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19 Numbers Which Prove That Americans Are Angrier And More Frustrated Than Ever

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posted on Apr, 11 2014 @ 11:39 AM




reply to post by rickynews

We don't choose who is welcome based on race or ethnicity we choose who is welcome by whether or not they come here to become Americans and assimilate into our culture. We have absolutely no use for people who come here to raid our welfare and other entitlements that belong only to American citizens. Don't try to turn the argument around to bring a race thing. America is the least bigoted country on the planet and always has been. People claim bigotry when they don't have the courage to stand on their own two feet.

I'm not suggesting that some Immigrants are not taking advantage of America, but many are contributing too. I simply took exception to the notion and statement "All Immigrants" are bad for our country.

simple MATH.. MILLIONS of AMERICANS are needing work.


I respectfully disagree. Immigrants are Not America's enemy.

1. they are NOT Americans
2. they are HARMING an American by having a JOB in America AND harming ALL Americans by pushing wages lower
3. Their ancestors lost NO members fighting and/or struggling to build America

THEY DON'T BELONG HERE... unless.. every American HAS A DECENT JOB and there are booming factories/jobs STILL needing extra workers!

posted on Apr, 11 2014 @ 12:06 PM





reply to post by rickynews

We don't choose who is welcome based on race or ethnicity we choose who is welcome by whether or not they come here to become Americans and assimilate into our culture. We have absolutely no use for people who come here to raid our welfare and other entitlements that belong only to American citizens. Don't try to turn the argument around to bring a race thing. America is the least bigoted country on the planet and always has been. People claim bigotry when they don't have the courage to stand on their own two feet.

I'm not suggesting that some Immigrants are not taking advantage of America, but many are contributing too. I simply took exception to the notion and statement "All Immigrants" are bad for our country.

simple MATH.. MILLIONS of AMERICANS are needing work.


I respectfully disagree. Immigrants are Not America's enemy.

1. they are NOT Americans
2. they are HARMING an American by having a JOB in America AND harming ALL Americans by pushing wages lower
3. Their ancestors lost NO members fighting and/or struggling to build America

THEY DON'T BELONG HERE... unless.. every American HAS A DECENT JOB and there are booming factories/jobs STILL needing extra workers!

Many Immigrants have served in our Armed Forces in defense of our country, and many Immigrants also have made the ultimate sacrifice for America giving their lives to protect our freedoms, dating back to the inception of this nation. Again, lumping all immigrants into a single entity, and then describing them as "enemies" is a misguided and distorted perspective of our nations actual history.

posted on Apr, 11 2014 @ 12:48 PM





reply to post by rickynews

We don't choose who is welcome based on race or ethnicity we choose who is welcome by whether or not they come here to become Americans and assimilate into our culture. We have absolutely no use for people who come here to raid our welfare and other entitlements that belong only to American citizens. Don't try to turn the argument around to bring a race thing. America is the least bigoted country on the planet and always has been. People claim bigotry when they don't have the courage to stand on their own two feet.

I'm not suggesting that some Immigrants are not taking advantage of America, but many are contributing too. I simply took exception to the notion and statement "All Immigrants" are bad for our country.

simple MATH.. MILLIONS of AMERICANS are needing work.


I respectfully disagree. Immigrants are Not America's enemy.

1. they are NOT Americans
2. they are HARMING an American by having a JOB in America AND harming ALL Americans by pushing wages lower
3. Their ancestors lost NO members fighting and/or struggling to build America

THEY DON'T BELONG HERE... unless.. every American HAS A DECENT JOB and there are booming factories/jobs STILL needing extra workers!

Sounds pretty un-American to me. I can trace some of my ancestors back to at least the 1600s in this country — does that make me more American than somebody whose family arrived in the early 1900s? It's appalling that people would think this way in America, a "nation of immigrants," but it's not exactly new. In the mid-late 1800s, waves of European immigrants were met with hatred, distrust and disdain. In your arbitrary system for determining who deserves to be American, where do you rank their descendants? Were the traditionalists of that era correct in believing that those dirty European immigrants destroyed America? St. Patrick's day?! WHO LET ALL THESE IRISH SCUM IN HERE!? Oktoberfest?!! YOU CAN KEEP YOUR LOUSY BAVARIAN CULTURE YOU GERMAN SWINE, YOU'RE NO BETTER THAN THOSE SPAGHETTI EATING GREASE BALL WOPS!

Let's be honest, this has nothing to do with jobs. The overwhelming majority of jobs done by illegal immigrants are not what you'd consider a "decent job" and the simple fact is that even with government subsidies and paying extremely low wages to illegal immigrants for back breaking labor, most farmers can't compete with the lower prices of imported produce. Farmers are not going to suddenly start paying a decent wage for picking strawberries by hand.

It reality, it has everything to do with culture and the fundamental tenet of conservatism, traditionalism. It exists among the right wing groups in Europe as well — this fear of culture changing because of an "invasion" of members of a different culture. It's a common theme in conservative rhetoric: "this isn't the country I grew up in," "he's ruining our country," "they're destroying America," etc etc etc.

posted on Apr, 11 2014 @ 01:36 PM
HanzHenry, let me summarize the history of immigration for you:

1. A new group on immigrants show-up. They tend to take up low-paying, low-status jobs. For the most part, there is little legal oversight of the process (Federal control of immigration only started in 1890).
2. The sons and grandsons of previous immigrants freak the hell out, tell us that the barbaric and certainly not-white (Scottish, Irish, Italians, South Slavs, Chinese, South Asians, Mexicans, fill in the blank) will simply ruin the republic with their inferior (culture, religion, generics, language et all.) At the very least, they will not assimilate.
3. Immigrant group assimilates. Also, America doesn't explode. Hell, some groups, like the Irish, end up racially resassigned to white people.
4. The new immigrants sons and grandsons proceed to forget this all, begin to think of themselves as part middle class, freak the hell out at whoever new is coming.
5. Rinse and Repeat till the real death of the Republic.

In short, you are not full of B.S.

You are, in fact, full of tired and true, centuries old, grade-A, perpetually useful for the elite, truth obfuscating, B.S.

Congratulations on advancing the interests of the global top 0.01%, thought. I can say for sure that they are happy to know that guys like you really think a bunch of Mexicans picking vegetables in California is why wages are stagnant or (relative to purchasing power) declining. Man those Mexicans must be crafty, what with them somehow de-unionizing and de-industrizing the country starting about 1978.

Just remember that all your preconceived notions and prejudices are totally correct irrefutable truths of human existence, critically thinking things through (especially is for faggy egghead types, and YOU earned this all with your brave and noble decision to be born in the USA. Better to be resolute in error than to admit error, I guess.

posted on Apr, 11 2014 @ 06:50 PM
reply to post by HanzHenry

Please tell me you are not basing who and what you vote for on these poorly thought out, half-baked opinions. I think THAT is what's destroying our country, not the immigrants.

posted on Apr, 12 2014 @ 07:55 AM





reply to post by rickynews

We don't choose who is welcome based on race or ethnicity we choose who is welcome by whether or not they come here to become Americans and assimilate into our culture. We have absolutely no use for people who come here to raid our welfare and other entitlements that belong only to American citizens. Don't try to turn the argument around to bring a race thing. America is the least bigoted country on the planet and always has been. People claim bigotry when they don't have the courage to stand on their own two feet.

I'm not suggesting that some Immigrants are not taking advantage of America, but many are contributing too. I simply took exception to the notion and statement "All Immigrants" are bad for our country.

simple MATH.. MILLIONS of AMERICANS are needing work.


I respectfully disagree. Immigrants are Not America's enemy.

1. they are NOT Americans
2. they are HARMING an American by having a JOB in America AND harming ALL Americans by pushing wages lower
3. Their ancestors lost NO members fighting and/or struggling to build America

THEY DON'T BELONG HERE... unless.. every American HAS A DECENT JOB and there are booming factories/jobs STILL needing extra workers!


Here is the Truth, Fact and Reality: Unless you and your ancestry is of American Indian decent, Every (and I do mean Every) other nationality in our country (U.S.A.) is of immigration ancestry, meaning our individual ancestry can be traced back to some other country of origin, from which our families immigrated from, and as a result, our country, and All of its people, are of immigrated ancestry, except for American Indians. This is the foundation of the U.S.A., and how our nation was both conceived and formed from the very beginning. This is not an opinion...this is Fact.
edit on 12-4-2014 by rickynews because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 12 2014 @ 03:30 PM

Why are Americans so Angry?

You get good at what you practice.

Thinking and feeling in conditioned minds becomes habitual, if you don't want to be angry stop reacting with anger and polluting the world.
One can still point out the evils of TPTB without being controlled in a state of constant anger and fear.

edit on 12-4-2014 by BDBinc because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 13 2014 @ 10:47 AM


Why are Americans so Angry?

You get good at what you practice.

Thinking and feeling in conditioned minds becomes habitual, if you don't want to be angry stop reacting with anger and polluting the world.
One can still point out the evils of TPTB without being controlled in a state of constant anger and fear.

edit on 12-4-2014 by BDBinc because: (no reason given)

People become angry because they feel hopeless in the way of changing or resolving that which is important to them. "Hope and Change"..."Change We Can Believe In". Great Hype with No Results. We, the American People, have been way oversold, and certainly misled. When you do that to anybody, they are likely to be Angry.

posted on Apr, 13 2014 @ 11:19 AM
19 Numbers that Prove Americans are Angry? Common Sense suggests that if you break a promise to somebody, they are likely to become Angry about it. In the case of the American People, how are they suppose to feel if you break Many promises?

Here is a list of 19 of President Obama's broken promise to the American people:

1. “If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor. Period. If you like your health care plan, you will be able to keep your health care plan. Period. No one will take it away. No matter what.”

2. “My administration is committed to creating an unprecedented level of openness in government.”

3. "We agree on reforms that will finally reduce the costs of health care. Families will save on their premiums…”

4. “I don’t want to pit Red America against Blue America. I want to be the president
 of the United States of America.”

5. “We’ve got shovel-ready projects all across the country that governors and mayors are pleading to fund. And the minute we can get those investments to the state level, jobs are going to be created.”

6. “And we will pursue the housing plan I’m outlining today. And through this plan, we will help between 7 and 9 million families restructure or refinance their mortgages so they can afford—avoid foreclosure.”

7. “I will sign a universal health-care bill into law by the end of my first term as president that will cover every American and cut the cost of a typical family’s premium by up to $2,500 a year.”

8. “We reject the use of national security letters to spy on citizens who are not suspected of a crime.”

9. “For people with insurance, the only impact of the health-care law is that their insurance is stronger, better, and more secure than it was before. Full stop. That’s it. They don’t have to worry about anything else.”

10. “We will close the detention camp in Guantanamo Bay, the location of so many of the worst constitutional abuses in recent years.”

11. “Allow Americans to buy their medicines from other developed countries if the drugs are safe and prices are lower outside the U.S.”

12. “We will revisit the Patriot Act and overturn unconstitutional executive decisions issued during the past eight years.”

13. “We reject sweeping claims of ‘inherent’ presidential power.”

14. “We support constitutional protections and judicial oversight on any surveillance program involving Americans.”

15. “Will not sign any non-emergency bill without giving the American public an opportunity to review and comment on the White House website for five days.”

16. “We have a choice in this country. We can accept a politics that breeds division and conflict and cynicism…. That is one option. Or, at this moment, in this election, we can come together and say, ‘Not this time….’”

17. We’ve got to spend some money now to pull us out of this recession. But as soon as we’re out of this recession, we’ve got to get serious about starting to live within our means, instead of leaving debt for our children and our grandchildren and our great-grandchildren.”

18. “Today I’m pledging to cut the deficit we inherited in half by the end of my first term in office. This will not be easy. It will require us to make difficult decisions and face challenges we’ve long neglected. But I refuse to leave our children with a debt that they cannot repay – and that means taking responsibility right now, in this administration, for getting our spending under control.”

19. “I, Barack Hussein Obama, do solemnly swear that I will execute the office of president of the United States faithfully, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the constitution of the United States.”

posted on Apr, 13 2014 @ 12:47 PM

reply to post by TiedDestructor

I'm one of those former conservative to independent converts btw.

So you went from a solid position on the issues to a wet noodle that blows with the wind?

Makes sense!! That’s just what we need in this country…more people abandoning their values in protest.

edit on 10-4-2014 by seabag because: (no reason given)

In my experience it's the other way around. Independents have a much better grasp of accountability. When the American public gets screwed over, it's the partisan hacks that make the "Your side did it first" arguments, which leads to nothing ever happening. Both sides do the same non sense repeatedly, and they get away with it because of that mentality.

I think it takes much more conviction to stand in the middle, and get attacked from both sides with out flinching. I don't waver at all. My values are the ONLY thing that matters to me. I refuse to be a party cheerleader. I don't need a label and a team colored bumper sticker to stand for something.

edit on 04pm12pm302014-04-13T12:50:37-05:0012America/Chicago by mahatche because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 13 2014 @ 03:02 PM
You get good at what you practice.

Thinking and feeling in conditioned minds becomes habitual, if you don't want to be angry stop reacting with anger and polluting the world.

People( slaves of the elitists ) have been oversold and misled since time before the "American" people were shafted( in being given the so called "independence" from the bank of england - and the private banking cartel ). Shafting sheeple is nothing new but I ask you what change has /would just being angry and frustrated make? It makes for more anger nothing is changed. What is needed is clarity not anger, all evidence proves that anger and this negativity is against people and causes illness.In anger you forget yourself do you want a country based on anger/hate and separatism ? Divide and conquer is their control moto . They gave you change you believe in (so you were not oversold on change) the constitution is destroyed . Hope is your own they cannot ever take it from you if you relinquish hope it is your own choice.
Land of the free and home of the brave is a land of Love and inclusion .
You need love and understanding not anger, remember the love and connection of the of the people, love stopped the vietnam war not anger. These beings feed on your anger and sense of separateness your negativity. If you clarify your thinking feeling you can have the changes you want.
Be the country you want -if you want change= think and feel what you want to see.
Change yourself and you change your world.

edit on 13-4-2014 by BDBinc because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 13 2014 @ 03:35 PM
I think people are most angry about the quality of their personal relationships and the growing lack thereof. Neither money nor prestige nor any amount of entertainment can remove the hollow feeling we have when we fail to keep up with friends and family. I dare say most of us could still be very happy even if dirt poor if only we felt loved, needed and useful to others.

As usual we've been looking in the wrong places for happiness.
It was inside of us all along.

posted on Apr, 13 2014 @ 03:46 PM


You get good at what you practice.

Thinking and feeling in conditioned minds becomes habitual, if you don't want to be angry stop reacting with anger and polluting the world.

People( slaves of the elitists ) have been oversold and misled since time before the "American" people were shafted( in being given the so called "independence" from the bank of england - and the private banking cartel ). Shafting sheeple is nothing new but I ask you what change has /would just being angry and frustrated make? It makes for more anger nothing is changed. What is needed is clarity not anger, all evidence proves that anger and this negativity is against people and causes illness.In anger you forget yourself do you want a country based on anger/hate and separatism ? Divide and conquer is their control moto . They gave you change you believe in (so you were not oversold on change) the constitution is destroyed . Hope is your own they cannot ever take it from you if you relinquish hope it is your own choice.
Land of the free and home of the brave is a land of Love and inclusion .
You need love and understanding not anger, remember the love and connection of the of the people, love stopped the vietnam war not anger. These beings feed on your anger and sense of separateness your negativity. If you clarify your thinking feeling you can have the changes you want.
Be the country you want -if you want change= think and feel what you want to see.
Change yourself and you change your world.

edit on 13-4-2014 by BDBinc because: (no reason given)

Indeed, Anger is the tool of the Evil one. Yet, there is "justified anger", just as when Jesus Christ himself flipped over all the tables when materialism was surrounding The Father's house.

I think the American People have justified anger, with both political parties, as illustrad in the list of 19 reasons why they are angry, and I also think the people are disappointed and angry that President Obama has not gotten the results they were promised or the Change they could believe in.
edit on 13-4-2014 by rickynews because: (no reason given)

edit on 13-4-2014 by rickynews because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 13 2014 @ 09:39 PM


I can trace some of my ancestors back to at least the 1600s in this country — does that make me more American than somebody whose family arrived in the early 1900s?

without a doubt you are more American, as I too have ancestry traced back to America for over 500 years

It's appalling that people would think this way in America, a "nation of immigrants,"

So, should America be forced by the rest of the world to remain "a nation of immigrants"? or should the people here now have a say?
and what if the majority of REAL Americans (at least been here since the Revolutionary War) wanted to cease immigration?

It reality, it has everything to do with culture and the fundamental tenet of conservatism, traditionalism. It exists among the right wing groups in Europe as well — this fear of culture changing because of an "invasion" of members of a different culture. It's a common theme in conservative rhetoric: "this isn't the country I grew up in," "he's ruining our country," "they're destroying America," etc etc etc.

fair enough. It SICKENS me to think my kids should have to compete with an anchor baby child of a foreigner for a job..

My AMERICAN kids should get twice the advantage of any foreign family ever dreams of, because my family paid more of a price. fought in every war FOR America.

posted on Apr, 13 2014 @ 11:00 PM



You get good at what you practice.

Thinking and feeling in conditioned minds becomes habitual, if you don't want to be angry stop reacting with anger and polluting the world.

People( slaves of the elitists ) have been oversold and misled since time before the "American" people were shafted( in being given the so called "independence" from the bank of england - and the private banking cartel ). Shafting sheeple is nothing new but I ask you what change has /would just being angry and frustrated make? It makes for more anger nothing is changed. What is needed is clarity not anger, all evidence proves that anger and this negativity is against people and causes illness.In anger you forget yourself do you want a country based on anger/hate and separatism ? Divide and conquer is their control moto . They gave you change you believe in (so you were not oversold on change) the constitution is destroyed . Hope is your own they cannot ever take it from you if you relinquish hope it is your own choice.
Land of the free and home of the brave is a land of Love and inclusion .
You need love and understanding not anger, remember the love and connection of the of the people, love stopped the vietnam war not anger. These beings feed on your anger and sense of separateness your negativity. If you clarify your thinking feeling you can have the changes you want.
Be the country you want -if you want change= think and feel what you want to see.
Change yourself and you change your world.

edit on 13-4-2014 by BDBinc because: (no reason given)

Indeed, Anger is the tool of the Evil one. Yet, there is "justified anger", just as when Jesus Christ himself flipped over all the tables when materialism was surrounding The Father's house.

I think the American People have justified anger, with both political parties, as illustrad in the list of 19 reasons why they are angry, and I also think the people are disappointed and angry that President Obama has not gotten the results they were promised or the Change they could believe in.
edit on 13-4-2014 by rickynews because: (no reason given)

edit on 13-4-2014 by rickynews because: (no reason given)

Anger makes people forget they become overcome.
In the bible (written by man) Jesus does not act in anger. I can turn tables over without anger .
Turning the tables has another meaning.

Anger is never justified, there are people overcome by anger who give excuses and reasons for hate and anger and spread it.
The American people can believe in the change, as the change is the ideas behind destroying the constitution, and the military spook paranoid totalitarian state.
If people do not know that the people that created the problems can't be expected to fix them and yet they vote for them fully aware of they lie why then get angry as you knew - what purpose does it serve? It turns back on yourselves.
The illusion that you have more than one political party is for control. In truth the parties are there just promote opposition for each other while achieving no good purpose except to allow you the false idea that you have a choice in voting and in a political party.
You don't and you know the candidates are spoon fed to the people it has become to expensive for good men to run for president so you get what TPTB want you to have.
These career politicians are mostly pathological egomanics, you know this , why even pretend they are vote worthy?

None of this is justification of anger which divides humanity, you are divided and conquered . Consumed by feelings of anger, hopelessness and fear. You need to stop justifying your anger and start behaving as you would have a role model human being, with love, kindness and understanding. There are no reasons to justify anger -when people are angry they do stupid things.
Love and unity would provide a way for the changes the people need- away from gross materialism.
The obstacles are to be overcome, they can be. Anger and negativity are obstacles to contentment as a nation or as a person.

posted on Apr, 14 2014 @ 07:08 AM
reply to post by BDBinc

I would agree that indeed..., Love Conquers All..

posted on Apr, 14 2014 @ 01:42 PM

reply to post by BDBinc

I would agree that indeed..., Love Conquers All..

Ok something i have been dwelling on last 24 hrs// the anger stuff mentioned by BDBinc

Perhaps anger really is "their tool" against us. Picture Star Wars episode 6 (i think) where the Emperor Palpatine is trying to use Luke's hate (anger) against Annakin.

had to do the long one, greatest film ever. lol but the quote is very early.

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