*But just as a side note for anyone trying this for thie first time. It's not always so delightful of an experience..just imagine dreaming lucidly
while you are having a nightmare, it can cause you to be even more distraught after you wake then if you *weren't* dreaming lucidly..also it can be a
very scarey experience because you are so *aware* and many times you will become frightened of this feeling and therefore cause yourself to actually
'try' not to lucid dream..so just remember it takes time-sometimes months to dream this way and try to stay focused and brave- and then it can
become so wonderful that all you'll want to do is sleep..sleep..sleep...
Can't say I've had a nitemare in years, all my dreams are very very strange and abstract.
I'd love it if I had a lucid dream. I guess some would think some of them are nitemares but I don't consider them that, because I never find myself
afriad in them instead I am just more interested in whats going on and analyzing everything.
You definately sound as though you are on the right road to 'having' lucid dreams, because for one you seem to have very little fear, instead you
are more interested in learning from your dreams..which plays a big role in 'having' *LD*..the weird thing about it, is that evryone has different
things/ways they follow to dream lucidly, no person or website can give you all the answers you need to do this..otherwise everyone would be doing it
at all times. The biggest thing to help you is what you are already doing, and continually tell yourself that 'I will know what's going on in my
dream' I will become the power over my dreams and make them do as *I* wish instead of being a follower in them..basically I guess this is a form of
positive thinking and focus. But I know you can do it...just takes some practice, and even once you've done it..there will be times that you just
can't. Just don't let it frustrate you and if you are able to(like on the weekends) try a nap every now and then..sometimes naps are easier to have
a LD then actual night time sleep..
Keep us informed on how it goes, I love to hear about others dreams