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The Blood Moon Prophecies

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posted on Apr, 6 2014 @ 06:10 AM
Post your Prophecy, here's mine:

On the night of April 15th millions of Americans will be sitting at home on their personal computers. Hundreds of thousands more will be lurking the street spending the money liberated from the government through tax rebates. As the millions who waited until the last minute to do their taxes type furiously at their PCs bands of rust slowly will sweep across the moon until it is a crimson vermilion, illuminating the streets in hues of puce and scarlet.

Some will slumber through this majestic period only to catch highlights on the morning news. Highlights of catastrophe.

When the moon is at it's highest point in the sky and the night is in mid swing... the IRS website completely shuts down! People won't be able to send their yearly tax information in on time. Pandemonium strikes the masses as people fear they will never get rebate checks from the government.

Finally, when the moon begins to descend on the world, the internet responds. People pour in tax returns by the thousand. Then the real madness begins. People "relax" everywhere committing reckless acts of unbridaled savegry, buying out bars and taking to the streets to celebrate the culmination of a spectacular celestial event coupled with the relief of completion of their taxes. Car accidents multiply as people rush around, intoxicated by their relief, to spread the good news and pennies saved. Crime manifests where people realize they need thousands of dollars to pay their debts. A night of havoc begins only to be hushed by the sound of oncoming sirens.

To think the night before you were terrified by sirens at the night and April 15th you find you can't sleep without them.

posted on Apr, 6 2014 @ 06:17 AM
reply to post by ChefSlug

my prophecy is same as always....

it will be cloudy as chit and i won't see nuttin' again.

posted on Apr, 6 2014 @ 06:35 AM

Post your Prophecy, here's mine:

On the night of April 15th millions of Americans will be sitting at home on their personal computers. Hundreds of thousands more will be lurking the street spending the money liberated from the government through tax rebates. As the millions who waited until the last minute to do their taxes type furiously at their PCs bands of rust slowly will sweep across the moon until it is a crimson vermilion, illuminating the streets in hues of puce and scarlet.

Some will slumber through this majestic period only to catch highlights on the morning news. Highlights of catastrophe.

When the moon is at it's highest point in the sky and the night is in mid swing... the IRS website completely shuts down! People won't be able to send their yearly tax information in on time. Pandemonium strikes the masses as people fear they will never get rebate checks from the government.

Finally, when the moon begins to descend on the world, the internet responds. People pour in tax returns by the thousand. Then the real madness begins. People "relax" everywhere committing reckless acts of unbridaled savegry, buying out bars and taking to the streets to celebrate the culmination of a spectacular celestial event coupled with the relief of completion of their taxes. Car accidents multiply as people rush around, intoxicated by their relief, to spread the good news and pennies saved. Crime manifests where people realize they need thousands of dollars to pay their debts. A night of havoc begins only to be hushed by the sound of oncoming sirens.

To think the night before you were terrified by sirens at the night and April 15th you find you can't sleep without them.

hmmmm puce is green. Sorry to step on what I'm sure was supposed to be poetic. Scarlet is red however so half of this is correct.

posted on Apr, 6 2014 @ 06:39 AM
reply to post by AutumnWitch657

That's what I get for using

posted on Apr, 6 2014 @ 07:20 AM
Already done and done with both of those. We get those nasty things out of the way as soon as possible every year.

Actually, it's just the beginning of a cycle that will mark something significant and not significant good. I don't really expect the first one to specifically signal much in and of itself.

posted on Apr, 6 2014 @ 08:12 AM
reply to post by ChefSlug

Well you got vermilion and scarlet. Here for next time are all the words you could possible want for substitution of the word red.

posted on Apr, 6 2014 @ 08:15 AM
reply to post by ketsuko

Not getting you. What's significant?

posted on Apr, 6 2014 @ 08:22 AM
reply to post by ChefSlug

Apparently I was wrong. I looked up puce and got drab reddish colors . That's what I get for listening to my mother. I just took her at her word for so many things and I come to find out she didn't know squat. How embarrassing.

posted on Apr, 6 2014 @ 10:01 AM
reply to post by AutumnWitch657

Don't get all puce in the cheeks about it!

posted on Apr, 6 2014 @ 10:10 AM
reply to post by ChefSlug

my prophesy is:
nice thing about the word puce is that change one letter a "c" for a "k"
and you get the ol' infamous "technicolor yawn"
(often happens at that time of moon described in the OP)
which contains any color you could possible want...

just sayin

posted on Apr, 6 2014 @ 10:43 AM
reply to post by Danbones

Lemme get this straight, you predict someone is going to puke when the moon turns red?

posted on Apr, 6 2014 @ 10:46 AM
reply to post by ketsuko

Actually, it's just the beginning of a cycle that will mark something significant and not significant good. I don't really expect the first one to specifically signal much in and of itself.

You speak as if the above is fact.

Care to elaborate or at least where you get this from??

posted on Apr, 6 2014 @ 10:54 AM
Because of the tensions between certain countries, I'm half expecting a decent war. The Russia/Ukraine thing is lingering, while that has been going on Israel aren't happy with Iran and it's seems as though with Syria, Iraq and a few other countries that part of the world (if it isn't already) is about to go kaboom. Because this is a Jewish thing and these moons seem to coincide with significant events concerning the Jews/Israel, anything is on the cards right now.

posted on Apr, 6 2014 @ 11:12 AM

reply to post by ketsuko

Actually, it's just the beginning of a cycle that will mark something significant and not significant good. I don't really expect the first one to specifically signal much in and of itself.

You speak as if the above is fact.

Care to elaborate or at least where you get this from??

I think he's referring to the fact that this is the first of four blood moons in a series coming up.

posted on Apr, 6 2014 @ 12:26 PM


reply to post by ketsuko

Actually, it's just the beginning of a cycle that will mark something significant and not significant good. I don't really expect the first one to specifically signal much in and of itself.

You speak as if the above is fact.

Care to elaborate or at least where you get this from??

I think he's referring to the fact that this is the first of four blood moons in a series coming up.

It was just his saying "cycle that will mark something significant and not significant good" that made me wonder if "not significant good" was implying that he was expecting some doom or bad happenings.

posted on Apr, 6 2014 @ 12:35 PM
Not sure where there is any specific prophecy regarding 4 blood moons. (4 Lunar eclipses in a row) However, As Genesis 1:14 indicates that the sun, moon and stars are not only for days, months and years but they are for signs (signals) and seasons (appointments)

There are specific prophecies that declare that the moon will be turned to blood and the sun turned dark.

These 4 blood moons fall on God's feast days, his appointed days of The Feast of Passover, The Feast of Tabernacles and then again on the Feast of Passover and the Feast of Tabernacles. In between this 4 blood moon cycle are 2 Solar eclipses. The Solar eclipses fall on the 1st day of Israel's Religious New Year and the 1st day of Israel's Civil New Year.

If one would look at the past 4 blood moon cycles that fall on these Feast days one would find that the last time was at the time that Israel captured Jerusalem during the six day war. Before that during the time of a Tetrad (4 blood moon cycle) on these Feast days Israel was born as a nation again after being scattered among the nations after Jerusalem was destroyed in 70 AD. And, before that the next time that a tetrad happened on these Feast days was at the time of the Spanish Inquisition (1492).

I suspect that God will be dealing with Israel in a grand way and not only Israel but also the nations of the world as the solar eclipses signal.

Many will mock and scoff concerning Biblical prophecy, but their mocking and scoffing will not stop the truth of God's Word from coming to pass. God told us ahead of time that Israel will return back to the land but, he also said there will be another temple. It is about to happen and because the Muslims that immediately surround Israel have cursed Israel, that curse will be upon their own heads. Before the Gog-Magog War can happen the Psalm 83 War will take place and that my friends is coming quickly. Israel will expand it's borders and Israel will acquire the land that God promised their Fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. God always keeps his promises! It will happen and it will be done.

These 4 blood moons on God's Feast days are signs pointing to divine appointments. We all have an appointment to stand before the King of Kings, Jesus Christ. Every knee will bow before him.

I suggest we all bow before him now before one is forced to at the judgment. Romans 10:9,10 John 3:16

posted on Apr, 6 2014 @ 12:58 PM
reply to post by ChefSlug

There is no evidence beyond the mistranslation of "rosh kodesh" (meaning 'head of the month', not 'new moon') to support the idea that the biblical calendar ever operated on a lunar schedule.

The Torah's calendar starts and ends on the vernal equinox. The moon simply maintains our axial tilt which creates the four seasons for the Holy Days.

Therefore, the ONLY blood moon that the Bible focuses on is the one that occurs hours or minutes before Jesus' arrives. At that point, the moon's orbit will be "confused", meaning that it will not be a naturally scheduled event.

The Tetrad prophecy is a Rabbinical scam. If you base your calendar around the appearance of the new moon sliver, the tetrad is bound to align with holy days at some point.

posted on Apr, 6 2014 @ 01:06 PM
reply to post by ChefSlug

Post your Prophecy, here's mine:

Its not "our" prophecy. The "prophets" did try to warn us though.

Any version you like…

Son as sackcloth, Moon as blood

They wanted to try and give us a sign from their perspective of the times in which we live. An indicator in our environment that would allow us to see when the times were right for all the prophecies that are to occur (and have been occurring) in this era.

One sign was seeing the sun as though you were looking through sack cloth (like burlap). Ever done that? The light levels are reduced, the sun is "darkened".

The other is a blood red moon. I don't claim to know the exact scientific details but this phenomenon occurs when the earth is between the moon and the sun. The soot and smoke in the earths atmosphere diffuses the suns rays to a reddish color. Thats why the moon appears red .

In my mind these are the times they spoke of so long ago. When sunlight is significantly reduced and altered due to "civilizations" emissions into the atmosphere.

Just observing…

posted on Apr, 6 2014 @ 01:12 PM
reply to post by Chamberf=6

Just that in the past, things happened in the Middle East or for the Jews when this happened. It may be the same this time as well. It may that the ending of this will mark one of the prophetic wars, and while that has little to do directly with us, it also has everything to do with us in that it's another marker in prophecy.

posted on Apr, 6 2014 @ 01:13 PM
reply to post by BELIEVERpriest

You also cannot deny that this pattern is coming close to your own beliefs about the end times. This is a marker, a sign, not a direct, on the date itself event. It functions as a warning to signal that we should be watching and waiting, looking up.

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