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Another banker found dead, along with wife and daughter.

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posted on Apr, 7 2014 @ 06:38 AM

The the number that have died so far you'd think we'd have some kind of trigger figured out by now or at least some kind of linked even if they are tied to each other in some way besides being banker. Them being bankers or some how being tied to the banks makes us all look at it as odd, but have we gotten any closer to figuring out if they're tied together or not but some past or coming event?

The what's up is pretty easy, look into the forex, libor and ISDA scandals, possibility for market fixing in the gold and silver markets as well...

All these people are connected to those scandals in some form or fashion. What this means is altogether another story....

The Forex scandal (also known as the forex probe) is a financial scandal that involves the revelation, and subsequent investigation, that the world's largest currency trading banks colluded for at least a decade to manipulate and rig the daily foreign exchange rates.

Regulators are looking into whether or not a small group of brokers at ICAP may have worked with up to 15 of the world's largest banks to manipulate ISDAfix, a benchmark number used around the world to calculate the prices of interest-rate swaps.

The bad news didn't stop with swaps and interest rates. In March, it also came out that two regulators – the CFTC here in the U.S. and the Madrid-based International Organization of Securities Commissions – were spurred by the Libor revelations to investigate the possibility of collusive manipulation of gold and silver prices. "Given the clubby manipulation efforts we saw in Libor benchmarks, I assume other benchmarks – many other benchmarks – are legit areas of inquiry," CFTC Commissioner Bart Chilton said.

I reiterate what this means for us is altogether another story...I have mentioned this before... these dead people are connected to all the above.
edit on 7-4-2014 by OpinionatedB because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 7 2014 @ 06:38 AM
reply to post by sarra1833

It brings it to 12 now since january: scary thing, on Jan 26th, one died, on Jan 27th, two bankers from different countries killed themselves - See more at:
This won't resolve The Crisis.

I think they knew what's about to come.

The government(s) knows whats about to come.

The wars...and things that are about to happen....some of them "Naturally"....

posted on Apr, 7 2014 @ 06:51 AM

reply to post by McGinty

Immediately following the great depression 20 bankers committed suicide - with 100 more who followed over the course of the next year.. The financial sector has never seen so many suicides, all in VERY high level positions, since the great depression.

And this 20 so far is in lieu of any depression. What does that tell you?
edit on 7-4-2014 by OpinionatedB because: (no reason given)

Thanks for the info, OpinionatedB. So the last peak in suicides was after the fall of 1929 and this peak in suicides is also after a fall (one mooted as an equal to the one of '29).

ETA: I disagree that we are in lieu of a depression - try telling that to the millions losing their jobs and homes; huge numbers joining food queues, many of which are employed, yet still too poor to buy food. The recession has hit in 2007 and it's only politicians telling us that this is not a depression, despite the hardships. Whether we've had the worst of it is perhaps something best answered by the dead bankers.

To ignore the hardships around us since 2007 and deny it's a recession/depression (whatever, it's bad), is to do so in order make the suicides more of a conspiracy.

The nail gun death has been fuel on the fire for conspiracy theories, but as i said above many nail guns can fire 2,3, or more nails per second, so it's not implausible that 7 nails, taking just a couple of seconds on the trigger was indeed a gruesome suicide.

I'm not closing my mind to the possibility of something sinister connecting these deaths, but we have to be careful about spinning numbers and means of death to fit the conspiracy.

Be good to learn of current suicide statistics in other professions, perhaps equally high stress ones, to judge if the baking statistics are indeed anomalous, or are in fact meeting averages.

edit on 7-4-2014 by McGinty because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 7 2014 @ 07:01 AM
reply to post by McGinty

This is not after a fall however... and 2008 is not considered an equal to the great depression either. 5 -6 years after the fact is not considered "after" a fall.

Sure banking is high stress, but so many CEO's just don't run out historically and kill themselves regularly. This is all happened in less than 1 year. It's all connected to scandals that are now coming to light - while connected to 2008 in some way, as some of this is connected to LIBOR - but right now there is more than LIBOR at stake... there is the FOREX to name one... that is much much bigger than LIBOR and right now they are trying hard to sweep it under the rug.

Deaths are a great way to sweep things under rugs I am sure.


When we finally face what FOREX and LIBOR and more has done to our economy, we will be facing a world wide economic collapse the likes of which the world has never seen..

and all these deaths are connected to that... and in my opinion connected to trying to hide the very real implications of all that.

Because if you think we are actually facing our real economic state, your hiding in the dark still believing in faeries. Our economy is based on confidence... they are trying to keep that confidence up, because if you realize the reality... it's world economic collapse.
edit on 7-4-2014 by OpinionatedB because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 7 2014 @ 07:10 AM
reply to post by OpinionatedB

I'm not disputing that these suicides could be related to knowledge of greater loss to come (of either just their personal wealth, or that of billions of borrowers and savers). Depending upon the cause, it could well take a few years after the fall to manifest fully, as more scandals come to light.

What i'm disputing is that we assume these therefore can't be suicides. Particularly using the nail gun to prove it (which many seem to be doing), when that's a bogus proposition.

Btw, i don't know what you were doing at the time, but the MSM was indeed comparing the 2007 crash to the 1929 crash, many so called experts saying it was perhaps worse. It's only this year that politicians have been proclaiming a return to business, while their rivals say we're in the grip of a new and even more severe bubble.

Working people are going to food banks to eat. Call that what you want - i call it a depression. Not counting war time that's not been seen in here in the UK since 1929.

edit on 7-4-2014 by McGinty because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 7 2014 @ 07:16 AM
reply to post by McGinty

Some could very well be actual suicides, and some could well be murder. I believe its a definite mix of the two.

I don't think we have seen the last person go to the food bank to eat, but the governments right now are doing a pretty good job of covering the bad economy up.

There are food banks to go to... there is still welfare... there are still housing programs....all this helps keep the confidence up. I just don't know how long they can keep it up before we all turn into something like Greece...
edit on 7-4-2014 by OpinionatedB because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 7 2014 @ 07:34 AM
Cowardice is one reason. They'd have to own up to the people, and to their families when everything they have is gone.
These people have built up their lives around them; much of it has been explicitly allowed by their financial gain. They have families who have grown accustomed to a certain lifestyle and so have they. A lot of these people can't bare the thought of living a life beneath what they've grown used to. It's hard to imagine for some of us, but I have talked to people in these positions (not banking specifically, but major corporations stuck in lawsuits) and these guys just tick differently. Money is their life, they are driven to make money and without it.. They lose their will to keep living. It's sad, but true. The weight of everything begins to bear down on them. Something is going to come of all of this, and I'm sure a lot of this has to do with the impending financial collapse. They know we can't fix it with bandaids.. It just delays the inevitable. These guys would rather die than face the music. If they stick around they know they'll be dragged through the dirt.. They'll be in a living hell.

posted on Apr, 7 2014 @ 08:02 AM
No way is this about things to come.

Loose lips sink ships and cause people to go to jail and for scams to collapse.

Banking = Risk Management

These deaths are risk management.

Any other speculation on this "suicide club" is pretty naive.

posted on Apr, 7 2014 @ 08:21 AM
reply to post by OpinionatedB

I imagine they want to keep it up indefinitely, but they want to take the guns away just in case they can't.

posted on Apr, 7 2014 @ 08:23 AM

posted on Apr, 7 2014 @ 08:29 AM
i hope the 'suicidal' bankers keep up the good work.

posted on Apr, 7 2014 @ 08:34 AM


When we finally face what FOREX and LIBOR and more has done to our economy, we will be facing a world wide economic collapse the likes of which the world has never seen..

and all these deaths are connected to that... and in my opinion connected to trying to hide the very real implications of all that.

Because if you think we are actually facing our real economic state, your hiding in the dark still believing in faeries. Our economy is based on confidence... they are trying to keep that confidence up, because if you realize the reality... it's world economic collapse.
edit on 7-4-2014 by OpinionatedB because: (no reason given)

I'm not hiding, i just believe there's an awful lot of conjecture being sold as 'highly likely'. There may well be connections here, but as yet they are illusive.

Certainly it doesn't smell too good, but that smell could be a faulty fridge as easily as it could be dead bodies.

edit on 7-4-2014 by McGinty because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 7 2014 @ 08:37 AM

reply to post by magnum1188

It brings it to 12 now since january: scary thing, on Jan 26th, one died, on Jan 27th, two bankers from different countries killed themselves. They have a listing of all the deaths to date on that link I shared but I'll put it here too:

I wonder if this was also happening the year before.... and they year before that and so on....

You can't say it is a statistical anomaly unless you have a baseline.....



posted on Apr, 7 2014 @ 09:31 AM
Sorry to burst the conspiracy bubble, but the whole 'mysterious banker suicide' thing is actually blown out of proportion by the sensationalist media.

About 5% of jobs in New York City are in finance; Let's say there's about 400,000 people employed in finance in New York City. (There were about 500,000 of those jobs in 2000 and 425,000 in 2010.)

Statistically speaking, there should be 23.75 suicides a year in the finance industry in New York City alone. Six suicides in the first quarter of the year would be "right on track" (I know, gross, sorry) for 24 suicides in 2014.

Except then when you read the story, two of these suicides were in London, one was in Singapore (that was Autumn Radtke), one was in Hong Kong, one was in Washington state, one was in Stamford, one was in Syosset, and then only one was in Manhattan.

So, great news! New York City's finance professionals are vastly under-killing themselves, compared to the population at large. Put that on your tabloid.

This is just a case of news media outlets cherry picking statistics. Sensationalism at its finest.

posted on Apr, 7 2014 @ 09:53 AM

Sorry to burst the conspiracy bubble, but the whole 'mysterious banker suicide' thing is actually blown out of proportion by the sensationalist media.

About 5% of jobs in New York City are in finance; Let's say there's about 400,000 people employed in finance in New York City. (There were about 500,000 of those jobs in 2000 and 425,000 in 2010.)

Statistically speaking, there should be 23.75 suicides a year in the finance industry in New York City alone. Six suicides in the first quarter of the year would be "right on track" (I know, gross, sorry) for 24 suicides in 2014.

Except then when you read the story, two of these suicides were in London, one was in Singapore (that was Autumn Radtke), one was in Hong Kong, one was in Washington state, one was in Stamford, one was in Syosset, and then only one was in Manhattan.

So, great news! New York City's finance professionals are vastly under-killing themselves, compared to the population at large. Put that on your tabloid.

This is just a case of news media outlets cherry picking statistics. Sensationalism at its finest.

Great work Xaphan....

Now, if we want to continue discussing the possibility of a nefarious connection, we really cannot do so without taking these factual statistics into account.

In other words it doesn't wash to use the shear numbers as reason for calling Conspiracy. We have to come up with something tangible that links them, otherwise let it rest as media spin.

If not we risk making ATS no better, no more thorough and no more honest than the MSM.

Oh, and the nail gun as proof of non-suicide is BS too (they fire several nails p/s).

edit on 7-4-2014 by McGinty because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 7 2014 @ 09:56 AM
Ok so they're all banks and hire up on the food chain for their biz. But what I don't get is a lot of them are retired, you would think retired bankers would be under less stress or have less to worry about.

If there is something think to the deaths I bet the dices have already been cast and there is no stopping it now.

posted on Apr, 7 2014 @ 10:21 AM
CEO Of Liechtenstein Bank Frick Murdered In Broad Daylight

posted on Apr, 7 2014 @ 10:31 AM
maybe robin hood learned mind control and the 1 % is going down

posted on Apr, 7 2014 @ 10:37 AM
reply to post by TheBandit795

So now one obvious murder. But banker suicide by multiple nail-gunshots is kinda like microbiologist suicide by multiple gunshot wounds to the head. Takes a lot of commitment to pull off.

Great find. S&

posted on Apr, 7 2014 @ 10:47 AM
So what are we saying here?
A dozen bankers a quarter have been killing themselves all this time? And the only reason we notice now is because of the current economic/banking drama?

Just like a couple years ago when more than 100 resigned in about as much time? And again, we only noticed because of the current economic/banking drama.

I guess what I'm saying is, IMO fringe-minded people would have either noticed it when it was significant to notice (like we are doing now), or would have noticed the regularity of it a long time ago...and it would be "no-news" now.

Although, I guess, this still doesn't go to prove anything is "coming down the pipeline".

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