch it, then take it to a mineralogist and have them do an identification of it.

posted on Apr, 11 2014 @ 11:50 AM
reply to post by SixX18

You can do a scratch test and that will tell you if it is glass. Look up mineral scratch test to see how.

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