posted on Apr, 10 2014 @ 12:15 AM
This was not the main reason why the US invaded Afghanistan or Iraq. It's a bonus. The main reason was to install Central Banking systems in both
Afghanistan and Iraq right after they were invaded, which did happen.
The only countries left in the world without a Central Bank are Cuba, Iran, Syria, North Korea, and some African countries.
Basically, once you control a Central Bank in a country, you automatically put all of the citizens and Government in debt, thus controlling the
country and the people. As long as the Central Bank continues to print money the Country will try to pay the debt back (which can never happen) by
unlawful taxes (income tax), and by making War.
And of course with the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan, like Bibi said, it's always a benefit for Israel. The goyim are so blind to the Khazars
actions it's rather comical.