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Newly Discovered Megalithic Ruins in Russia! Stones double the size of Baalbek!

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posted on Apr, 10 2014 @ 06:43 PM
Phage once again is slowly convincing me.

When looking from far, they look like natural rock formations. It's so hard to tell without being there.

Furthermore, I'm not sure if it was mentioned already but the compass thing is baloney. Compasses can go crazy around many rocks formation.

Granite is an igneous rock and when it cooles down, it acquires a thermoremanent magnetization from the Earth's field.
In simple terms the rock aquires the "signature & alignement" of the elecromagnetic field of the earth at the time they formed. And that can last for million of years.

Also, if you were to look at most of the "impressive" or "hard to believe" ancient constructions, they were done using mostly Limestone.

edit on 10-4-2014 by Alkolyk because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2014 @ 07:20 PM


i don't know how to embed the pics... but really phage? you think any of these pics could be natural weathering? i can't see how straight lines coupled with right angles on lots of the stones could possibly be natural, especially considering when put together they make a huge wall

edit on 0pm091430America/ChicagoAmerica/Chicago414 by ladyteeny because: (no reason given)

In some cases you see a stone "cut" that is right next to another "cut" stone that obviously are from the same exact material and appear to be cut adjacent to each other. Not saying it's impossible, but it does tend to make me lean towards natural. Without additional information and study I do not believe anyone can summarily announce that these are man (or intelligent being) made.

To clarify, granite is a more or less generic type of stone with varying degrees of similar and in some cases very different minerals. Hence the huge difference in granites from differing locations and, indeed, even differing compositions within the same geographical location.

I do not see enough in the pics that tell me that these are man-made beyond a doubt.

In fact, what I see tends to make me believe that perhaps the stone is a gneiss. Which is a granite type of stone that is metamorphic in nature, rather than igneous. Granite is made of random large mineral grains caused by slow cooling over a long period of time. Non-professionals often confuse granite with gneiss.

edit on 10-4-2014 by bbracken677 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2014 @ 07:41 PM
reply to post by Phage

That bi

g long stone is the Baalbek stone in Lebanon. It was indeed cut by people. But they couldn't move it after they cut it.

What if thats not the original place the stone was located ?
Possibly moved from another location to that one.
What if we were all geniuses ?
Guess we would have nothing to debate on.

Just a thought

posted on Apr, 10 2014 @ 07:46 PM
reply to post by bluesman1955

What if thats not the original place the stone was located ?
It is in the quarry from which it and other stones were cut. It is not difficult to match stones to their origins.
edit on 4/10/2014 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2014 @ 08:27 PM
Posted this earlier not sure if everyone saw it. The stones are natural.

Shadow Herder
Upon seeing these formations for the first time, my mind swiftly recalled the formations around the Manitoulin Island area.

This image shows where these guys cut into the rock, carved out a little lot and used the rocks for a break wall in the water.

If this was found in some ancient place it would be without a doubt be claimed as man made when obviously it wasnt.

Here is the break wall they built from the debirs. As you can see the rocks we got broke off in nice natural massive bricks. Check it out.

This break wall was done with 1 rock dump truck, 1 large excavator and 2 crazy, untiring Portuguese men.

So ya, I call natural.

Here are some more examples from the area.

edit on 10-4-2014 by Shadow Herder because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-4-2014 by Shadow Herder because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2014 @ 09:15 PM
reply to post by dreamfox1

Are we sure that picture is from this so-called recent discovery? There is a building in the background; I find it hard to believe that this wall could be so close to "civilization" and only recently discovered.

posted on Apr, 10 2014 @ 09:18 PM
I guess I just don't understand how a natural force (ie, wind, water, etc. ) forms 4 90 degree right angles?

posted on Apr, 10 2014 @ 09:27 PM

I guess I just don't understand how a natural force (ie, wind, water, etc. ) forms 4 90 degree right angles?

Me neither but is does not stop it from doing so.

Salt crystals.

posted on Apr, 10 2014 @ 09:38 PM
reply to post by dreamfox1

That's awesome, it must have been magic.

posted on Apr, 10 2014 @ 09:56 PM
reply to post by Shadow Herder

yes but those are how the molecules form. Not how it remains after the natural forces act on it..

posted on Apr, 10 2014 @ 10:08 PM

reply to post by Shadow Herder

yes but those are how the molecules form. Not how it remains after the natural forces act on it..

That's just how it naturally fractures and crack like roofing slate does

Wind and rain /weathering only really effects things like sand stone and other soft stone etc, granite is only really weathered on coastlines where it is under heavy constant weathering and erosion

posted on Apr, 10 2014 @ 10:14 PM


Nice find.

Personally, it is my opinion that those who came before us were very switched-on when it came to construction....even by todays standards, perhaps more so.

Things are only impossible.......until they are not.

Really? Im no bricklayer but if they are man (or woman!) made they were damn aweful at building walls, nice big walls yeah, but aweful brickwork...looks like it was done by the guy who did my bathroom tiling, a right mess.

These are natural formations.

Or geneses

A wall built like that would be far stronger and earth quake proof than any other wall around the globe

However I think that picture is entirely different to the natural formations we're discussing, the pic looks interesting, IMO I'm also struggling to get to grips with how man back when would have moved some of these very large stones, especially in Egypt, some of them are 5 time more than we can lift today let alone over sand and on a wooden ship up the Nile, very interesting stuff

posted on Apr, 10 2014 @ 10:14 PM
reply to post by TritonTaranis

Thank you for your input

posted on Apr, 10 2014 @ 10:16 PM

reply to post by Shadow Herder

yes but those are how the molecules form. Not how it remains after the natural forces act on it..

Do a bit of research. Start with shale. Then graduate to quartz and feldspar (quartz and feldspar are the significant components of granite)

Quartz and Feldspar are both crystalline in nature, and you know what geometric shapes they are capable of.

Regarding erosion causing the straight's not quite that simple as there are other forces. You could say that erosion (wind and water) create a weakness that when under physical strain may produce fairly straight fracture, which is then further eroded.

Slate is an excellent example of a stone that fractures in fairly straight lines.



posted on Apr, 10 2014 @ 10:18 PM
reply to post by TritonTaranis

That is one of the major reason why I believe that some "other/higher power" had some intervention....the sheer size and weight of these stones. It is really an amazing feat when you think about it...I just don't see how we (humans) could have done it all alone. I know some of you say "Don't doubt the knowledge and skills of the "old people" ", and I don't. But even today, it is an almost impossible task...

posted on Apr, 10 2014 @ 10:19 PM


i don't know how to embed the pics... but really phage? you think any of these pics could be natural weathering? i can't see how straight lines coupled with right angles on lots of the stones could possibly be natural, especially considering when put together they make a huge wall

edit on 0pm091430America/ChicagoAmerica/Chicago414 by ladyteeny because: (no reason given)

It probably looked more beautiful when it was first finished. Plate tectonic movements could have altered the structure significantly. If the rocks were so huge then it seems safe to assume that the perfection of it would be equal to its' hugeness.

posted on Apr, 10 2014 @ 10:29 PM

Thiaoouba Prophecy


An incredible discovery that was recently made in Russia threatens to shatter conventional theories about the history of the planet. On Mount Shoria in southern Siberia, researchers have found an absolutely massive wall of granite stones. Some of these gigantic granite stones are estimated to weigh more than 3,000 tons, and as you will see below, many of them were cut “with flat surfaces, right angles, and sharp corners”. Nothing of this magnitude has ever been discovered before. The largest stone found at the megalithic ruins at Baalbek, Lebanon is less than 1,500 tons. So how in the world did someone cut 3,000 ton granite stones with extreme precision, transport them up the side of a mountain and stack them 40 meters high? According to the commonly accepted version of history, it would be impossible for ancient humans with very limited technology to accomplish such a thing. Could it be possible that there is much more to the history of this planet than we are being taught?

I love it that there are still enormous discoveries being made! Double the size of the stones at Baalbek too, and up a mountain!! HOW did they do it!!

How am I the only person on this website and few on the planet for that matter, that knows how the Pyramids were built? According to The Book Thiaoouba Prophecy, the stones were cut by the grandmaster architects that emigrated their entire race here 200,000 years ago from The Planet Aremo X3 before the deluge 15,000 years ago, the same people that created and ruled the civilization of the Lost Continent of Atlantis and Lemuria using Sonographic Laser Technology. The ancestors of the Nagas, you might know them as the same people that built Puma Punku and Thiahuanaco. They on all corners, lifted the massive stones no matter what it weighed, just a few inches off the ground by Antigravity machines that were the size of match boxes. The same builders probably built this in Russia as well. The above is not theory it is the exact report given to us by the Angelic Alien Race from the heavenly Planet located at the center of our very own Milky Way Galaxy. Who are us and we are them. They split 1/9th of their soul down to this kindergarten planetary level. I assume the technology is similar to magnetism but the match boxes somehow neutralized the cold gravity force of the Earth on that particular type of stone so I can infer each type of stone had to be tuned into by the antigravity match box.
edit on 10-4-2014 by Thiaoouba Prophecy because: Sentence structure

edit on 10-4-2014 by Thiaoouba Prophecy because: Spelling

edit on 10-4-2014 by Thiaoouba Prophecy because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-4-2014 by Thiaoouba Prophecy because: Misspelling

Lol you've taken this pretty far. Let me add to your explanation with a great idea I had: they pile rocks in magical formations in order to be able to move bigger rocks and bigger rocks AND BIGGER AND BIGGER AND BIGGERAND BIGGERROCKS it's like using soul power interest! If the rocks are made of the same crystal uniformity or whatever then they get more and more power to lift bigger and bigger rocks effortlessly. It's like super advanced working out/bricklaying. I'M A GENIUS!

posted on Apr, 10 2014 @ 11:21 PM
reply to post by ladyteeny

Naysayers will undoubtedly chime in eventually and talk about how "enormous workforces of thousands of people can move tremendous weight over many miles..." etc. etc. However, they never actually address the accurate cutting ability required to achieve these blocks. There was simply no technology present at the time to achieve these cuts. Today, we would have to employ diamond-tipped saws run by high speed machines, controlled by computers to achieve cuts like this.

Puma Punku at Tiahuanaco is probably the best example of this:
Ancient Stone Cutting Technology

And, consider this. Why would you CHOOSE to cut stones into 3000 ton blocks and put your labor force through such agonizing work to move them (as if it were even possible) if you could cut rocks of just 1 ton each that were much easier to move? You can still build the same size structure, and do it faster. Wait...too much logic? yeah...too much.


posted on Apr, 10 2014 @ 11:30 PM
The big unknown rock in the photo is near Baalbek, and it is called the Hadjar el Hibla or the Stone of The Pregnant Woman.

Another even larger stone lies in a limestone quarry a quarter of a mile from the Baalbek complex. Weighing an estimated 1200 tons, it is sixty-nine feet by sixteen feet by thirteen feet ten inches, making it the single largest piece of stonework ever crafted in the world.

Called the Hajar el Gouble, the Stone of the South, or the Hajar el Hibla, the Stone of the Pregnant Woman, it lays at a raised angle with the lowest part of its base still attached to the quarry rock as though it were almost ready to be cut free and transported to its presumed location next to the other stones of the Trilithon.

posted on Apr, 10 2014 @ 11:35 PM
I agree with Phage, these look like natural stones.

If they had the ability to cut and move such large stones , don't you think they would cut straighter lines of cut. It seems only logical, that it would be much harder to to cut and copy these random lines of cut, rather than make it so much simpler to cut straight cuts.

I am a mason nothing on this scale, but I know how these stones go together and how hard it is to lay a stone that weights 100 pounds, much less one, that weighs tons.
I did want to do a project, where I would use a fork lift to set large stones, but this would not be dry set, I would need a really large trowel to spread mortar. Maybe something called a shovel.

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