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What if the World Already Ended Years Ago

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posted on Apr, 9 2014 @ 08:25 PM
reply to post by Snarl

One thing that bugs the hell out of me is the smallest, down to the God P to the Holy of Holy One. They are the same.

For me. I could see it bothways so just consider it the same value = to 0. Although the idea of everything affecting everything else so tend to stay in the middle. We get pulled or pushed, getting caught on just one side from time to time.

I see my path being the path it is. I might call it this, that, and even piss on it from time to time. Some come walk my path, as short as it may be, rough and with hills! Or I walk with someones else, for awhile.

Yet my path has gas stations, bars and fastfood! Not all exits are good choices, mind you. Then there are the dead-ends, Tee's and Walls. Last is the parts Life makes you understand that everything you thought you knew. Might not be!

Or like me being evil, I still have wings! Small as a flea's, yet growing. How so?


posted on Apr, 9 2014 @ 08:27 PM
reply to post by infoseeker26754

“Puratory” – Interesting.
Is this your own construct – tongue in cheek, or simply something I am not familiar with?
Another interesting off-shoot to this is – as I noted at the end of my last reply to vethumanbeing, two years after my “Two Owls” experience, I ‘went crazy’ (by most peoples’ standards). Oddly, those nearest to me did not agree with said assessment. I called it ‘crazy’ for convenience-sake, but, the whole time, I knew exactly what ‘normal’ was/meant, and yet ‘saw things’ differently.
Anyway – I worked in an office with approximately 50 others. I had been ‘promoted’ to a position of oversight along with another person…and we were given an office, separate from everyone-else. A tradition had been established, and we were asked to follow said tradition – being, choose a name for your office…and put it on the office door.
In a quasi-fit of comic-genius (Ha!), I suggested “Purgatory”.
They liked it…
We/I devised a plaque for the door, on which it was spelled “Purr – Gatory”.
Not long after devising and hanging the plaque, I was chasing butterflies with Young Frankenstein.
For quite a while (at least a couple of years), I constantly wondered if I, in fact, was not in Purgatory.

posted on Apr, 9 2014 @ 08:32 PM
reply to post by infoseeker26754

Or like me being evil, I still have wings! Small as a flea's, yet growing. How so?

Evil, my friend, is steady-state. One can no more be defined as evil as another good. We could just as easily have remained in our natural energetic/spiritual state traveling the expanse of the universe at the speed of light ... round and round. And yet we wound up here 'for a time' in awe of our surroundings ... and in awe of what we lack in definitions.

posted on Apr, 9 2014 @ 09:44 PM

VHBMy superficial Ego died in the process; like a phoenix reborn (we are not speaking of anything remotely like as if being reborn into a christian faith dogma); this was a soul driven awareness to the becoming "in Gnosis" of what and who I am. 2005. Yes, the process started in April and ended in November. There were a series of incidents I was involved with (as directed) to change the human paradigm/its relationship to its percieved DemiGod creators and the process was long and arduous. Baby tippy toe steps here and there because this change had to happen beneath their finite gaze; as in using sublime trickery (look this other way instead of here)(all is fair as in to blatently cheat *alter percieved time* in order to right grievous wrongdoings). No one would believe me anyway, the shennanigan goings on; I should write a book. Tell me more about your experience.

WanDash In the same sense that your and my writings and insights appear to be on different planes of the multi-dimensional chessboard, my experience was nothing near yours in scope or effect.

As a visual Gene Roddenberrys version of 'Vulcan Chess'?. My experiences are not of the real world, anyone observing it would think 'crazytime occurance' is happening. Generally there is shift in the local surroundings, its not reality as you would know it but almost as if being in a completely different dimension simoultaneously strattling both at once. Majick happens in this arena or for lack of a better analogy a no time exists field of energy 'cookpot'; demigods are not aware of what is happening because it occures between pulses of (their invented linear time) or invisable to what they can observe or think they can. Picture events happening right under your nose, you are not always aware of the breaths you take unless you are practicing Prantic breathing. You would understand this method of hiding information from them just by watching the special effects in a movie such as "Jason and the Argonauts" Ray Harryhausen, the jerky motions. So is true for Demigods, they blink; there are ways to outsmart/out think them. One way is to plan events between what they percieve to be a flowing even construct. Nope, their are pulses involved and that inbetween is where change can happen (I dont expect anyone to swallow this as the truth as it is beyond belief; terrifically abstract).

WanDash I have written of it, before, on this site - - - may even have been in one of the threads where you and I participated, together.I often refer to it as the "Two Owls" experience. I'm sure everything had been leading up to the event...for a number of months (don't know that April would be exact - but it would have been within a month on either side, if not).

April (eastertime was the catalist, 3 days of the entire world asleep to realign what? the planets; probably someone awake would notice if the sun did not come up on one of those days). It was easy reset the atomic clock and all is fine. Being awake during this period was the oddest of experiences. No one on the roads, could walk into empty grocery stores berefit of people not having to pay anything (even my animals were asleep). Not a dream; this happened; this was a serious event and was glad to be a prt of it. All ritualistic Majick took place in my front room of all places with others I could feel but not see.

WanDash Simply - questioning and evaluating the beliefs and belief-system that had been such a huge part of my life, theretofore - and keeping a record of those questions, evaluations, thoughts and answers in the form of web-pages.
I was 'mud-logging'. I would work 24 hours, turn the responsibilities over to a geologist for the next 24 hours, return and resume said responsibilities for 24 hours...week in and week out. We were nearing the 'completion' of an 18,000' well. We had expected it to be completed weeks before, but they had encountered numerous problems, and...the geologist had to leave for his yearly (never missed) vacation, which meant that I would be in the mud-logging trailer until the well was completed.
When he was leaving he said - "Max - 3 days."
As the cards turned, 3 days developed into 15 days.
Well - much of the time through those 15 days was 'down' time - meaning, something went wrong in the drilling process.
I would spend much of that 'down' time documenting the progress of my earlier-noted 'belief-system evaluation' quest.
Probably 10 or 12 days in...I was growing excited - thinking I was approaching a threshold - some 'world/history/life'-changing revelation (the Two Owls noted above, played a part in that growing excitement).
At, or around the 13th night - late in the evening (around midnight), I asked a question of myself that I never thought I would consider...much less - ask.
I started to just erase...and skip it...but knew that if I was ever to be fully convinced of this prime tenet (premise), I should not fear the question - or its answer. I wrestled with it for quite a while. Initially, resorting to 50-years of catechism & pat/cliché answers...but, eventually settling into my myself (at least), and...ultimately, arriving at an answer I had never thought possible. My belief was that - such an answer...if wrong...could result in the wrath of 'God'...and that I might be dead on the floor before I finished writing it...
And, just as I believed...immediately, my chest started to seize - fear gripped me like a vice...and - I won't give all the details of what followed, except to say that...when I came too, outside the trailer, in the dirt, and made my way to the end of the 'pad', I had one of the most amazing experiences of my entire life, that involved one of the Two Owls.By the Way - 2 years later - I was crazy...
ETA: When that well was complete - I resigned.

What was your revelation? What about the significance of the depth of the drill hole 18,000 ft? Two owls would represent two paths offered to you take one. I had a bat fly before my face 2 feet away in stasis/static for 2 solid minutes (being asked the same question) what are you going to do? I said YES anything I can; right afterwards the moon in full had a cloud shaped triangle placed around it, on either side one a dove and a snake appeared. What I had just agreed to was very clear (a dangerous venture that offered the potencial of my mental state falling apart in a complete state of insanity or great hope for the human specie if I could pull this one off). Apologies to all I know it sounds like a made up big fish tale; but this adventure was just one of MANY to follow.
edit on 9-4-2014 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 9 2014 @ 09:58 PM
Ah, this is a fairly old concept in philosophy. I am sure it dates back several hundred if not thousands of years.

Wikipedia: Brain in a vat

posted on Apr, 9 2014 @ 10:09 PM

Ah, this is a fairly old concept in philosophy. I am sure it dates back several hundred if not thousands of years.Wikipedia: Brain in a vat

So, whos responsible for yours being fished out, patted dry; wired up and re-animated?
edit on 9-4-2014 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 9 2014 @ 10:21 PM
Honestly I've actually already thought of this possibility, what's more is that it would explain a few things.and once we get out of this coma/stasis /controlled environment. Or whatever you want to call it I'm kicking a few people or beings A$$es . I'm totally not ok with some of the things that have been done to me within this construct.

posted on Apr, 9 2014 @ 10:30 PM

So, whos responsible for yours being fished out, patted dry; wired up and re-animated?
edit on 9-4-2014 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

One can never know, can one? That is the whole point, yet at the same time it disarms this concept because it can only be purely hypothetical.

posted on Apr, 9 2014 @ 10:32 PM
The world did end, financially. Take a look around, we can't do anything BUT reset. And if there is another iteration, do you think people will allow USURY to be committed again? The system ate itself in 2008, we are truly in abtract square root of negative one territory (imaginary numbers) LOL.

posted on Apr, 9 2014 @ 10:42 PM

So, whos responsible for yours being fished out, patted dry; wired up and re-animated?

Hexadecimus One can never know, can one? That is the whole point, yet at the same time it disarms this concept because it can only be purely hypothetical.

You mean in/of the understanding of what "metaphysics" entails or one trys to describe? You actually have to be involved in such an event to comprehend the forces that are applied and never have been adequately explained scientifically and never will. Within Pagan and shamanistic cultures is understood as the universe correcting itself the human as the oracle or vessel to impart the change. Simple? no; completely misunderstood? yes. There is no hypothetical when you observe actual physical results. It is rare to find a thread that allows for this type of extreme esoteric thought exchanges; by esoteric I mean discussing some of the functions of Egyptian mystery schools in a roundabout friendly way (non threatening) without ever naming them which I just did.
edit on 9-4-2014 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 9 2014 @ 11:17 PM

Honestly I've actually already thought of this possibility, what's more is that it would explain a few things.and once we get out of this coma/stasis /controlled environment. Or whatever you want to call it I'm kicking a few people or beings A$$es . I'm totally not ok with some of the things that have been done to me within this construct.

You should not be okay. I ask only this "whos in charge here exacty?"; (those that manipulate the world governments, Trade organizations and the worlds religions). Who would those folks be? Il give you one guess and its not 'Benevolent Plasma Field God' made up of binary (potencial information) 1s and 0s datapoint bits; its the other ones that came later (evolved before us) that have controlled us for hundreds of thousands of years. I can take a joke but really; they are over the top in their continued fear mongering; manipulation and downright shady tactics to control this specie; they are desperate right now.
edit on 9-4-2014 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 9 2014 @ 11:29 PM
I can only address or respond to bits and pieces at a time, as your comments cover SO much territory…

As a visual Gene Roddenberrys version of 'Vulcan Chess'?. My experiences are not of the real world, anyone observing it would think 'crazytime occurance' is happening. Generally there is shift in the local surroundings, its not reality as you would know it but almost as if being in a completely different dimension simoultaneously strattling both at once. Majick happens in this arena or for lack of a better analogy a no time exists field of energy 'cookpot'; demigods are not aware of what is happening because it occures between pulses of (their invented linear time) or invisable to what they can observe or think they can. Picture events happening right under your nose, you are not always aware of the breaths you take unless you are practicing Prantic breathing. You would understand this method of hiding information from them just by watching the special effects in a movie such as "Jason and the Argonauts" Ray Harryhausen, the jerky motions. So is true for Demigods, they blink; there are ways to outsmart/out think them. One way is to plan events between what they percieve to be a flowing even construct. Nope, their are pulses involved and that inbetween is where change can happen (I dont expect anyone to swallow this as the truth as it is beyond belief; terrifically abstract). …

So much of what you describe is equally applicable to my experience/s.
My family, while not counting me crazy, were concerned that I might commit suicide (early in December, 2007)… A Mental Health officer from the Sherriff’s department paid me a visit…which resulted in a trip (in handcuffs & in the back seat of a Police cruiser) to the local hospital for…evaluation.
Everything about the event was…surreal.
The Deputy Sherriff – the Police Officers – the Handcuffing – the ride to the hospital – the Police Officers’ conversation & manner of driving…on the way to the hospital…
The HOURS…in the general area of the ER… Security Officers on radios…constantly chattering…
The questions from the County’s Mental Health examiners…
They would laugh at my answers… Agree with me…and, eventually, said – “Yeah – Tell you what… If you need to talk to us, just give us a call.” …and, let me go…into one of the coldest, sleetingest, windiest nights of the year.
I walked a good 5 miles in the sleet, wind and cold…to a stand of bulrushes, at the western end of the most prestigious building complex in the city…and laid down among the same, trying to avoid the wind and wet…
After an hour or so, I started walking again – found an outside stairwell to a lower level… At the bottom I found a number of “traffic cones”…and used them to cover myself, as the sleet, wind & cold were fairly constant.
Somehow – I dozed…until the slapping/clanging of a flagpole startled me to…get up.
I replaced the cones…and began walking…to…the place where my descent into insanity had been inaugurated (a few buildings south of the downstairs cones)…
I found a half-smoked cigarette in the outdoor ashtray…began smoking it…and, a car started to approach from the east.
The car pulled up directly in front of me…shining & flashing its lights in my eyes.

Won’t give all of the details, except to say that, I left that spot, following another vehicle (it was probably 2 or 3 a.m.)… I followed it until it vanished…and then, I kept walking…until coming upon an interesting building… I didn’t know the building existed… It was a “nursing/rest” home.
Just south of the driveway for the building was another building (abandoned). I went there.
I stood in an alcove for a while…until ‘a light’ appeared in a picture window, directly north of me.
The light began to move in odd and strange patterns.
I watched it for quite a while.
I attempted to determine if it could have been coming from inside…as, there was regular activity inside. The ‘regular activity’ proved that it was not a flashlight being shined from inside the building.
I attempted to determine if there was anywhere outside, that it could have been coming from…
There was not…
To this day – I do not know if it was my mind tricking me…or…something…very…paranormal in essence.
After 20 or 30 minutes of this “light” activity…the light stopped moving, and disappeared.
I moved to another side of the building…trying to get out of the wind and sleet.
I watched as the light of a streetlamp played a scene that would take too long to describe, here…and then, decided (believed I was supposed) to start walking again.
I walked all the way to & through downtown…past the hospital that had just released me...then, started walking northwest – all as I believed I was ‘led/urged’ to do…
At/about 8 a.m., I walked past a high school, just down the street from my house…
I perceived that they were all excited to see me… (I now believe they were all, simply, laughing at me).
This was just…a bit…a piece…a glimpse into…another year-and-a-half of such ‘insanity’.

posted on Apr, 10 2014 @ 12:15 AM

I can only address or respond to bits and pieces at a time, as your comments cover SO much territory…So much of what you describe is equally applicable to my experience/s.
My family, while not counting me crazy, were concerned that I might commit suicide (early in December, 2007)… A Mental Health officer from the Sherriff’s department paid me a visit…which resulted in a trip (in handcuffs & in the back seat of a Police cruiser) to the local hospital for…evaluation.
Everything about the event was…surreal.

So, you have also had the surreal experience involving the Cops and a forced potencial institutionalized visit as well (shut him up before he awakes). I also was handcuffed and seated in back of a patrol car. I cant believe the similarities between our experiences. As I think about it all today, (this happenned in 2000) one of many of my strange encounter occurances; I saw this as the first serious opening salvo to QUIET or cause great mental harm to KEEP ME FROM DOING what I was destined to do later. I saw it as an attempt to quash or qwell me, shake my resolve; convince me I was insane and give up; IT DIDNT WORK as I and my 'posse' recognized it for what it was (here is the thing they cant intervene because you told them before this current incarnation this is a necessary for my/your soul progression or testing of); they can only aswage or tell you to be calm its just a game you set up for yourself, this is where supreme courage is required.

I am not surprised you remember every detail of the event you obviously were supposed to and recount this to me today for reasons yet unknown; but poinent and freely given for all to read (courageous). Short take on my first surreal experience, was in transet, staying at a hotel, "howard johnsons" and had one of my dogs in tow, a cairn "The Wizard of Oz" terrier ToTo dog. He slipped out of the hotel room door and ran. I was not wearing shoes, still in 'pajama attire sweats' 7:00 am raced after him. He crossed a busy 4 lane blvd and wound up in a strip mall maybe 400 feet from the hotel, arfy barking and running around. Suddenly 2 cop cars squealed up, 4 officers asking me what I was doing. I said "trying to catch my dog; hes loose". I had no identification on me, they knew my name and addressed me by it. I was handcuffed and taken to the small local precinct where they had what they called a 'Russian psychiatrist' HANDY to evaluate me?!!; that to my observation did not speak english very well, it was clipped and very odd sounding (my initial reaction was "this is not a real human it seems more an anamatronic puppet". I was asked generic questions that I answered, yes Im trying to catch my devious runnaway dog, No, I dont have any children, I am a US citizen, my genetics are of the English, Maya and Scottish variety, (the questions themselves were extremely odd, why would they want to know if my Grandfather was a Mennonite). I was handcuffed again and taken to a psychatric facility. I could not understand any of this except I felt I was being abducted for some reason. The moment I arrived there I was reassured by invisable voices "its all going to be alright" I was given a hotdog and a full on birthday cake with one candle on it (what!?) I was shown pictures of all of the art work Id ever done (this as a slide type show on one of the walls), no one else saw the display that was dipicted. One week later I am free to go and no reason given for the confinement. The hotel manager said he spent all day afterwards trying to recapture my dog 'OTIS'; and I had to pay for an entire week in a hotel I was not even residing in (paid for the dogs residence I guess). I to this day know it was a setup, but to explain my mysterious disapearance for an entire week to my family? forget it (never told them). I knew at this point the gloves were off regarding the Demi-Gods and their desperate tactics to silence those that have a job to do and am doing it to this day. I have much more to say WanDash, but again; we met for a reason and you are not alone in these odd experiences.
edit on 10-4-2014 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2014 @ 12:29 AM
After reading the first 2 pages of this thread I became interested in some of the ideas you guys are throwing around with karma and reincarnation. While I definitely believe in karma im still wary about reincarnation but it would make sense. Is it just me or looking back on the first few years of your life feel robotic or very trance like state almost as if your being controlled to get you ready for the life ahead of you. when i was 2 years old i had a dream where i learned to count all the way to 100 out of no where it was very strange. Almost as if i tapped into knowledge that ive possessed in the past? When i think of karma and reincarnation i tend to think of deja vu. ive had lots of crazy times where it feels like ive already done what im currently doing like it was already a memory, maybe because im watching or reliving my past lives as a way to judge karma and morals for a greater purpose. it honestly trips me the # out haha but i have plenty of more ideas about ancient knowledge and stuff of spiritual nature or maybe its just because im a pothead haha

posted on Apr, 10 2014 @ 12:36 AM
reply to post by vethumanbeing

Will be back, tomorrow.
Be well.

posted on Apr, 10 2014 @ 01:10 AM

reply to post by vethumanbeing

Will be back, tomorrow.
Be well.

I just had a thought; the whole reason for the personal senario setups (Id call this a long con) we engaged in and perhaps designed ourselves as a way to trap or draw out the 'invisibles' to expose themselves or bring them into the light of (truth/exposure). Sneaky trickery at its best; two can play this game and I have all the time in the world as I have nothing to loose but they have everything at stake here; exposure, drag them into the light of day kicking and screaming (its going to hurt).
edit on 10-4-2014 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2014 @ 02:01 AM

After reading the first 2 pages of this thread I became interested in some of the ideas you guys are throwing around with karma and reincarnation. While I definitely believe in karma im still wary about reincarnation but it would make sense. Is it just me or looking back on the first few years of your life feel robotic or very trance like state almost as if your being controlled to get you ready for the life ahead of you. when i was 2 years old i had a dream where i learned to count all the way to 100 out of no where it was very strange. Almost as if i tapped into knowledge that ive possessed in the past? When i think of karma and reincarnation i tend to think of deja vu. ive had lots of crazy times where it feels like ive already done what im currently doing like it was already a memory, maybe because im watching or reliving my past lives as a way to judge karma and morals for a greater purpose. it honestly trips me the # out haha but i have plenty of more ideas about ancient knowledge and stuff of spiritual nature or maybe its just because im a pothead haha

Karma is a negative build, its the muddy sticky stuff you entail/attract everytime you incarnate (supposedly as far as Buddhists percieve it). There is something intrinsically wrong with this concept; in that Karma payback involves also everyone you supposedly wronged or they you. There is a huge flaw in the entire concept. You cant control those other beings exacting their Karmic payback upon you if you are not even aware of having wronged them. Its too flawed; whomever thought this idea up needs to come forward and explain itself, if one were to initiate or demonstate the veracity of karmic law to any reasonable civilization (having justice spooned out by a tribunal; or a jury system) it would be laughed out of the courtroom ("I murdered this individual because it was payback for him/her being responsible for killing my great great great grand parent 225 years ago") as being archaic. Why do you not understand the ideaform of reincarnation? If you think all souls allowed to incarnate here are based in a lottery system of availabilty you would be right. Its very hard to get a ride on this planet. Those that are working through a process of soul progression get the first slots (500 lifetimes trumps the one body available that will die in a SIDS death senario). There are only so many bodies to go around. Your dreaming experiences are first knowledge, and thankyou for expressing this as it awakened some distant memories. I would like to hear more of your thoughts regarding observing your own memory and what that means to you, obviously you are reliving a moment in time or getting ready to actuate/insert it (past memory) somehow into this time frame to change your own paradigm, you might have done so just by responding to this thread without even knowing it. Within the galactic community, to be able to say you had ONE lifetime on this planet is like saying "I was a World War II congressional medal of honor" decorated war hero. Its a coveted distinction if only for seconds living in a human body here in the 3rd dimension on Earth.
edit on 10-4-2014 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2014 @ 09:01 AM
Err...I feel like I'm reading a thread FROM a different dimension where I agree with what I think I'm reading, but language and sentence structure is just slightly off and slightly random. I'm not trying to offend anyone and I'm used to reading things from people where English isn't their first language, but this is the first time where the majority of the posts are reading the same. I digress...
Actually, I feel like I've crossed into a different timeline sometime in the last couple of years, but I've just been noticing it in the last couple months.

What would it matter if the world has ended and we are all on autopilot right now? If this could be true, then I don't think it would matter because in this state we could just be thrown back into the mix (or not) without ever knowing it...without it ever affecting us. This wouldn't be on the same 'dying then being reborn' cycle which is the normal human experience by comparison (allegedly).

That being said, I do kinda feel like my life is running on a loop right now...but that is probably my own fault more than being stuck in a cycle of some sort.

What vexes me, is why I Believe this to be true ... As if belief would somehow matter - See more at:

I ask myself this all the time. I almost feel like because I think I believe something it must have been put there for me to believe...regardless of its truth. Whether or not it is truly true is unknowable, but the fact that is springs into my mind in the first place is (or is supposed to be) enough to accept my belief in it. If something exists then a believe in it arises.

posted on Apr, 10 2014 @ 12:27 PM
reply to post by vethumanbeing

Hot Spots Part Deux

As a visual Gene Roddenberrys version of 'Vulcan Chess'?. …


…My experiences are not of the real world, anyone observing it would think 'crazytime occurance' is happening. Generally there is shift in the local surroundings, its not reality as you would know it but almost as if being in a completely different dimension simoultaneously strattling both at once. Majick happens in this arena or for lack of a better analogy a no time exists field of energy 'cookpot'; demigods are not aware of what is happening because it occures between pulses of (their invented linear time) or invisable to what they can observe or think they can. Picture events happening right under your nose, you are not always aware of the breaths you take unless you are practicing Prantic breathing. You would understand this method of hiding information from them just by watching the special effects in a movie such as "Jason and the Argonauts" Ray Harryhausen, the jerky motions. So is true for Demigods, they blink; there are ways to outsmart/out think them. One way is to plan events between what they percieve to be a flowing even construct. Nope, their are pulses involved and that inbetween is where change can happen (I dont expect anyone to swallow this as the truth as it is beyond belief; terrifically abstract). …

I don’t even believe a lot of my experiences. Or, I should say – I have a hard time believing them.
While I can’t know, for sure – I’m pretty sure I have had many experiences that correlate with your statement – “…there is a shift in the local surroundings…not a reality as you would know…but…as if being in completely different dimension simultaneously straddling both…”.
For me, they were very unsettling.

April (eastertime was the catalist, 3 days of the entire world asleep to realign what? the planets; probably someone awake would notice if the sun did not come up on one of those days). It was easy reset the atomic clock and all is fine. Being awake during this period was the oddest of experiences. No one on the roads, could walk into empty grocery stores berefit of people not having to pay anything (even my animals were asleep). Not a dream; this happened; this was a serious event and was glad to be a prt of it. All ritualistic Majick took place in my front room of all places with others I could feel but not see. …

This entirely reminds me of the story told near the end of Journey to Ixtlan.
When you say that you were glad to be a part of it…is that an after-the-fact sentiment, or were you just as pleased in the midst of it all?
Do you ever question your memory/memories of such events…wondering if you deluded yourself?
(something, I don’t think many people consider, is – such a delusion would be virtually as remarkable as the same ‘reality’)

What was your revelation? What about the significance of the depth of the drill hole 18,000 ft? Two owls would represent two paths offered to you take one. I had a bat fly before my face 2 feet away in stasis/static for 2 solid minutes (being asked the same question) what are you going to do? I said YES anything I can; right afterwards the moon in full had a cloud shaped triangle placed around it, on either side one a dove and a snake appeared. What I had just agreed to was very clear (a dangerous venture that offered the potencial of my mental state falling apart in a complete state of insanity or great hope for the human specie if I could pull this one off). Apologies to all I know it sounds like a made up big fish tale; but this adventure was just one of MANY to follow.

Revelation? Probably need to save that for another venue…
18,000’ significance? Don’t know, for sure…but, in numerological terms, I am a ‘9’ (also a 9-1-1-9).
I cannot believe your ‘bat’ experience. That is what the small owl did (though, for a significantly shorter period of time).
It was sitting on the end of a stack of drill pipes (actually – landed there shortly after I reached the end of the ‘pad’). I was deeply emotional as a result of what had just transpired (that ended with me in the dirt outside the trailer), and so happy to see it…and I called out (though I don’t think the owl could have heard me) asking if I could ‘see it’…
It changed position – I could tell it was getting ready to take flight…and, unbelievably, it did take flight, heading directly toward me… It was coming pretty fast. I was getting ready to duck for cover, thinking it might actually strike or claw/talon me – but, instead – about 10 feet away, its progress stopped, and it went into a hovering flutter about 5 feet higher than my head… It continued to hover, letting me view its breast, belly and fluttering wings. I spoke to it – primarily thanking it for the view, and saying how beautiful it was… I began to grow anxious about what was actually happening – as this was way beyond my understanding of how the world works…
I broke gaze…and…it flew off into the darkness.

posted on Apr, 10 2014 @ 01:44 PM
Hmmm... that was a half-arssed OP.... seemingly whizzed up on a phone between the hash bar and the potty... but the fact that it gained traction and is now on the "front page" speaks volumes about something or other.

But as people are only capable of focusing on one or three things at a time, taking a second to ponder this thing, life, we are experiencing is never a bad thing... unless one is morbid and realizes we could be puppets the whim of a dreadful, deranged, bored god-entity.


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